Mishap at Conwy: A Delightful Culinary Twist

In this episode, we'll explore how a culinary catastrophe turns into the highlight of the Conwy Food Festival, forging unforgettable memories and laughter.

Cy: Mewn castell hen a chodidog sydd yn edrych dros afon yr Wy, roedd gŵyl fwyd Conwy yn llawn hwyl a sbri.
En: In an old and majestic castle overlooking the Conwy River, the Conwy Food Festival was full of fun and excitement.

Cy: Rhys a Elin, dau ffrind oedd yn dwlu ar goginio, oedd wrth eu bodd yn y gŵyl hon.
En: Rhys and Elin, two friends who loved cooking, were delighted at this festival.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn brysuryn paratoi ei gacen Gymreig arbennig iawn, tra roedd Elin yn gorffen ei pheiren cennin sawrus.
En: Rhys was busy preparing his very special Welsh cake, while Elin was finishing her delicious leek pie.

Cy: Un camgymeriad bach, a chafodd popeth ei droi pob pen i waered.
En: A small mistake turned everything upside down.

Cy: Cyfnewidiodd Rhys, ar ddamwain, gacen Rhys â pheiren cennin Elin wrth i bawb baratoi ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth flasu.
En: Rhys accidentally swapped Rhys' cake with Elin's leek pie as everyone prepared for the tasting competition.

Cy: Daeth hi'n amlwg pan ddechreuodd beirniaid cnoi ar y gymysgedd anarferol.
En: It became clear when the judges started nibbling on the unusual combination.

Cy: "Be' 'di hyn?
En: "What's this?"

Cy: " gofynnodd un, gan ysgwyd ei ben mewn dryswch wrth flasu tocynau o bwdin leision yng ngheg gacen.
En: one asked, shaking his head in confusion as he tasted bits of leek pie filling in the cake.

Cy: Wiliodd Elin pan welodd ei phie'n cael ei gwasgaru ar blatiau llawn siwgr a mêl.
En: Elin frowned when she saw her pie being spread on plates full of sugar and honey.

Cy: "Rhys!
En: "Rhys!"

Cy: " galwodd hi, "Beth ddigwyddodd i'm peiren?
En: she called, "What happened to my pie?"

Cy: " Yn troi at ei charcut gardd, sylweddolodd Rhys beth wnaeth.
En: Turning to his messed-up kitchen, Rhys realized what had happened.

Cy: Rhoi gwen wrth fod yn flin, Rhys a Elin penderfynu saernïo'r sefyllfa.
En: Smiling to ease the annoyance, Rhys and Elin decided to turn the situation into fun.

Cy: "Gadewch i ni wneud hyn yn hwyl," meddai Rhys.
En: "Let's make this a competition tasting event," Rhys said.

Cy: "Beth am gystadleuaeth flasu i setlo pethau?
En: "How about a tasting competition to settle things?"

Cy: "Dysglodd y beirniaid fod eu paladu yn cael ei herio mewn ffordd newydd.
En: The judges agreed that their palates were being challenged in a new way.

Cy: Ymgasglodd tyrfa fawr wrth i bobl edrych ymlaen at y fflam oedd i ddod.
En: A large crowd gathered as people looked forward to the excitement to come.

Cy: Teimlo arogl y cacennau a'r pirog yn ymledu trwy'r castell, daeth pawb yn agosach i weld y cymysgedd chwerthinllyd yn y gystadleuaeth.
En: As the smell of cakes and pies wafted through the castle, everyone got closer to see the hilarious mixture in the competition.

Cy: Rhys a Elin, gan wybod eu bod wedi cyflawni camgymeriad gonest, sefyll yn gadarn wrth ymyl ei gilydd, yn barod i wynebu'r canlyniad gyda gwên.
En: Rhys and Elin, knowing they had made an honest mistake, stood firm beside each other, ready to face the outcome with a smile.

Cy: Yn y diwedd, y teimlad o undod a chyfeillgarwch a enillodd.
En: In the end, the feeling of unity and friendship prevailed.

Cy: Pawb yn mwynhau'r peis leision cymysg â blas melys o'r gacennau Cymreig.
En: Everyone enjoyed the leek pie mixed with the sweet taste of Welsh cakes.

Cy: Roedd hi'n brofiad nad oedd yn anghywir, ond yn unigryw a chofiadwy.
En: It was an experience that was not wrong, but rather unique and memorable.

Cy: "Edrychwch," meddai Rhys i Elin, "Weithiau, mae camgymeriadau'n creu'r atgofion gorau.
En: "Look," Rhys said to Elin, "Sometimes, mistakes create the best memories."

Cy: " Y ddau yn chwerthin, ac y beirniaid yn cytuno, penderfynwyd mai cacen Rhys ac Elin oedd y fwyd gorau am y ddydd drwy'r cyfuniad annisgwyl hwn.
En: The two laughed, and as the judges agreed, it was decided that Rhys and Elin's cake was the best food for the day through this unexpected combination.

Cy: A hithau'n ddiwedd hapus, gan fod y ddau ffrind wedi dysgu gwerth chwerthin ar gamgymeriadau a dod o hyd i bleser mewn annisgwyl.
En: And she ended happily, having learned the value of laughter at mistakes and finding pleasure in the unexpected.

Cy: Ac felly, wrth iddi nosi dros Gastell Conwy, aeth gŵyl fwyd enwog yr ardal honno i'r cof fel un lle roedd hyd yn oed camgymeriadau'n gallu dod â phobl ynghyd mewn dathlu bwyd, cyfeillgarwch, a sbri.
En: And so, as night fell over Conwy Castle, this famous food festival of that area became a place where even mistakes could bring people together in celebrating food, friendship, and fun.