Matija’s Labyrinth: Lost in Dubrovnik

In this episode, we'll unearth the enthralling chronicle of Matija's journey through the mysterious alleys of Dubrovnik.

Hr: U starom gradu Dubrovniku, suncem okupanom, živio je dječak po imenu Matija.
En: In the old city of Dubrovnik, bathed in sunlight, lived a boy named Matija.

Hr: Matija je volio lutati kamenim uličicama koje su odzvanjale poviješću, ali nikada prije nije bio tamo sam.
En: Matija loved to wander the stone streets echoing with history, but he had never been there alone before.

Hr: Svjež ljetni dan pozivao je na avanturu, i Matija se, noseći malu torbu, zaputio prema bedemima.
En: The fresh summer day called for adventure, and carrying a small bag, Matija headed towards the city walls.

Hr: Ušuškan između visokih zidina, osjetio je kako mu srce kuca od uzbuđenja.
En: Nestled between the tall walls, he felt his heart pounding with excitement.

Hr: Njegova avantura je počela.
En: His adventure had begun.

Hr: Koračao je polako, promatrajući trgovine pune suvenira i male kafiće s mirisom svježe kave.
En: He walked slowly, observing shops full of souvenirs and small cafes with the scent of fresh coffee.

Hr: No, kad je odlučio skrenuti u jednu posebno usku uličicu, nije znao da će to biti ulaz u labirint staroga grada.
En: However, when he decided to turn into a particularly narrow alley, he didn't know it would be the entrance to the labyrinth of the old city.

Hr: Uskoro su sve ulice počele izgledati isto.
En: Soon, all the streets began to look the same.

Hr: Duboki zakutci i kameni lukovi više nisu bili zanimljivi, postali su zastrašujući.
En: The deep corners and stone arches were no longer interesting; they had become eerie.

Hr: Matija se osjećao kao da hoda u krug.
En: Matija felt like he was walking in circles.

Hr: Nije više znao gdje je.
En: He no longer knew where he was.

Hr: Izgubio se.
En: He was lost.

Hr: Pokušavao je zapamtiti put, no svaka nova ulica činila se samo još jednim beskrajnim nizom istih vrata i balkona.
En: He tried to remember the way, but each new street seemed like just another endless row of the same doors and balconies.

Hr: Sunce je bilo visoko, ali u tim uskim ulicama stvorila se hladovina i Matija je počeo osjećati hladnoću straha.
En: The sun was high, but in those narrow streets, a shadow had formed, and Matija began to feel the chill of fear.

Hr: "Moram pronaći put nazad", mislio je Matija dok je uzaludno tražio neko poznato obilježje.
En: "I must find the way back," Matija thought as he futilely searched for a familiar landmark.

Hr: Odjednom, čuo je lavež psa.
En: Suddenly, he heard a dog barking.

Hr: Pratio je zvuk i izronio na malen trg gdje je na klupi sjedio starac, bacajući komadiće kruha golubovima.
En: He followed the sound and emerged into a small square where an old man sat on a bench, tossing breadcrumbs to the pigeons.

Hr: "Oprostite, ja sam se izgubio," rekao je Matija starcu.
En: "Excuse me, I am lost," Matija said to the old man.

Hr: Starac je pogledao Matiju svojim toplim očima i nasmiješio se.
En: The old man looked at Matija with warm eyes and smiled.

Hr: "Ah, mladiću, Dubrovnik ima mnoge tajne.
En: "Ah, young man, Dubrovnik holds many secrets.

Hr: Nije teško izgubiti se.
En: It's easy to get lost.

Hr: Ali pogledaj, ondje je crkva svetog Vlaha.
En: But look, there's the church of St. Blaise.

Hr: Ako ideš prema njoj, naći ćeš glavnu ulicu.
En: If you head towards it, you'll find the main street."

Hr: "Matija se zahvalio i požurio prema crkvi.
En: Matija thanked him and hurried towards the church.

Hr: Dok je hodao, srce mu je postajalo sve lakše.
En: As he walked, his heart grew lighter.

Hr: Napokon su mu se oči razveselile poznatom prizoru glavne ulice Stradun.
En: Finally, his eyes brightened at the familiar sight of the main street, Stradun.

Hr: S olakšanjem je shvatio da je pronašao svoj put.
En: With relief, he realized he had found his way.

Hr: Avantura se završila, ali Matija je znao da će priče o uskim uličicama starog Dubrovnika nositi sa sobom zauvijek.
En: The adventure had ended, but Matija knew that the stories of the narrow streets of old Dubrovnik would stay with him forever.