Matej’s Hidden Revelation: Discovering Postojna’s Secret Chamber

In this episode, we'll embark on a journey with Matej as he stumbles upon an untouched cavern in the Postojna Cave, a discovery that transforms his relationship with the subterranean world he loves.

Sl: Pod zemljo, kjer je svet miren in skrivnosten, deluje Matej kot vodič v Postojnski jami.
En: Underground, where the world is peaceful and mysterious, Matej works as a guide in the Postojna Cave.

Sl: Poleti je jama hladna in osvežilna, kar privablja številne obiskovalce.
En: In the summer, the cave is cool and refreshing, attracting many visitors.

Sl: Matej je zavzet pri svojem delu in je ponosen na svojo jamo.
En: Matej is dedicated to his job and proud of his cave.

Sl: Rad ima njen spokojni svet in pogosto razmišlja o neodkritih prehodih.
En: He loves its serene environment and often thinks about undiscovered passages.

Sl: Vsak dan vodi skupine obiskovalcev po podzemnih hodnikih, osvetljenih z umetnimi lučmi.
En: Every day, he leads groups of visitors through the underground corridors, illuminated by artificial lights.

Sl: Stalaktiti in stalagmiti krasijo jamo in na Matejev obraz vedno znova privabijo nasmeh.
En: Stalactites and stalagmites adorn the cave, always bringing a smile to Matej's face.

Sl: Kljub temu pa Mateja nekaj vleče globlje.
En: However, something draws Matej deeper.

Sl: Rad je raziskovalec v srcu in hrepeni po odkritju novega dela jame.
En: He is an explorer at heart and longs to discover a new part of the cave.

Sl: Med odmorom nekega dne, ko je jama prazna, Matej opazi skrit prehod.
En: One day, during a break when the cave is empty, Matej notices a hidden passage.

Sl: Prehod je temen in delno zakrit z velikim kamnom.
En: The passage is dark and partially obscured by a large rock.

Sl: Matej ve, da nima veliko časa zaradi vsakodnevnih turnej, a njegova radovednost ga premaga.
En: Matej knows he doesn't have much time because of the daily tours, but his curiosity gets the better of him.

Sl: Odloči se pogledati, kar hitro, kam vodi prehod.
En: He decides to quickly see where the passage leads.

Sl: Svetilka v roki, Matej previdno prestopi kamen.
En: With a flashlight in hand, Matej carefully steps over the rock.

Sl: Pot je ozka in neznana.
En: The path is narrow and unknown.

Sl: Srca mu bije hitreje, ko se spušča globlje.
En: His heart beats faster as he descends deeper.

Sl: Po nekaj minutah hoje, ko že misli, da bo moral obrniti, pride v velik, neodkrit prostor.
En: After a few minutes of walking, just when he thinks he will have to turn back, he comes into a large, undiscovered chamber.

Sl: V dvorani so redki stalagmita in stalaktiti, kot jih še nikoli ni videl.
En: In the hall are rare stalagmites and stalactites, unlike any he has ever seen.

Sl: Vsak kamen je edinstven, kot kiparjeva mojstrovina.
En: Each stone is unique, like a sculptor’s masterpiece.

Sl: Matej čuti mešanico navdušenja in strahu.
En: Matej feels a mix of excitement and fear.

Sl: Težko razloži občutek, a ve, da je naletel na nekaj posebnega.
En: It's hard to explain, but he knows he’s come across something special.

Sl: Vseeno se mora vrniti na svoje delo, preden ga kdo pogreši.
En: Still, he must return to his job before anyone misses him.

Sl: Hitro si zapomni pot nazaj in se vrne na običajno turo, kot da se ni nič zgodilo.
En: He quickly memorizes the way back and returns to the usual tour as if nothing had happened.

Sl: V dni, ki sledijo, Matej ne more nehati misliti na svoj odkrit prostor.
En: In the days that follow, Matej can't stop thinking about the space he discovered.

Sl: Razmišlja o tem, da bi svoj odkritje prijavil oblastem, a ne more zbrati poguma.
En: He considers reporting his find to the authorities but can't muster the courage.

Sl: Ta del jame mu namreč predstavlja nekaj osebnega, njegov skriti zaklad.
En: This part of the cave represents something personal to him, his hidden treasure.

Sl: Odločitev skrije v srcu.
En: He keeps the decision in his heart.

Sl: Uživa v svojem delu še bolj, saj zdaj nosi s seboj skrivnost, ki jo varuje.
En: He enjoys his work even more now, carrying with him the secret he protects.

Sl: Matej postane pogumnejši in zaščitniški do jame.
En: Matej becomes braver and more protective of the cave.

Sl: Njegova predanost jamo postane še močnejša, saj ve, da nosi del te skrivnosti v sebi.
En: His dedication to the cave grows stronger, knowing that he carries a part of its secret within him.

Sl: In tako Matej nadaljuje svoje delo, vsak dan ponosno vodi obiskovalce po znanih hodnikih, a v srcu čuva svoj dragocen, nedotaknjen kotiček jame.
En: And so, Matej continues his work, proudly leading visitors through the well-known corridors each day, while in his heart, he cherishes his precious, untouched corner of the cave.