Love Mishaps in Magical Dubrovnik: A Dinner to Remember

In this episode, we'll follow Ivan and Marija as they navigate the charming streets of Dubrovnik, leading to a hilarious and heartwarming dinner adventure that proves love truly grows in unexpected moments.

Hr: Dubrovnik je magičan grad.
En: Dubrovnik is a magical city.

Hr: Ivan i Marija hodali su uskim ulicama Starog Grada.
En: Ivan and Marija were walking through the narrow streets of the Old Town.

Hr: Sunce je zalazilo, a more sjajilo zlatnim odsjajem.
En: The sun was setting, and the sea was shimmering with a golden reflection.

Hr: Ivan je imao plan.
En: Ivan had a plan.

Hr: Htio je impresionirati Mariju.
En: He wanted to impress Marija.

Hr: Pokušat će naručiti večeru na savršenom engleskom.
En: He would try to order dinner in perfect English.

Hr: Sjeli su u mali restoran s pogledom na more.
En: They sat down in a small restaurant with a view of the sea.

Hr: Konobar je došao do njihovog stola.
En: The waiter came to their table.

Hr: "Hello, may I take your order?" rekao je konobar.
En: "Hello, may I take your order?" said the waiter.

Hr: Ivan je duboko udahnuo.
En: Ivan took a deep breath.

Hr: "Yes, please," rekao je samouvjereno.
En: "Yes, please," he said confidently.

Hr: "I would like a plate of onions and... ice cream with olives," rekao je Ivan s osmijehom.
En: "I would like a plate of onions and... ice cream with olives," said Ivan with a smile.

Hr: Bio je uvjeren da je najbolji.
En: He was convinced he had done well.

Hr: Konobar ga je pogledao iznenađeno, ali klimnuo glavom i napisao narudžbu.
En: The waiter looked at him surprised but nodded and wrote down the order.

Hr: Marija se nasmiješila, nesigurna što je Ivan zapravo naručio.
En: Marija smiled, uncertain of what Ivan had actually ordered.

Hr: Čekali su nekoliko minuta.
En: They waited for a few minutes.

Hr: Ubrzo je konobar donio narudžbu.
En: Soon, the waiter brought the order.

Hr: Pred njima je bio tanjur sirovog luka i zdjela sladoleda s maslinama.
En: In front of them was a plate of raw onions and a bowl of ice cream with olives.

Hr: Marija je široko otvorila oči od iznenađenja.
En: Marija's eyes widened in surprise.

Hr: "Ivane, ovo je..." rekla je tiho, pomalo zbunjeno.
En: "Ivan, this is..." she said quietly, a bit confused.

Hr: Ivan je pocrvenio.
En: Ivan blushed.

Hr: "Oh ne, mislio sam da sam naručio nešto drugo," rekao je zbunjeno.
En: "Oh no, I thought I ordered something else," he said, puzzled.

Hr: Marija se nasmijala, ali ne na loš način.
En: Marija laughed, but not in a bad way.

Hr: "To je u redu, Ivane.
En: "It's okay, Ivan.

Hr: Bitno je da smo zajedno," rekla je nježno.
En: What's important is that we're together," she said gently.

Hr: Ivanov izraz lica se opustio.
En: Ivan’s expression relaxed.

Hr: "Hvala ti, Marija," rekao je nasmiješeno.
En: "Thank you, Marija," he said, smiling.

Hr: "Možda, idući put, možemo naručiti zajedno," dodao je.
En: "Maybe next time, we can order together," he added.

Hr: I dok su gledali sunce kako zalazi, i dijelili tanjur sirovog luka i sladoled s maslinama, Ivan je shvatio jednu važnu stvar.
En: And as they watched the sun set, sharing a plate of raw onions and ice cream with olives, Ivan realized one important thing.

Hr: Nije važno hoće li naručiti savršenu večeru.
En: It doesn't matter if he orders the perfect dinner.

Hr: Važno je s kim je dijeli.
En: What matters is whom he shares it with.

Hr: Večer je završila s puno smijeha i ljubavi.
En: The evening ended with lots of laughter and love.

Hr: Dubrovnik je još jednom bio svjedok čaroliji ljubavi koja raste u nenadanim trenucima.
En: Dubrovnik once again bore witness to the magic of love growing in unexpected moments.

Hr: Priča je tu završila, ali njihova ljubavna priča tek je počela.
En: The story ended there, but their love story had just begun.