In this episode, we'll wander the ancient paths of Kalemegdan Fortress with Nikola, Ana, and Miloš, discovering history, humor, and heartfelt moments beneath the springtime skies of Belgrade.
Sr: Kalemegdan je bio pun ljudi.
En: Kalemegdan was full of people.
Sr: Svež vazduh Beograda miriše na proleće.
En: The fresh air of Belgrade smells like spring.
Sr: Nikola, Ana i Miloš šetaju starim stazama tvrđave.
En: Nikola, Ana, and Miloš are walking along the old paths of the fortress.
Sr: Nikola voli Anu i želi da je impresionira.
En: Nikola loves Ana and wants to impress her.
Sr: Počinje da priča.
En: He starts to talk.
Sr: "Znaš li, Ana, ova tvrđava je stara 2000 godina," kaže Nikola.
En: "Do you know, Ana, this fortress is 2,000 years old," Nikola says.
Sr: Ana se osmehuje.
En: Ana smiles.
Sr: Ali, Miloš odmah prekine.
En: But Miloš immediately interrupts.
Sr: "Ne, Nikola. Kalemegdan je počeo da se gradi u 2. veku naše ere, znači oko 1800 godina," ispravlja Miloš.
En: "No, Nikola. Kalemegdan began construction in the 2nd century AD, which means it's around 1,800 years old," Miloš corrects.
Sr: Nikola se malo postidi, ali ne odustaje.
En: Nikola feels a bit embarrassed, but he doesn't give up.
Sr: "Ova kula je bila zatvor za važne zatvorenike," nastavlja Nikola.
En: "This tower was a prison for important prisoners," Nikola continues.
Sr: "Veći deo tvrđave je služio za odbranu. Zatvor je bio samo mali deo," rekao je Miloš, opet.
En: "Most of the fortress was used for defense. The prison was only a small part," Miloš says again.
Sr: Ana se smeje.
En: Ana laughs.
Sr: Nikola se namršti, ali se ipak ne predaje.
En: Nikola frowns but still doesn't give up.
Sr: "U ovom parku ispred tvrđave, vojnici su trenirali za borbu," kaže on.
En: "In this park in front of the fortress, soldiers trained for battle," he says.
Sr: "Ana, ovde je park mnogo kasnije napravljen. Veći deo tvrđave je izgrađen za vojne svrhe, ali park kao prostor za šetnju dodan je kasnije," pojasni Miloš.
En: "Ana, this park was created much later. Most of the fortress was built for military purposes, but the park as a walking area was added later," Miloš clarifies.
Sr: Nikola oseća da gubi bitku.
En: Nikola feels like he's losing the battle.
Sr: Ali, onda se šali. "Pa, možda ne znam sve, ali znam da je ovo sjajno mesto za lepe trenutke."
En: But then he jokes, "Well, maybe I don't know everything, but I know this is a great place for good moments."
Sr: Ana se nasmeje glasno.
En: Ana laughs out loud.
Sr: "Potpuno si u pravu, Nikola," kaže ona.
En: "You're absolutely right, Nikola," she says.
Sr: "Hvala obojici što ste me naučili nešto novo i nasmejali me."
En: "Thank you both for teaching me something new and making me laugh."
Sr: Na kraju, svi se smeju zajedno.
En: In the end, they all laugh together.
Sr: Proveravaju tvrđavu i razgovaraju o svemu i svačemu.
En: They explore the fortress and talk about everything and anything.
Sr: Nikola shvata da nije bitno koliko zna, već koliko se svi dobro zabavljaju.
En: Nikola realizes that it doesn't matter how much he knows, but how much fun everyone is having.
Sr: Priča se završava srećnim trenucima dok sunce polako zalazi iza Kalemegdana.
En: The story ends with happy moments as the sun slowly sets behind Kalemegdan.
Sr: Ana, Miloš i Nikola znaju da je najvažnije bilo uživati u trenutku zajedno.
En: Ana, Miloš, and Nikola know that the most important thing was enjoying the moment together.