Lost in Bergen: A Labyrinth of Surprises

In this episode, we'll embark on a thrilling and often comical journey through the labyrinthine streets of Bergen, discovering the surprises and lessons learned along the way.

Nb: "Din data, ingen fare!
En: "Your data, no danger!"

Nb: " sang Lars ut mens han og Ingrid hoppet av toget ved Bergen stasjon.
En: Lars sang out as he and Ingrid got off the train at Bergen station.

Nb: Det fine med å ha en smarttelefon, tenkte han, var at de aldri trengte å føle seg bortkommen.
En: The nice thing about having a smartphone, he thought, was that they never had to feel lost.

Nb: Men det varte ikke lenge.
En: But it didn't last long.

Nb: Bergen var en by full av gater og smau.
En: Bergen was a city full of streets and alleys.

Nb: Det føltes som en labyrint.
En: It felt like a labyrinth.

Nb: En floke de ikke klarte å finne ut av.
En: A tangle they couldn't figure out.

Nb: GPSen funket ikke.
En: The GPS didn't work.

Nb: Kartet på telefonen så ut som et spagetti-kaos.
En: The map on the phone looked like a spaghetti chaos.

Nb: "Hvor er vi hen?
En: "Where are we going?"

Nb: " spurte Ingrid.
En: Ingrid asked.

Nb: Lars måtte bare riste på hodet.
En: Lars could only shake his head.

Nb: Plutselig så de en jente.
En: Suddenly they saw a girl.

Nb: Hun het Sofia.
En: Her name was Sofia.

Nb: "Kan du hjelpe oss?
En: "Can you help us?"

Nb: " spurte Lars.
En: Lars asked.

Nb: Sofia lo litt.
En: Sofia laughed a little.

Nb: "Klart," sa hun.
En: "Of course," she said.

Nb: Men det hun gjorde etterpå var ikke hyggelig.
En: But what she did next was not nice.

Nb: Sofia sendte Lars og Ingrid gjennom hele Bergen.
En: Sofia sent Lars and Ingrid through the whole of Bergen.

Nb: Hun sa at vegen gikk oppover Fløyen.
En: She said the road went up towards Fløyen.

Nb: Så høyre mot Akvariet.
En: Then turn right towards the Aquarium.

Nb: Så ned til Fisketorget.
En: Then down to the Fish Market.

Nb: Så rett frem til Bryggen.
En: Then straight ahead to Bryggen.

Nb: Lars og Ingrid fulgte Sofia sin vei, men de fant ikke vegen.
En: Lars and Ingrid followed Sofia's way, but they couldn't find the way.

Nb: De ble bare mer tapt.
En: They just became more lost.

Nb: Lars og Ingrid var nå veldig slitne.
En: Lars and Ingrid were now very tired.

Nb: De tenkte at de skulle gi opp.
En: They thought they should give up.

Nb: Men så, rett da de skulle snu, så Lars noe.
En: But then, just as they were about to turn around, Lars saw something.

Nb: Et skilt.
En: A sign.

Nb: Det pekte mot stasjonen.
En: It pointed towards the station.

Nb: "Se!
En: "Look!"

Nb: " sa han.
En: he said.

Nb: "Vi er her!
En: "We are here!"

Nb: " Ingrid ble glad.
En: Ingrid became happy.

Nb: De fant veien selv.
En: They found the way themselves.

Nb: Sofia's morsomme vei viste seg å være feil.
En: Sofia's funny way turned out to be wrong.

Nb: Men Lars og Ingrid fant ut at de kunne klare seg på egenhånd.
En: But Lars and Ingrid found out that they could manage on their own.

Nb: De trengte ikke Sofia.
En: They didn't need Sofia.

Nb: De trengte ikke kartet heller.
En: They didn't need the map either.

Nb: De fant veien selv.
En: They found the way themselves.

Nb: Fra den dagen husket de alltid dette.
En: From that day on, they always remembered this.

Nb: De husket eventyret de hadde hatt i Bergen.
En: They remembered the adventure they had in Bergen.

Nb: Og de lo hver gang de husket Sofia sin villedende vei.
En: And they laughed every time they remembered Sofia's misleading way.