Lift Melodies: The Welsh High-Rise Adventure

In this episode, we'll explore the uplifting power of song and solidarity among strangers trapped in a high-rise lift in the heart of Wales.

Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod prysur yng nghanol y dref Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, lle mae'r enw mor hir â'r trên yn aros ar yr orsaf.
En: It was a busy day in the midst of the town of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, where the name is as long as the train waiting at the station.

Cy: Eleri a Gareth, dau ffrind oedd yn adnabod ei gilydd ers tro byd, oedd yn sefyll wrth arosiad yr lifft yn nhŷ uchel swyddfa'r dref.
En: Eleri and Gareth, two friends who had known each other for ages, were standing by the lift's waiting room in the town's high-rise office building.

Cy: Roedd yr haul yn gwenu'n fras dros y dreftadaeth Gymreig, ond tu mewn i'r adeilad oedd prysurdeb heb ei ail.
En: The sun was smiling broadly over the Welsh heritage, but inside the building was bustling without stop.

Cy: Yn sydyn, gyda sŵn ping cyfarwydd, agorodd drysau'r lifft ac aeth pobl mewn fel ciw tomatos yn mynd i mewn i pot jam.
En: Suddenly, with a familiar ding, the lift doors opened and people entered like a swarm of tomatoes into a jam pot.

Cy: Gwthiodd Eleri a Gareth eu ffordd i mewn, gan ymuno â'r baglu o gydweithwyr a thrigolion y dref ar antur fertigol.
En: Eleri and Gareth squeezed their way in, joining the bustling crowd of coworkers and town residents on a vertical adventure.

Cy: Roedd y lifft yn gwasgu'r pawb at ei gilydd fel peas mewn pod, a phan roedd pawb yn meddwl na allai fod yn fwy gorlawn, clywyd y sŵn annisgwyl o rieni yn torri.
En: The lift was pressing everyone together like peas in a pod, and when everyone thought it couldn't get any more crowded, the unexpected sound of parents scolding was heard.

Cy: Roedd y lifft yn sownd.
En: The lift was stuck.

Cy: "Pwy sydd wedi bwyta pob cinio Dydd Gŵyl Dewi?
En: "Who's eaten every St. David's Day dinner?"

Cy: " trydarodd Gareth, gan geisio chwerthin am y sefyllfa.
En: quipped Gareth, trying to laugh about the situation.

Cy: Ond doedd neb yn ymuno yn ei hwyl.
En: But nobody joined in the fun.

Cy: Eleri, sy'n cael ei hadnabod am ei chalondid a'i doethineb mewn argyfwng, dechreuodd dawelu pawb.
En: Eleri, known for her calm and wisdom in emergencies, began to quiet everyone.

Cy: "Paid â phoeni," meddai hi, "Mae gen i ffôn.
En: "Don't worry," she said, "I have a phone.

Cy: Byddaf yn galw rhywun i'n helpu ni.
En: I will call someone to help us."

Cy: " Ond wrth iddi agor ei bag, gwelodd nad oedd yno signal.
En: But as she opened her bag, she realized there was no signal.

Cy: Roedd yr uchder wedi dwyn y cyfathrebu oddi wrthynt.
En: The height had taken away their communication.

Cy: Cefais i dawelwch rhyngddo nhw a'r llwyth o bobl, gan dechrau dealltwriaeth nad oedd gweiddi na phoeni yn mynd i wneud dim byd i'w helpu nhw.
En: I had a silence between them and the crowd of people, beginning to understand that shouting and worrying would do nothing to help them.

Cy: “Awn ni i ganu cân i gadw ein meddyliau i ffwrdd o'r sefyllfa?
En: "Shall we sing a song to keep our minds off the situation?"

Cy: ” cynigiodd Eleri, a dechrau canu “Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau” â'i llais melfedaidd, ac roedd Gareth yn ymuno â chwarterau bas.
En: Eleri suggested, and started singing "Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" with her melodious voice, and Gareth joined in with bass quarters.

Cy: Cyn hir, roedd y lifft cyfan yn llenwi â cherddoriaeth Cymru, pob un yn canu â chalon llawn.
En: Before long, the entire lift was filled with the music of Wales, each one singing with a full heart.

Cy: Yn y diwedd, ar ôl hanner awr o gwlio, ymddangosodd golau gobaith wrth i'r lifft symud eto.
En: At last, after half an hour of waiting, a glimmer of hope appeared as the lift moved once more.

Cy: Wrth i'r drws agor, roedd y bobl yn llifo allan yn disgwyl eu tro, pob un yn falch o fod yn rhydd eto ond hefyd yn fwy cyfeillgar â'i gilydd.
En: As the doors opened, the people streamed out, each one glad to be free again but also more friendly with each other.

Cy: Wedi'r holl anturiaethau, cymerodd Eleri a Gareth awyr iach Llanfairpwll, gan edrych ar ei gilydd â gwên ryddhad.
En: After all the adventures, Eleri and Gareth took a breath of fresh air in Llanfairpwll, looking at each other with a smile of relief.

Cy: Ac mewn tawel barch at y digwyddiadau, cerddodd Gareth adref gyda gwên yn ei lygad, a Eleri yn canu'n dawel i'r nos, wrth iddynt adael yr hen dref â'r enw hirach na'r diwrnod hiraf.
En: And in quiet reverence for the events, Gareth walked home with a smile in his eye, and Eleri sang softly into the night, as they left the old town with the longer name and the longest day behind.