Lars’ Special Birthday Wish!

In this episode, we'll join Lars and his guests as they embark on a birthday adventure filled with laughter, frustration, and a surprise ending.

Da: Det var en smuk sommereftermiddag, og Lars var klar til sin store fødselsdagsfest.
En: It was a beautiful summer afternoon, and Lars was ready for his big birthday party.

Da: Han havde inviteret alle sine venner og familie, herunder hans bedste venner Peter og Anna.
En: He had invited all his friends and family, including his best friends Peter and Anna.

Da: Festen var i haven, og der var pyntet med farverige balloner og blafrende flag.
En: The party was in the garden and was decorated with colorful balloons and fluttering flags.

Da: Alle var samlet om det store bord, og Lars havde lige modtaget sin kage, pyntet med 10 store lys.
En: Everyone was gathered around the large table, and Lars had just received his cake, decorated with 10 large candles.

Da: Han tog en dyb indånding og blæste hårdt på lysene, men Peter og Anna tændte dem straks igen.
En: He took a deep breath and blew hard on the candles, but Peter and Anna immediately lit them again.

Da: Lars grinte og prøvede igen og igen at blæse dem ud, men uden held.
En: Lars laughed and tried again and again to blow them out, but without success.

Da: Gæsterne hyggede sig med kage og drikkevarer, mens Lars blev mere og mere frustreret over sin mislykkede forsøg på at slukke lysene.
En: The guests enjoyed themselves with cake and drinks, while Lars became more and more frustrated with his failed attempt to turn off the lights.

Da: Han opgav til sidst og tog en bid af kagen, mens Peter og Anna grinede af ham.
En: He finally gave up and took a bite of the cake as Peter and Anna laughed at him.

Da: Men så havde Lars en idé.
En: But then Lars had an idea.

Da: Han spurgte om hjælp fra alle gæsterne.
En: He asked for help from all the guests.

Da: Han bad dem om at tælle ned til tre og så blæse hårdt på lysene sammen med ham.
En: He asked them to count to three and then blow hard on the candles with him.

Da: Gæsterne så lidt skeptiske ud, men Lars overbeviste dem om at prøve det.
En: The guests looked a little skeptical, but Lars convinced them to try it.

Da: Da gæsterne talte ned, blæste Lars og alle gæsterne hårdt på lysene.
En: When the guests counted down, Lars and all the guests blew hard on the candles.

Da: Og denne gang var det en succes!
En: And this time it was a success!

Da: Alle lysene slukkede med det samme, og gæsterne brød ud i jubel og applaus.
En: All the lights went out at once and the guests burst into cheers and applause.

Da: Lars var lettet og lykkelig over at have slukket lysene på sin kage.
En: Lars was relieved and happy to have turned off the lights on his cake.

Da: Han takkede alle gæsterne for deres hjælp og åndede lettet ud.
En: He thanked all the guests for their help and breathed a sigh of relief.

Da: Det var en fødselsdag, han aldrig ville glemme.
En: It was a birthday he would never forget.