Lars and His Unfortunate Bike Dive

In this episode, we'll dive into an unexpected twist of fate as Lars takes an unforgettable plunge into a Copenhagen canal with his trusty bike.

Da: Lars cyklede gennem Københavns gader og nød den friske luft på denne solskinsdag.
En: Lars cycled through the streets of Copenhagen and enjoyed the fresh air on this sunny day.

Da: Han havde ingen anelse om, at hans dag snart ville tage en dårlig drejning.
En: He had no idea that his day would soon take a bad turn.

Da: Pludselig mistede Lars balancen på sin cykel og faldt ned i en kanal.
En: Suddenly Lars lost his balance on his bike and fell into a canal.

Da: Han prøvede at holde sit hoved over vandet, men hans cykel holdt ham nede.
En: He tried to keep his head above water, but his bike held him down.

Da: Tilskuere på broen råbte "Lars i vandet!"
En: Spectators on the bridge shouted "Lars in the water!"

Da: og nogle kastede en livline til ham for at hjælpe ham op.
En: and some threw him a lifeline to help him up.

Da: Lars var nysgerrig efter, om hans cykel overlevede faldet, så han hev den op af vandet og begyndte at inspicere den.
En: Lars was curious to see if his bike survived the fall, so he lifted it out of the water and began to inspect it.

Da: Heldigvis var den stadig i god stand.
En: Fortunately, it was still in good condition.

Da: Men tilskuerne var ikke færdige med at spøge med Lars og råbte jokes som "se hvor nemt han kan svømme med en cykel!"
En: But the spectators weren't done joking with Lars, shouting jokes like "look how easily he can swim with a bicycle!"

Da: og "næste gang burde du prøve på en mere spektakulær måde at få din cykel op på broen!"
En: and "next time you should try a more spectacular way to get your bike onto the bridge!"

Da: Til sidst fik Lars nok og råbte tilbage til dem, at de skulle tage det roligt og give ham lov til at komme op på broen i fred.
En: Finally, Lars had enough and shouted back at them to take it easy and allow him to get on the bridge in peace.

Da: Han cyklede væk fra kanalen, med vandet dryppende fra hans tøj, og tænkte på, hvordan han ville kunne undgå denne pinlige situation i fremtiden.
En: He cycled away from the canal, the water dripping from his clothes, thinking about how he could avoid this embarrassing situation in the future.