Kalemegdan Chronicles: Friendship Tested by Unexpected Mishap

In this episode, we'll explore how a carefree day at Kalemegdan turns into a test of friendship and resilience, showing how true friends overcome unexpected challenges together.

Sr: Na prelepom prolećnom danu, sunce je blistalo nad Beogradom.
En: On a beautiful spring day, the sun was shining over Belgrade.

Sr: Marko, Jelena i Stefan odlučili su da posete Kalemegdan.
En: Marko, Jelena, and Stefan decided to visit Kalemegdan.

Sr: Bilo je to njihovo omiljeno mesto u gradu.
En: It was their favorite place in the city.

Sr: Hodali su kroz park i divili se cvetovima i starim zidinama tvrđave.
En: They walked through the park, admiring the flowers and the ancient fortress walls.

Sr: Jelena je, sa osmehom na licu, skakala sa kamena na kamen.
En: Jelena, with a smile on her face, was jumping from stone to stone.

Sr: Odjednom, izgubila je ravnotežu i pala.
En: Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell.

Sr: Marko i Stefan brzo su pritrčali.
En: Marko and Stefan quickly ran over.

Sr: Jelena je stiskala zglob noge i lice joj je bilo u grču bola.
En: Jelena was clutching her ankle, her face contorted in pain.

Sr: "O, ne!
En: "Oh, no!"

Sr: " rekao je Marko zabrinuto.
En: Marko said worriedly.

Sr: "Jesi li dobro, Jelena?
En: "Are you okay, Jelena?"

Sr: "Jelena je pokušala da ustane, ali je bol bio prejak.
En: Jelena tried to stand up, but the pain was too strong.

Sr: "Mislim da sam uganula članak," rekla je.
En: "I think I've sprained my ankle," she said.

Sr: Stefan je odmah predložio: "Moramo da te odvedemo kod lekara.
En: Stefan immediately suggested, "We need to take you to a doctor.

Sr: Ne možemo te ovako ostaviti.
En: We can't leave you like this."

Sr: "Marko je podigao Jelenu, a Stefan je otišao po pomoć.
En: Marko lifted Jelena, and Stefan went to get help.

Sr: Na sreću, nedaleko odatle nalazila se prva pomoć na Kalemegdanu.
En: Fortunately, there was a first aid station nearby at Kalemegdan.

Sr: Nakon nekoliko minuta, stigao je doktor.
En: After a few minutes, a doctor arrived.

Sr: "Hajde da pogledamo," rekao je.
En: "Let's take a look," he said.

Sr: Pažljivo je pregledao Jelenin članak.
En: He carefully examined Jelena's ankle.

Sr: "Nema frakture, samo uganjenje.
En: "No fracture, just a sprain.

Sr: Trebaće ti par dana odmora.
En: You'll need to rest for a few days."

Sr: "Marko je nosio Jelenu do najbliže klupe.
En: Marko carried Jelena to the nearest bench.

Sr: Stefan je doneo vodu i zavoj.
En: Stefan brought water and a bandage.

Sr: Doktor je profesionalno zavio članak i dao Jelani tabletu protiv bolova.
En: The doctor professionally wrapped her ankle and gave Jelena a pain relief pill.

Sr: Dok su sedeli na klupi, Jelena je rekla: "Hvala vam, momci.
En: As they sat on the bench, Jelena said, "Thank you, guys.

Sr: Bez vas ne bih znala šta da radim.
En: I wouldn't have known what to do without you."

Sr: "Marko se nasmejao.
En: Marko laughed.

Sr: "Šta smo mi prijatelji, ako ne tu da pomognemo?
En: "What are friends for, if not to help each other?"

Sr: "Stefan je dodao: "Sledeći put, možda bismo mogli birati manje opasne avanture.
En: Stefan added, "Next time, maybe we should choose less risky adventures."

Sr: "Svi su se nasmejali, iako je Jelena još uvek osećala bol.
En: Everyone laughed, even though Jelena was still in pain.

Sr: Tog dana, shvatili su koliko je važno paziti na sebe i ceniti prijateljstvo.
En: That day, they realized how important it is to take care of themselves and to cherish their friendship.

Sr: Dok je dan prolazio, sunce je polako zalazilo iza starih zidina tvrđave.
En: As the day went on, the sun slowly set behind the old fortress walls.

Sr: Uprkos nesreći, svi troje su osećali zahvalnost što su zajedno.
En: Despite the mishap, all three felt grateful to be together.

Sr: Na kraju, iako je Jelena morala da odmara nekoliko dana, prijateljstvo između nje, Marka i Stefana postalo je jače nego ikada.
En: In the end, although Jelena had to rest for a few days, the friendship between her, Marko, and Stefan grew stronger than ever.

Sr: Naučili su da kroz sve izazove prolaze zajedno, podržavajući jedni druge kao pravi prijatelji.
En: They learned that they could face any challenges together, supporting each other like true friends.