Journey to Change: Conquering Storms and New Beginnings

In this episode, we'll dive into Bojan and Katarina's daring voyage across the Adriatic, where they confront a fierce storm and discover newfound strength and purpose.

Sl: V Piran Marini sonce žari na gladino vode, ki se nežno guga pod toplim poletnim vetrom.
En: In the port of Piran, the sun glistens on the surface of the water that gently sways under the warm summer breeze.

Sl: Stoji Bojan z orodjem v rokah.
En: Bojan stands with tools in hand.

Sl: Ob njem je Katarina, ki opazuje.
En: Beside him is Katarina, watching.

Sl: "Pripravljena si?
En: "Are you ready?"

Sl: " vpraša Bojan.
En: asks Bojan.

Sl: Katarina se nasmehne.
En: Katarina smiles.

Sl: "Seveda sem," odgovori.
En: "Of course I am," she replies.

Sl: Bojan je srednjih let in nadvse ljubi morje.
En: Bojan is middle-aged and loves the sea immensely.

Sl: Vsak dan sanja, kako bi zapustil svoje dolgočasno življenje.
En: Every day, he dreams of leaving his monotonous life behind.

Sl: Katarina je njegova prijateljica iz otroštva.
En: Katarina is his childhood friend.

Sl: Tudi ona si želi spremembe.
En: She too yearns for a change.

Sl: "Barka je skoraj pripravljena," pove Bojan.
En: "The boat is almost ready," says Bojan.

Sl: "Se boš pomagala učvrt?
En: "Will you help me finish up?"

Sl: " Katarina pokima in se nekaj minut kasneje že pridruži Bojanu pri delu.
En: Katarina nods and joins Bojan in work a few minutes later.

Sl: Popravita jadra, preverita vrvi in pripravljata motor.
En: They adjust the sails, check the ropes, and prepare the engine.

Sl: Njune roke delajo sinhrono, njuni pogledi se prepletajo.
En: Their hands work in harmony; their gazes intertwine.

Sl: Njuna pot na Jadran se začenja.
En: Their journey to the Adriatic begins.

Sl: A Bojan čuti nekaj negotovosti.
En: But Bojan feels some uncertainty.

Sl: Skrbi ga vreme.
En: He's worried about the weather.

Sl: Vremenska napoved ni najbolj ugodna.
En: The forecast isn't very favorable.

Sl: Tudi motor ne dela povsem brezhibno.
En: The engine isn't working perfectly either.

Sl: "Kaj če ne bo šlo?
En: "What if it doesn't work out?"

Sl: " vpraša sebe v mislih.
En: he asks himself in his thoughts.

Sl: "Bova zmogla," reče Katarina tiho, a odločno.
En: "We can do it," says Katarina quietly but determinedly.

Sl: Njen glas odganja Bojanov strah.
En: Her voice dispels Bojan's fears.

Sl: "Bova," ponovi Bojan, tokrat glasneje.
En: "We can," Bojan repeats, this time louder.

Sl: Odločita se, da se bosta podala na morje, kljub težavam.
En: They decide to head out to sea despite the difficulties.

Sl: Ko sta že daleč od obale, ju ujame nevihta.
En: When they are already far from the shore, a storm catches them.

Sl: Vse se vrti.
En: Everything spins.

Sl: Valovi pljuskajo čez premec.
En: Waves splash over the bow.

Sl: Veter rjove.
En: The wind roars.

Sl: Bojan prime krmilo, Katarina pa poskrbi za jadra.
En: Bojan grabs the helm, while Katarina handles the sails.

Sl: "Drži trdno!
En: "Hold tight!"

Sl: " zakriči Katarina.
En: shouts Katarina.

Sl: "Ne bom obupal!
En: "I won't give up!"

Sl: " odgovori z močjo v glasu.
En: Bojan replies with strength in his voice.

Sl: Uri sredi nevihte se zdijo dolge, a končno veter začne pojenjati.
En: The hours amidst the storm feel long, but finally, the wind begins to subside.

Sl: Valovi se umirjajo.
En: The waves calm down.

Sl: "Uspelo nama je!
En: "We made it!"

Sl: " zakriči Bojan.
En: Bojan cheers.

Sl: "Videla sem, da to zmoreva," odgovori Katarina in se mu nasmehne.
En: "I knew we could do it," replies Katarina, smiling at him.

Sl: Plujeta naprej in prispeta do majhnega otoka.
En: They sail on and arrive at a small island.

Sl: Otok je miren in tih.
En: The island is calm and quiet.

Sl: Sonce zahaja, barva nebo v odtenke oranžne.
En: The sun sets, painting the sky with shades of orange.

Sl: "To je to," reče Bojan.
En: "This is it," says Bojan.

Sl: "Tukaj bova našla nove poti.
En: "Here, we will find new paths."

Sl: "Katarina se usede poleg njega.
En: Katarina sits beside him.

Sl: "Nisva samo preživela nevihte," reče.
En: "We didn't just survive the storm," she says.

Sl: "Spremenila sva se.
En: "We changed."

Sl: " Bojan gleda v morje in občuti novo moč.
En: Bojan looks at the sea and feels a new strength.

Sl: Z Katarino ob sebi ve, da bo lahko premagal vse izzive.
En: With Katarina by his side, he knows he can overcome any challenge.

Sl: "Vsak dan bo nova pustolovščina," pravi Katarina.
En: "Every day will be a new adventure," says Katarina.

Sl: Bojan radostno prikima.
En: Bojan joyfully nods.

Sl: V globinah srca točno ve, da je našel nov smisel življenja.
En: Deep in his heart, he knows he has found a new purpose in life.

Sl: Njuna prijateljstvo je postalo še močnejše.
En: Their friendship has grown even stronger.

Sl: Z novim pogumom in zaupanjem v prihodnost, plujeta naprej, pripravljena na vse, kar jima prinese življenje.
En: With newfound courage and trust in the future, they sail on, ready for whatever life may bring.