Ivana’s Quest: A Heartfelt Journey Through the Enchanted Bazaar

In this episode, we'll follow Ivana's heartwarming and treacherous quest through a mystical bazaar to find a rare plant that could save her mother's life, encountering unexpected challenges and discovering the true meaning of sacrifice and love.

Hr: Ivana je stajala na rubu Gospodinove močvare.
En: Ivana stood at the edge of the Lord's swamp.

Hr: Bila je gusta magla.
En: There was a thick fog.

Hr: Pred njom bio je Bazar u močvari.
En: In front of her was the Bazaar in the swamp.

Hr: Stotine štandova bili su ispod šatora svih boja.
En: Hundreds of stalls were under tents of all colors.

Hr: Ivana je herbalist i želi naći rijetku biljku.
En: Ivana is a herbalist and wants to find a rare plant.

Hr: Biljka je za njenu bolesnu majku.
En: The plant is for her sick mother.

Hr: Srce joj je još brže tuklo.
En: Her heart beat even faster.

Hr: Što bliže dolazila do bazara, miris začina, trave i egzotičnih plodova briatio joj je nosnicama.
En: As she got closer to the bazaar, the scent of spices, herbs, and exotic fruits filled her nostrils.

Hr: Ljudi su glasno razgovarali i cjenkali se.
En: People were talking loudly and haggling.

Hr: Ivana je imala sliku biljke u glavi.
En: Ivana had a picture of the plant in her mind.

Hr: Duboko je udahnula i krenula naprijed.
En: She took a deep breath and moved forward.

Hr: Stala je kod prvog štanda.
En: She stopped at the first stall.

Hr: Brkati prodavač je prodavao razne korijene.
En: A mustached vendor was selling various roots.

Hr: „Imate li Biljku Mjeseca?
En: "Do you have the Moon Plant?"

Hr: “ pitala je, glasom punim nade.
En: she asked, her voice full of hope.

Hr: Prodavač ju je pogledao i odmahnuo glavom.
En: The vendor looked at her and shook his head.

Hr: „Ne ovdje.
En: "Not here.

Hr: Pokušaj štand kod rijeke, blizu starog hrasta.
En: Try the stall by the river, near the old oak."

Hr: “Ivana mu se zahvalila i požalila na štandu kod rijeke.
En: Ivana thanked him and headed to the stall by the river.

Hr: Put je bio težak, prolaz je bio pun ljudi.
En: The path was difficult, the passage was full of people.

Hr: Konačno je stigla do starog hrasta.
En: She finally reached the old oak.

Hr: Tamo je bio štand koji je tražila.
En: There was the stall she was looking for.

Hr: Stari čovjek s ružičastim turbanom stajao je iza njega.
En: An old man with a pink turban stood behind it.

Hr: „Imate li Biljku Mjeseca?
En: "Do you have the Moon Plant?"

Hr: “ Ivana je pitala.
En: Ivana asked.

Hr: „Imam,“ reče stari čovjek s osmijehom.
En: "I do," said the old man with a smile.

Hr: „Ali je skupa.
En: "But it's expensive."

Hr: “Ivana je tražila po svojim džepovima.
En: Ivana searched her pockets.

Hr: Imala je samo nekoliko novčića.
En: She had only a few coins.

Hr: Na štandu je bio još jedan kupac.
En: There was another buyer at the stall.

Hr: Gledali su istu biljku.
En: They were both looking at the same plant.

Hr: „Dat ću ti 20 zlatnika,“ rekao je drugi kupac.
En: "I'll give you 20 gold coins," said the other buyer.

Hr: Ivana je osjetila paniku.
En: Ivana felt panic.

Hr: Biljka je bila jedina nada za njenu majku.
En: The plant was the only hope for her mother.

Hr: „Imam nešto dragocjeno,“ Ivana je rekla, vadeći srebrni medaljon iz svog džepa.
En: "I have something precious," Ivana said, pulling a silver locket from her pocket.

Hr: Bio je to medaljon koji je naslijedila od bake.
En: It was a locket she had inherited from her grandmother.

Hr: Prodavač je pogledao medaljon.
En: The vendor looked at the locket.

Hr: Bio je zadovoljan.
En: He was pleased.

Hr: „Važi,“ rekao je, uzimajući medaljon i pružajući joj biljku.
En: "Agreed," he said, taking the locket and handing her the plant.

Hr: Ivana je osjetila olakšanje.
En: Ivana felt relief.

Hr: Pobjegla je nazad kroz nasmijani bazar.
En: She hurried back through the cheerful bazaar.

Hr: U mislima je bila njena majka.
En: She thought of her mother.

Hr: Trčala je, ne osvrćući se.
En: She ran, not looking back.

Hr: Magla je još bila gusta, ali sada je vidjela put.
En: The fog was still thick, but now she saw the path.

Hr: Kad je stigla kući, majka je ležala u krevetu.
En: When she arrived home, her mother was lying in bed.

Hr: Ivana je odmah skuhala čaj od biljke.
En: Ivana immediately brewed tea from the plant.

Hr: Dala ga je majci.
En: She gave it to her mother.

Hr: Ispočetka ništa, ali ubrzo majka je otvorila oči.
En: At first, nothing, but soon her mother opened her eyes.

Hr: „Biti ćeš dobro, mama,“ rekla je Ivana s osmijehom.
En: "You'll be fine, mom," Ivana said with a smile.

Hr: Njeno srce se smirilo.
En: Her heart calmed down.

Hr: Te večeri, dok je promatrala svoju majku kako spokojno spava, Ivana se osjećala jačom i odlučnijom.
En: That evening, as she watched her mother peacefully sleeping, Ivana felt stronger and more determined.

Hr: Znala je da može sve postići.
En: She knew she could achieve anything.

Hr: Ivana je uzela svoj put kao herbalist ozbiljnije nego ikad.
En: Ivana took her path as a herbalist more seriously than ever.

Hr: Uvijek će se sjećati tog dana kada je dala sve za ljubav svoje majke.
En: She would always remember the day she gave everything for the love of her mother.