Ivan and Ana’s Big Debut: Triumph on Dubrovnik’s Historic Stage

In this episode, we'll experience how two young friends conquer their fears and captivate an audience in a historic Dubrovnik amphitheater, turning a school play into an unforgettable, life-changing moment.

Hr: Na sunčanoj obali Dubrovnika, gdje more ljubi kamen i povijest šapuće kroz zidove, dvojica mladih prijatelja pripremala su se za veliki trenutak.
En: On the sunny coast of Dubrovnik, where the sea kisses the stone and history whispers through the walls, two young friends were preparing for a big moment.

Hr: Ivan i Ana bili su učenici osnovne škole, i ovog jutra morali su vježbati predstavu u školskom amfiteatru.
En: Ivan and Ana were elementary school students, and that morning they had to rehearse a play in the school amphitheater.

Hr: Ivan je bio nervozan.
En: Ivan was nervous.

Hr: Trudio se zapamtiti sve svoje rečenice.
En: He struggled to remember all his lines.

Hr: "Svi će gledati u mene," ponavljao je u sebi.
En: "Everyone will be watching me," he kept repeating to himself.

Hr: Drhtavim rukama držao je scenarij.
En: With trembling hands, he held the script.

Hr: Ana, s druge strane, bila je puna energije.
En: Ana, on the other hand, was full of energy.

Hr: Voljela je glumu i nije mogla dočekati nastup.
En: She loved acting and couldn't wait to perform.

Hr: "Ivan, bit će sve u redu," rekla je.
En: "Ivan, everything will be fine," she said.

Hr: "Samo se opusti.
En: "Just relax."

Hr: "Dok su ulazili u amfiteatar, sunce je obasjavalo stara kamenja, a školska zvona su zvonila.
En: As they entered the amphitheater, the sun shone on the old stones, and the school bells rang.

Hr: Ostali učenici već su bili tamo, postavljajući rekvizite i oblačeći se u kostime.
En: The other students were already there, setting up props and dressing in costumes.

Hr: Scenografija je bila jednostavna, ali u Ivanovim očima sve je izgledalo ogromno.
En: The scenery was simple, but to Ivan, everything seemed enormous.

Hr: Srca su im udarala kao bubnjevi.
En: Their hearts were pounding like drums.

Hr: Ana je zauzela svoje mjesto na pozornici.
En: Ana took her place on stage.

Hr: Ivan je stao uz nju, a učiteljica gospođa Marija pažljivo je promatrala iz prvih redova.
En: Ivan stood next to her, and their teacher, Mrs. Maria, watched carefully from the front row.

Hr: "Počinjemo," rekla je snažnim glasom.
En: "We are starting," she said in a strong voice.

Hr: "Ivan, Ana, jeste li spremni?
En: "Ivan, Ana, are you ready?"

Hr: "Počeli su igrati.
En: They began to act.

Hr: Ana je živjela svoj lik, glumeći s puno žara.
En: Ana lived her character, performing with lots of passion.

Hr: Ivan je polako počeo gubiti nervozu, oslanjajući se na Aninu energiju.
En: Ivan slowly started losing his nervousness, relying on Ana's energy.

Hr: Kad je došla njegova ključna scena, duboko je udahnuo.
En: When his key scene arrived, he took a deep breath.

Hr: Izgovorio je svoje rečenice jasno i glasno, a publika, iako samo malena grupa učenika, pljeskala je oduševljeno.
En: He delivered his lines clearly and loudly, and the audience, although just a small group of students, applauded enthusiastically.

Hr: Gospođa Marija prišla im je nakon probe.
En: Mrs. Maria approached them after the rehearsal.

Hr: "Odlično ste obavili," rekla je.
En: "You did great," she said.

Hr: "Vježbajte još malo i bit će savršeno.
En: "Practice a bit more and it will be perfect."

Hr: "Ivan i Ana su se pogledali i nasmijali.
En: Ivan and Ana looked at each other and laughed.

Hr: "Rekla sam ti," Ana je blistala od ponosa.
En: "I told you," Ana beamed with pride.

Hr: "Uspjeli smo.
En: "We did it."

Hr: "Tako su dani prolazili, a Ivan je svakodnevno postajao sve sigurniji.
En: Days passed, and Ivan became more confident each day.

Hr: Kad je došao dan predstave, amfiteatar je bio pun roditelja i prijatelja.
En: When the day of the play arrived, the amphitheater was full of parents and friends.

Hr: Ivanov otac i Ana majka sjedili su u prvom redu.
En: Ivan's father and Ana's mother sat in the front row.

Hr: Predstava je prošla savršeno.
En: The play went perfectly.

Hr: Ivan je zaboravio na strah, igrao je sa srcem.
En: Ivan forgot his fear and acted with heart.

Hr: Ana je, kao i uvijek, blistala.
En: Ana, as always, shone brightly.

Hr: Publika je ustala na noge, pljeskajući i uzvikujući pohvale.
En: The audience rose to their feet, applauding and shouting praises.

Hr: Nakon toga, Ivan i Ana su stajali na pozornici, držeći se za ruke.
En: Afterward, Ivan and Ana stood on stage, holding hands.

Hr: Pogledali su jedno drugo i smiješili se.
En: They looked at each other and smiled.

Hr: "Ovo je bio naš trenutak," rekao je Ivan.
En: "This was our moment," Ivan said.

Hr: Dubrovnik je toga dana svjedočio nečem posebnom.
En: That day, Dubrovnik witnessed something special.

Hr: U starom amfiteatru, dvoje prijatelja stekli su veliko samopouzdanje.
En: In the old amphitheater, two friends gained immense confidence.

Hr: Koračajući kroz povijesne ulice, koje su sada nosile njihov odjek, osjećali su se ponosno i sretno.
En: Walking through the historic streets, which now carried their echoes, they felt proud and happy.

Hr: I tako, snovi dvoje mladih učenika ostvarili su se, ostavljajući za sobom priču koja će uvijek biti svjetlost na njihovom putu.
En: And so, the dreams of two young students came true, leaving behind a story that would always light their path.