In this episode, we'll follow Milan, Jelena, and Dragan as they stumble into an unexpected and hilarious historical reenactment at Kalemegdan Fortress, turning their simple tour into a memorable adventure.
Sr: Proleće je bilo toplo.
En: Spring was warm.
Sr: Sunce je sijalo iznad Kalemegdanske tvrđave.
En: The sun shone above the Kalemegdan Fortress.
Sr: Milana, Jelenu i Dragana privlačila je istorija tog mesta.
En: Milan, Jelena, and Dragan were drawn to the history of the place.
Sr: Stigli su ranom zorom.
En: They arrived at dawn.
Sr: Milan je nosio kameru, Jelena vodič i kartu, a Dragan široki osmeh.
En: Milan carried a camera, Jelena had a guidebook and a map, and Dragan wore a broad smile.
Sr: "Idemo prvo do kule," predloži Dragan.
En: "Let's go to the tower first," Dragan suggested.
Sr: "Čuo sam da je pogled odatle neverovatan."
En: "I've heard the view from there is amazing."
Sr: Svi su bili saglasni.
En: Everyone agreed.
Sr: Dok su hodali, Milan je primetio grupu ljudi.
En: As they walked, Milan noticed a group of people.
Sr: Svi su nosili stare kostime.
En: They were all dressed in old costumes.
Sr: "Mora da su vodiči," pomisli Milan.
En: "They must be guides," Milan thought.
Sr: Prišao im je i osmehnuo se.
En: He approached them and smiled.
Sr: "Dobar dan! Mogu li se pridružiti?" upita Milan.
En: "Good day! May I join you?" Milan asked.
Sr: Ljudi iz grupe klimnuše glavom.
En: The people in the group nodded.
Sr: Niko ga nije zaustavio.
En: No one stopped him.
Sr: Grupa je počela marširati, a Milan je krenuo za njima.
En: The group began to march, and Milan followed them.
Sr: U međuvremenu, Jelena i Dragan su gledali u mape.
En: Meanwhile, Jelena and Dragan were looking at the maps.
Sr: Nisu primetili da je Milan nestao.
En: They didn't notice that Milan had disappeared.
Sr: Grupa se zaustavila.
En: The group stopped.
Sr: Jedan čovek po imenu Petar, obučen kao vojnik, pružio mu je mali mač.
En: A man named Petar, dressed as a soldier, handed Milan a small sword.
Sr: Milan ev ovu igru smatrao zabavnom.
En: Milan found this game amusing.
Sr: Sledeće što je znao, svi su počeli trčati.
En: The next thing he knew, everyone started running.
Sr: "Milan, šta radimo?" pitala je Jelena koja je stigla do njih.
En: "Milan, what are we doing?" asked Jelena, who had reached them.
Sr: "Ne znam, ali izgleda zabavno," odgovori Milan kroz smeh.
En: "I don't know, but it looks fun," replied Milan, laughing.
Sr: Tada su začuli povike: "Napad!"
En: Then they heard shouts: "Attack!"
Sr: Dragan je bio zbunjen.
En: Dragan was confused.
Sr: Milan je pratio vojsku i tresao mačem.
En: Milan followed the army, shaking his sword.
Sr: Jelena i Dragan su pokušavali da razumeju šta se događa.
En: Jelena and Dragan tried to understand what was happening.
Sr: "Milan, gubiš!" viknuo je jedan od "vojnika."
En: "Milan, you're losing!" shouted one of the "soldiers."
Sr: U tom trenutku, Milan je shvatio da je deo istorijske iluzije.
En: At that moment, Milan realized he was part of a historical reenactment.
Sr: Smešio se i igrao dalje, osećajući se kao pravi vojnik.
En: He smiled and continued to play along, feeling like a real soldier.
Sr: Jelena i Dragan su se predali smehu i pridružili mu se.
En: Jelena and Dragan gave in to laughter and joined him.
Sr: Trčali su po Kalemegdanu, zarobljeni u smešnim situacijama.
En: They ran around Kalemegdan, caught up in humorous situations.
Sr: Na kraju, svi su zastali.
En: In the end, everyone stopped.
Sr: Čovek po imenu Petar prišao je Milanu.
En: A man named Petar approached Milan.
Sr: "Bravo vojniče! Bio si odličan danas."
En: "Bravo, soldier! You were excellent today."
Sr: Milan se smejao, dok je vadio kameru i slikao trenutak.
En: Milan laughed while he took out his camera and captured the moment.
Sr: "Idemo dalje", rekao je Dragan.
En: "Let's move on," said Dragan.
Sr: "Šta smo sve propustili."
En: "What have we missed?"
Sr: Konačno, trio je nastavio svoj obilazak.
En: Finally, the trio continued their tour.
Sr: Naučili su mnogo i uživali u igri.
En: They learned a lot and enjoyed the game.
Sr: Milan je naučio da nije svaki vodič pravi vodič, ali da se zabava može pronaći svuda.
En: Milan learned that not every guide is a real guide, but fun can be found everywhere.
Sr: Dok su napuštali Kalemegdan, osmehe nisu mogli da sakriju.
En: As they left Kalemegdan, they couldn't hide their smiles.
Sr: Kiwi bili su obuzeti pričama i smehom, znajući da će se tog dana dugo sećati.
En: They were filled with stories and laughter, knowing they would remember that day for a long time.