Hearts Together: Virtual Anniversary in Beijing & Sydney

In this episode, we'll traverse the emotional highs and lows of a long-distance anniversary as Ming and Lihua bridge their worlds with love and sincerity, despite technological hurdles.

Zh: 北京的夏夜,明坐在电脑前,桌子上摆着好多电子设备。
En: On a summer night in Beijing, Ming sat in front of his computer, surrounded by various electronic devices on his desk.

Zh: 他的眼睛熬得红红的,但他没有疲倦,因为今天很重要。
En: His eyes were bloodshot from staying up late, but he wasn’t tired because today was important.

Zh: 今天是他和丽华的周年纪念日。
En: Today was his anniversary with Lihua.

Zh: 他们相隔千里,一个在北京,一个在悉尼,但感情从未因为距离而减弱。
En: Despite being a thousand miles apart, with one in Beijing and the other in Sydney, their feelings for each other had never waned.

Zh: 明仔细检查了所有设备,希望视频通话能顺利进行。
En: Ming carefully checked all the equipment, hoping the video call would go smoothly.

Zh: 他用了新买的高速路由器,还备好了外接电池。
En: He used a newly purchased high-speed router and had an external battery ready.

Zh: 他知道丽华在悉尼已经入冬,寒冷的冬夜里,他希望能给她一点温暖。
En: He knew it was already winter in Sydney, and on this cold winter night, he wanted to bring a bit of warmth to Lihua.

Zh: 丽华也同样期待这次视频通话。
En: Lihua was equally looking forward to the video call.

Zh: 窗外寒风呼啸,窗内却布满了她的画作,充满了温馨。
En: Outside, the cold wind howled, but inside her room, filled with her paintings, it was warm and cozy.

Zh: 她找到了一个信号较好的角落,点亮了柔和的灯光,使她的脸在镜头前显得温暖而柔和。
En: She found a spot with a better signal, turned on soft lighting, making her face appear warm and gentle in the camera.

Zh: “嗨,丽华!”明激动地打开了视频,看到屏幕上出现了她的脸,她依旧美丽。
En: “Hi, Lihua!” Ming excitedly started the video call, seeing her beautiful face appear on the screen.

Zh: “嗨,明!”丽华微笑回应,两人的距离似乎瞬间消失了。
En: “Hi, Ming!” Lihua responded with a smile, and the distance between them seemed to vanish instantly.

Zh: 他们开始谈天说地,聊最近的工作与生活。话题从北京的烈日炎炎到悉尼的寒风刺骨。
En: They began chatting about their recent work and life, touching on topics from the scorching sun of Beijing to the biting wind of Sydney.

Zh: 可是,突然,视频画面卡住了,声音开始滞后。
En: Suddenly, the video froze, and the sound started to lag.

Zh: 明焦急地喊着“丽华,丽华,你听得到吗?”
En: Ming anxiously called out, “Lihua, Lihua, can you hear me?”

Zh: 丽华的脸在屏幕上停住不动,心里的焦急感油然而生。
En: Lihua’s face froze on the screen, and a wave of anxiety surged within her.

Zh: “明,我能听到,但看不到你...”
En: “Ming, I can hear you, but I can’t see you...”

Zh: 她试图调整位置,但信号依旧时好时坏。
En: She tried to adjust her position, but the signal remained inconsistent.

Zh: 明深深地叹了口气,心中的失落无法掩饰。
En: Ming sighed deeply, unable to hide his disappointment.

Zh: 他想要的是一个完美的纪念日,但现实却给了他这么多阻碍。
En: He had hoped for a perfect anniversary, but reality had thrown so many obstacles in his way.

Zh: 丽华看到他的神情,心也跟着揪紧。
En: Seeing his expression, Lihua’s heart tightened.

Zh: 她尝试安慰他说:“没关系,明,至少我们在一起。”
En: She tried to comfort him, “It’s okay, Ming, at least we’re together.”

Zh: 随着时间的流逝,他们不得不接受现实。
En: As time passed, they had to accept the situation.

Zh: 丽华提议:“不如我们各自写点什么,读给对方听,好吗?”
En: Lihua suggested, “How about we each write something and read it to each other, okay?”

Zh: 明点头同意,他关掉了电脑,拿起了纸笔。
En: Ming nodded in agreement, turned off the computer, and picked up a pen and paper.

Zh: 他开始写下心中对丽华的思念与爱意,并在心里默念她的名字。
En: He began writing down his thoughts of longing and love for Lihua, silently mouthing her name.

Zh: 丽华在悉尼的小房间里,笑着垂下眼帘,开始用力思考应该写些什么。
En: In her small room in Sydney, Lihua smiled, lowering her eyes as she pondered over what to write.

Zh: 几分钟后,两人再次连线。
En: A few minutes later, they reconnected.

Zh: 虽然信号依旧不佳,但比刚才稍微好了些。
En: Although the signal was still poor, it was slightly better than before.

Zh: 明深深吸了一口气,拿出了自己的信。
En: Ming took a deep breath and pulled out his letter.

Zh: 他看着屏幕,望着心爱的丽华,开始朗读。
En: He looked at the screen, gazing at his beloved Lihua, and began to read.

Zh: “亲爱的丽华,尽管我们相隔千里,但每一刻,我的心都与你同在。
En: “My dear Lihua, despite being thousands of miles apart, my heart is always with you.

Zh: 无论是北京的夏夜,还是悉尼的冬晨,你都是我最温暖的存在。”
En: Whether it’s a summer night in Beijing or a winter morning in Sydney, you are my warmest presence.”

Zh: 丽华眼中闪烁着泪花。
En: Tears shimmered in Lihua’s eyes.

Zh: 她深情地回以微笑,拿出了她的信。
En: She responded with a heartfelt smile and took out her letter.

Zh: “亲爱的明,无论距离多远,时间多长,我们的心永远相连。
En: “My dear Ming, no matter the distance or the length of time, our hearts will always be connected.

Zh: 希望我们能一起度过更多的周年纪念日。”
En: I hope we can spend many more anniversaries together.”

Zh: 视频通话再次卡顿,屏幕上的画面停滞不前。
En: The video call froze again, and the screen remained still.

Zh: 明拿着信,静静地等着回音。
En: Ming held his letter, quietly waiting for a response.

Zh: 屏幕上的丽华似乎也在等待,无声的祝福在心中传递。
En: On the screen, Lihua seemed to be waiting too, silently sending blessings through their hearts.

Zh: 最后,明握紧了拳头,心中那股焦虑终于放下了。
En: Finally, Ming clenched his fist, letting go of the anxiety that had been building up inside him.

Zh: 他明白,科技的便利固然重要,但真正打动人心的是彼此的诚挚。
En: He understood that while technology’s convenience was valuable, the true connection came from their heartfelt sincerity.

Zh: 丽华也深感欣慰,尽管今天的通话不尽如人意,但她知道,爱将他们紧紧相连。
En: Lihua also felt comforted, knowing that despite the imperfect call, their love had tightly bonded them.

Zh: “明,晚安。”丽华在卡顿的屏幕那头说道。
En: “Ming, goodnight,” Lihua said from the freezing screen.

Zh: “丽华,晚安。”明轻声回应。
En: “Lihua, goodnight,” Ming softly replied.

Zh: 关闭了电脑,两人在各自的世界里进入了梦乡。
En: He turned off the computer, and in their respective worlds, they both drifted into sleep.

Zh: 但梦中,他们依旧在一起。
En: In their dreams, they were together still.