Healing Amidst the Leaves: A Sibling’s Touching Journey

In this episode, we'll walk with Marek and Zuzana through the tender paths of a botanical garden, where cherished memories and silent understandings become the stepping stones to healing after loss.

Sk: Voňavá aróma jesene obklopovala Bratislavu.
En: The fragrant aroma of autumn surrounded Bratislava.

Sk: Vzduch voňal po opadaných listoch a chladil jemným vánkom.
En: The air smelled of fallen leaves and was cooled by a gentle breeze.

Sk: V botanickej záhrade Marek a Zuzana kráčali mlčky vedľa seba.
En: Marek and Zuzana walked silently side by side in the botanical garden.

Sk: Bolo to ich prvé zastavenie v záhrade od otcovho pohrebu.
En: It was their first visit to the garden since their father's funeral.

Sk: Obaja vedeli, že ich čaká náročný deň.
En: Both knew that a challenging day awaited them.

Sk: „Pamätáš si, ako sme sem chodili s otcom?“ Zuzana prelomila ticho.
En: "Do you remember how we used to come here with Dad?" Zuzana broke the silence.

Sk: Jej hlas bol jemný, plný túžby po minulosti.
En: Her voice was gentle, filled with longing for the past.

Sk: Marek prikývol, ale slová sa mu zasekli v hrdle.
En: Marek nodded, but words caught in his throat.

Sk: Ich otec bol vášnivý botanik, ktorý im vždy so zápalom rozprával o každej rastline, ktorú stretli.
En: Their father was a passionate botanist who always spoke to them with enthusiasm about every plant they encountered.

Sk: Tieto návštevy boli plné smiechu a lásky.
En: These visits were full of laughter and love.

Sk: Srdce mu pri spomienke naňho stislo.
En: His heart ached at the memory.

Sk: Prechádzali cez alej mocných stromov, ktorých listy niesli farby ohňa - žltú, oranžovú a červenú.
En: They walked through an avenue of mighty trees, whose leaves bore the colors of fire—yellow, orange, and red.

Sk: Tiesnilo sa v Marekovi, ale rozhodol sa, že je čas otvoriť sa.
En: Marek felt overwhelmed, but he decided it was time to open up.

Sk: Cítil, že to je ten správny moment.
En: He sensed that this was the right moment.

Sk: „Pamätám sa, ako nám otec ukázal ten obrovský dub tu,“ Marek si zhlboka povzdychol.
En: "I remember when Dad showed us that huge oak here," Marek sighed deeply.

Sk: „Povedal, že to je kráľ stromov.
En: "He said it was the king of trees.

Sk: Bol pri starom dube, keď nám vysvetlil, ako sa zmeni lístie.
En: He was by the old oak when he explained to us how the leaves change.

Sk: To bolo... naše tajomstvo.“
En: That was... our secret."

Sk: Zuzana sa pousmiala a cítila, ako sa jej do očí tlačia slzy.
En: Zuzana smiled, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

Sk: „Vždy nám rozprával tak krásne príbehy,“ povedala.
En: "He always told us such beautiful stories," she said.

Sk: Jej prsty sa ponorili do Marekových rukov.
En: Her fingers intertwined with Marek's hands.

Sk: „Myslel som si, že musím byť silný pre teba,“ priznal Marek.
En: "I thought I had to be strong for you," Marek admitted.

Sk: „Ale je ťažké byť stále silný.“
En: "But it's hard to always be strong."

Sk: „Nemusíš byť sám,“ zašepkala Zuzana.
En: "You don't have to be alone," Zuzana whispered.

Sk: Jej hlas bol plný lásky a podpory.
En: Her voice was full of love and support.

Sk: Držali sa za ruky pevne, ako keby našli nový most, ktorý ich zblížil.
En: They held hands tightly, as if they had found a new bridge bringing them closer together.

Sk: Pokračovali v kráčaní, už nie mlčky.
En: They continued walking, no longer in silence.

Sk: Rozprávali o ich otcovi, o smiechotách a tajomstvách, o živote, ktorý s ním mali.
En: They talked about their father, about laughter and secrets, and about the life they had with him.

Sk: Botanická záhrada im ponúkala svoju tichú krásu, bola ich útočiskom a miestom na uzdravenie.
En: The botanical garden offered them its quiet beauty, becoming their refuge and a place for healing.

Sk: Na konci prechádzky Zuzana a Marek stáli pred východom.
En: At the end of their walk, Zuzana and Marek stood at the exit.

Sk: „Mali by sme sem chodiť častejšie,“ navrhla Zuzana.
En: "We should come here more often," Zuzana suggested.

Sk: Marek sa usmial.
En: Marek smiled.

Sk: „Áno, pre otca,“ odpovedal.
En: "Yes, for Dad," he replied.

Sk: Cítil, ako sa jeho vnútorná bolesť pomaly mení na niečo jemnejšie, menej ostré.
En: He felt his inner pain slowly transform into something softer, less sharp.

Sk: Keď opustili záhradu, ich kroky boli ľahšie a srdcia pokojnejšie.
En: As they left the garden, their steps were lighter and their hearts calmer.

Sk: Vedeli, že smútok bude cestou plnou výziev, ale spolu to zvládnu.
En: They knew that grief would be a journey full of challenges, but together they could overcome it.

Sk: Vrátili sa domov, ruka v ruke, pripravení čeliť budúcnosti so spomienkami na toho, koho milovali.
En: They returned home, hand in hand, ready to face the future with memories of the one they loved.