From Strangers to Family: A Heartwarming Dragon Boat Festival

In this episode, we'll journey into a Shanghai orphanage where a volunteer's past intertwines with the present, bringing joy, connection, and the essence of home during the heartwarming celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Zh: 漫长的夏天,阳光炙热,空气中弥漫着一股淡淡的糯米香味。
En: The long summer was blazing hot, and the air was filled with a faint scent of glutinous rice.

Zh: 在上海孤儿院里,孩子们欢快地穿梭在小花园和厨房之间,准备即将到来的端午节。
En: In the Shanghai orphanage, the children were happily darting between the small garden and the kitchen, preparing for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival.

Zh: 梁梅是一位非常关心孩子们的孤儿院院长。
En: Liang Mei was a very caring director of the orphanage.

Zh: 她看着孩子们脸上的笑容,心里感到温暖。
En: Watching the smiles on the children's faces, she felt warmth in her heart.

Zh: 然而,她知道要让这个端午节变得特别,需要更多的努力和资金。
En: However, she knew that making this Dragon Boat Festival special would require more effort and funds.

Zh: 孤儿院资源有限,组织大型活动是个不小的挑战。
En: The resources of the orphanage were limited, and organizing a large event was no small challenge.

Zh: 孤儿院新来了一位年轻的志愿者,名叫陈华。
En: A young volunteer named Chen Hua had recently joined the orphanage.

Zh: 陈华虽然没有太多经验,但他很热情。
En: Although Chen Hua didn't have much experience, he was very enthusiastic.

Zh: 他有自己的小小秘密——他想通过帮助孩子们,找到自己儿时的记忆和连接。
En: He had a little secret of his own—he wanted to find memories and connections from his own childhood by helping the children.

Zh: 不久之后,陈华和梁梅一起去买菜,准备端午节的食材。
En: Soon after, Chen Hua and Liang Mei went shopping for groceries to prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival.

Zh: “陈华,我们要买糯米、红豆、粽叶,还有一些新鲜蔬菜。”梁梅指示道,眉头微微紧锁。
En: "Chen Hua, we need to buy glutinous rice, red beans, bamboo leaves, and some fresh vegetables," Liang Mei instructed, her brows slightly furrowed.

Zh: “好的,梁梅院长,我记住了。”陈华开心地回答。
En: "Got it, Director Liang. I remember," Chen Hua replied happily.

Zh: 在超市里,他们一边挑选食材,一边谈论着如何组织这次活动。
En: In the supermarket, they selected ingredients while discussing how to organize the event.

Zh: 这时,陈华突然觉得自己应该更靠近这群孩子,更了解他们。
En: At this moment, Chen Hua suddenly felt that he should get closer to these children and understand them better.

Zh: “梁梅院长,我可以负责教孩子们包粽子吗?我觉得这会很有趣。”陈华提议道。
En: "Director Liang, can I be in charge of teaching the children how to make zongzi? I think it would be fun," Chen Hua suggested.

Zh: 梁梅犹豫了一下。她一向习惯亲力亲为,但她也知道自己不能一个人完成所有事情。
En: Liang Mei hesitated for a moment. She was used to handling everything herself but knew she couldn't do it all alone.

Zh: 于是,她点了点头,“好吧,陈华,我相信你。”
En: So, she nodded, "Alright, Chen Hua, I trust you."

Zh: 回到孤儿院,陈华开始组织孩子们包粽子。
En: Back at the orphanage, Chen Hua began organizing the children to make zongzi.

Zh: 他耐心地教大家如何把糯米和红豆放进粽叶里,再用细绳绑紧。
En: Patiently, he taught everyone how to put the glutinous rice and red beans into the bamboo leaves and then tie them up with string.

Zh: 孩子们一边学习,一边开心地笑着,整个厨房充满了欢乐的气氛。
En: The children learned while laughing happily, and the kitchen was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Zh: “陈华哥哥,你为什么会来孤儿院?”一个小女孩好奇地问。
En: "Brother Chen Hua, why did you come to the orphanage?" a little girl asked curiously.

Zh: 陈华停下来,眼神变得柔和。
En: Chen Hua paused, his eyes softening.

Zh: 他看了看梁梅,决定坦诚相告,“其实,我小时候也在孤儿院长大。我想通过帮助你们,找回一些记忆。”
En: He glanced at Liang Mei and decided to be frank, "Actually, I grew up in an orphanage too. I want to help you all to reconnect with some of my memories."

Zh: 梁梅听到陈华的话,心里一震。
En: Liang Mei was taken aback by Chen Hua's words.

Zh: 她从未想到,陈华背后竟有这样的故事。
En: She had never imagined that Chen Hua had such a story behind him.

Zh: 她眼里的严厉渐渐消散,取而代之的是一种理解和信任。
En: The severity in her eyes gradually faded, replaced by understanding and trust.

Zh: 端午节当天,孩子们穿上了新衣服,开心地围在一起。
En: On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the children wore new clothes and gathered happily.

Zh: 他们亲手包的粽子蒸熟了,香味四溢。
En: The zongzi they made were steamed, and their fragrance filled the air.

Zh: 陈华带领大家品尝粽子,整个孤儿院里充满了欢声笑语。
En: Chen Hua led everyone in tasting the zongzi, and the whole orphanage was filled with joyful laughter.

Zh: 梁梅走到陈华身边,轻声说道,“谢谢你,陈华。这次活动很成功。孩子们都很开心。”
En: Liang Mei walked to Chen Hua and said softly, "Thank you, Chen Hua. This event was very successful. The children are all very happy."

Zh: 陈华微笑着点点头,“梁梅院长,其实我也很开心。我找到了家的感觉。”
En: Chen Hua smiled and nodded, "Director Liang, I am also very happy. I found a sense of home."

Zh: 这次端午节的庆祝活动,让孩子们和员工们更加亲密。
En: The celebration of this Dragon Boat Festival brought the children and the staff closer together.

Zh: 梁梅学会了相信和接受别人的帮助,陈华找到了内心的宁静和对过去的连接。
En: Liang Mei learned to trust and accept help from others, and Chen Hua found inner peace and a connection to his past.

Zh: 夏天的阳光依然炽热,但上海孤儿院里充满了温馨和爱意。
En: The summer sun was still blazing, but the Shanghai orphanage was filled with warmth and love.

Zh: 梁梅和陈华站在门口,望着孩子们的笑脸,心中感到无比满足。
En: Liang Mei and Chen Hua stood at the door, looking at the children's smiling faces, feeling immensely satisfied in their hearts.