From Pretend Protagonist to Real Connection in the Forbidden City

In this episode, we'll journey into the heart of the Forbidden City, where mistaken identity leads to unexpected courage and memorable connections under the glow of the Mid-Autumn moon.

Zh: 秋天的故宫,天空湛蓝,空气中弥漫着月饼的甜香。
En: In the autumn at the Forbidden City, the sky was a deep blue, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of mooncakes.

Zh: 人们穿着传统服装,灯笼在微风中轻轻晃动。
En: People wore traditional clothing, and lanterns swayed gently in the breeze.

Zh: 小飞、连、若曦三人正踏入这热闹的中秋节日。
En: Xiaofei, Lian, and Ruoxi stepped into the bustling Mid-Autumn Festival.

Zh: 小飞最爱历史,这次他兴奋异常。
En: Xiaofei loved history the most and was extremely excited this time.

Zh: 他偷偷瞟了一眼若曦,心里盼着能借这次机会给若曦留下深刻印象。
En: He sneaked a glance at Ruoxi, hoping to make a lasting impression on her with this opportunity.

Zh: 连则在一旁,只想着赶紧找一家摊位,好来几块月饼美餐一顿。
En: Lian, on the other hand, just wanted to find a stall quickly to enjoy some mooncakes.

Zh: 若曦是最近加入的小伙伴,她对故宫的每一件历史服装都充满了兴趣,还不停地提出问题。
En: Ruoxi was the newest member of their group and was fascinated by every historical costume in the Forbidden City, constantly asking questions.

Zh: 看到这些盛装打扮的演员,她发自内心地感到惊叹。
En: She was genuinely amazed by the actors dressed in such splendid attire.

Zh: 不知不觉中,他们被一群人围住。
En: Before they knew it, they were surrounded by a crowd, who mistakenly believed Xiaofei and his friends were part of the official performance.

Zh: 这些人误以为小飞他们也是官方表演的一部分。
En: "You're the protagonist of this play, aren't you?"

Zh: “你就是这场戏的主人公吧?
En: asked a staff member with thick glasses, directing his question at Xiaofei.

Zh: ”一位戴着厚厚眼镜的工作人员问小飞。
En: Xiaofei was startled, but to impress Ruoxi, he decided to play along and act as if he was an important character in the play.

Zh: 小飞心中大惊,但为了在若曦面前表现自己,他决定将错就错,装作自己是戏中的重要角色。
En: He thought that at least he could demonstrate his historical knowledge.

Zh: 他想,至少可以展示一下自己的历史知识吧。
En: "That's right, it's me!"

Zh: “没错,就是我!
En: Xiaofei replied, with a hint of confidence in his voice, but he felt his palms sweating.

Zh: ”小飞回答,语气中夹杂着一丝自信,可他却感到手心冒汗。
En: As the event continued, the audience grew larger.

Zh: 随着活动继续,观众越来越多。
En: Xiaofei, Lian, and Ruoxi were led into a hall of the palace.

Zh: 小飞、连和若曦被引导到宫殿的大厅内。
En: It turned out to be a reenactment of an "imperial meeting."

Zh: 原来是即将开始一场“皇庭会面”的情景再现。
En: The host handed the microphone to Xiaofei, "Would this young gentleman please give us a speech?"

Zh: 主持人将话筒递给小飞,“请这位公子为我们发表讲话。
En: Xiaofei thought he was going to be exposed but, seeing Ruoxi's expectant gaze, he took a deep breath.

Zh: ”小飞心想,这下要露馅了,但看到若曦期待的目光,他深吸一口气。
En: "Uh, hello, everyone!

Zh: “呃,大家好!
En: Today, here in the beautiful Forbidden City, we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

Zh: 今天我们在这美丽的故宫,一同庆祝中秋节。
En: I...

Zh: 我……我很高兴能与大家分享这段珍贵的历史。
En: I'm very glad to share this precious history with you all."

Zh: ”小飞努力保持镇定,但结结巴巴的话音引得大家哈哈大笑。
En: Xiaofei tried to remain calm, but his stammered speech made everyone burst into laughter.

Zh: 幸亏大家都被这寓意深远的场景和小飞的幽默感染,活动氛围依旧热烈。
En: Fortunately, everyone was moved by the meaningful scene and charmed by Xiaofei's humor, keeping the event lively.

Zh: 若曦笑着走近小飞:“虽然你不是真正的角色,但你让我看见了你的努力和勇敢。
En: Ruoxi smiled and approached Xiaofei, "Although you're not a real actor, you've shown me your effort and courage."

Zh: ”活动结束后,小飞、连和若曦一齐漫步在故宫的庭院中。
En: After the event, Xiaofei, Lian, and Ruoxi strolled through the courtyard of the Forbidden City.

Zh: 小飞意识到,比起历史知识,本色出演和幽默也许更能打动人心。
En: Xiaofei realized that perhaps being genuine and humorous could touch hearts more than historical knowledge.

Zh: 他偷偷想,这或许就是这次节日最难忘的瞬间。
En: He secretly thought that this might be the most unforgettable moment of the festival.

Zh: 中秋的月亮升起,银白色的月光洒在三人的笑脸上。
En: The Mid-Autumn moon rose, casting silvery-white moonlight on their smiling faces.

Zh: 他们相信,在这个特殊的节日,明年会有更多的美妙回忆等着他们。
En: They believed that on this special holiday, more wonderful memories awaited them next year.