From Hunger to Hero: A Day of Surprises at Kalemegdan

In this episode, we'll follow Miloš's humorous quest for food that unexpectedly turns him into a medieval knight, leading to a day of surprising adventures and new friendships.

Sr: Kalemegdan je bio pun ljudi.
En: Kalemegdan was full of people.

Sr: Miloš i Jelena su šetali po sunčanom danu.
En: Miloš and Jelena were walking on a sunny day.

Sr: Miloš je bio gladan.
En: Miloš was hungry.

Sr: “Hajdemo da nađemo hranu,” reče Miloš.
En: "Let's find some food," said Miloš.

Sr: Ugleda grupu ljudi u starinskoj odeći.
En: He saw a group of people in old-fashioned clothing.

Sr: Miris hrane dolazio je odatle.
En: The smell of food was coming from there.

Sr: Miloš se obradova.
En: Miloš was delighted.

Sr: “Pogledaj, Jelena!
En: "Look, Jelena!

Sr: Tamo sigurno dele hranu,” reče Miloš i krenu prema grupi.
En: They must be giving away food over there," said Miloš and headed toward the group.

Sr: Kada je stigao, čovek u srednjovekovnom oklopu ga pozdravi i pruži mu kacigu.
En: When he arrived, a man in medieval armor greeted him and handed him a helmet.

Sr: Miloš je mislio da se mora obući da bi dobio hranu.
En: Miloš thought he had to dress up to get some food.

Sr: “Pa, u redu,” reče Miloš i stavi kacigu.
En: "Well, okay," said Miloš and put on the helmet.

Sr: Grupa je nastavila sa pripremama.
En: The group continued with their preparations.

Sr: Jelena ga je gledala zbunjeno.
En: Jelena watched him, puzzled.

Sr: “Miloše, šta to radiš?
En: "Miloš, what are you doing?"

Sr: ” pitala je.
En: she asked.

Sr: Miloš odgovori: “Samo želim te besplatne uzorke hrane!
En: Miloš replied, "I just want those free food samples!"

Sr: ”U međuvremenu, vođa grupe je viknuo: “Spremni za bitku!
En: Meanwhile, the leader of the group shouted, "Ready for battle!"

Sr: ” Miloš nije očekivao borbu.
En: Miloš wasn't expecting a fight.

Sr: Počeo je da udara mačem, ali nije bio vičan tome.
En: He began swinging his sword but wasn't skilled at it.

Sr: Jelena je pokušavala da mu objasni da ovo nije za hranu, ali je bilo prekasno.
En: Jelena was trying to explain to him that this wasn't about food, but it was too late.

Sr: Svi su trčali prema zamisljenom neprijatelju.
En: Everyone was running toward the imaginary enemy.

Sr: Miloš nije mogao da prati tempo i sapleo se, pao u travu.
En: Miloš couldn't keep up and tripped, falling onto the grass.

Sr: Kad je bitka završila, prišao mu je jedan čovek iz grupe.
En: When the battle ended, a man from the group approached him.

Sr: “Dobar posao, druže!
En: "Good job, buddy!"

Sr: ” rekao je uz osmeh.
En: he said with a smile.

Sr: Miloš je zbunjeno pogledao.
En: Miloš looked confused.

Sr: “Hvala, ali ja sam samo hteo da jedemo.
En: "Thanks, but I just wanted to eat."

Sr: ”Vođa grupe se nasmejao.
En: The group leader laughed.

Sr: “Dobrodošao, uvek trebamo ovako hrabrog viteza!
En: "Welcome, we always need brave knights like you!"

Sr: ”Miloš je skinuo kacigu.
En: Miloš took off the helmet.

Sr: “Mislim da je došlo do nesporazuma.
En: "I think there's been a misunderstanding.

Sr: Ja nisam tu zbog viteštva.
En: I'm not here for knighthood."

Sr: ”“Šta?
En: "What?

Sr: Zašto si onda ovde?
En: Then why are you here?"

Sr: ”“Hrana,” odgovori Miloš prostodušno.
En: "Food," Miloš replied straightforwardly.

Sr: Svi iz grupe se nasmejaše glasno.
En: The entire group burst into laughter.

Sr: Ali vođa reče: “Nema problema, imamo hrane posle borbe.
En: But the leader said, "No problem, we have food after the battle.

Sr: Pridruži nam se opet kad god želiš!
En: Join us again whenever you want!"

Sr: ”Jelena i Miloš su se nasmejali i krenuli da jedu sa grupom.
En: Jelena and Miloš laughed and started eating with the group.

Sr: Bilo je veselo i zanimljivo.
En: It was cheerful and interesting.

Sr: Na kraju dana, Miloš je rekao Jeleni: “Nikad ne znaš šta možeš pronaći dok tražiš hranu.
En: At the end of the day, Miloš said to Jelena, "You never know what you might find while looking for food."

Sr: ”Jelena mu odgovori kroz smeh: “Ili u koga možeš naleteti u sred bitke!
En: Jelena replied with a laugh, "Or whom you might run into in the middle of a battle!"

Sr: ”Oboje su se složili da je dan bio nezaboravan.
En: They both agreed that the day was unforgettable.

Sr: Nisu našli samo hranu, već i nove prijatelje i dobru zabavu.
En: They didn't just find food, but also new friends and great fun.

Sr: To je bio dan za pamćenje na Kalemegdanu.
En: It was a day to remember at Kalemegdan.