Flying Cars Over Kalemegdan: Miloš’s Futuristic Encounter

In this episode, we'll join Miloš on a surreal journey through historic Kalemegdan where he discovers flying cars and secret technologies from the future, blurring the lines between past and future.

Sr: Miloš je voleo Kalemegdan.
En: Miloš loved Kalemegdan.

Sr: Svakog dana je šetao pored stare tvrđave.
En: Every day, he walked by the old fortress.

Sr: Jednog jutra, video je nešto neverovatno.
En: One morning, he saw something incredible.

Sr: Automobili su leteli!
En: Cars were flying!

Sr: Leteli su iznad kaldrme.
En: They were flying above the cobblestone streets.

Sr: Čuo je lagani šum motora.
En: He heard the gentle hum of engines.

Sr: "Hajde da istražim," rekao je Miloš.
En: "Let's investigate," Miloš said.

Sr: Popeo se na bedem.
En: He climbed up the wall.

Sr: Pogled mu je bio neverovatan.
En: The view was amazing.

Sr: Letelice su klizile kroz vazduh.
En: The vehicles were gliding through the air.

Sr: Delovalo je kao san.
En: It felt like a dream.

Sr: Jedan automobil se zaustavio pored njega.
En: One car stopped beside him.

Sr: Vrata su se otvorila.
En: The door opened.

Sr: "Uđi," rekao je čovek unutra.
En: "Get in," said the man inside.

Sr: Miloš je oklevao, ali je ušao.
En: Miloš hesitated, but he got in.

Sr: Vozilo je bilo udobno.
En: The vehicle was comfortable.

Sr: Polako su krenuli ka Donjem gradu.
En: They slowly headed towards the Lower Town.

Sr: "Kako ovo radi?
En: "How does this work?"

Sr: " pitao je Miloš.
En: Miloš asked.

Sr: Čovek se nasmejao.
En: The man smiled.

Sr: "To je nova tehnologija.
En: "It's new technology.

Sr: Dolazi iz budućnosti.
En: It comes from the future."

Sr: " Miloš je bio zbunjen.
En: Miloš was confused.

Sr: "Zašto ste ovde?
En: "Why are you here?"

Sr: " upita ga.
En: he asked him.

Sr: "Testiramo letelice u starim gradovima.
En: "We're testing the vehicles in old cities.

Sr: Kalemegdan je savršen za to," objasni čovek.
En: Kalemegdan is perfect for it," the man explained.

Sr: Leteli su iznad starog topa, blizu rimskih bunara.
En: They flew over the old cannon, near the Roman wells.

Sr: U tom trenutku, čuli su zvuk alarma.
En: At that moment, they heard an alarm sound.

Sr: Nešto nije bilo u redu.
En: Something was wrong.

Sr: "Sistem je preopterećen," reče čovek.
En: "The system is overloaded," the man said.

Sr: "Moramo da se spustimo.
En: "We have to land."

Sr: " Letelica je polako sletela na travu.
En: The vehicle slowly landed on the grass.

Sr: "Sve će biti u redu," rekao je čovek.
En: "Everything will be fine," the man said.

Sr: "Hvala ti na pomoći.
En: "Thank you for your help."

Sr: " Miloš je izašao iz letelice.
En: Miloš exited the vehicle.

Sr: Gledao je za njom dok se uzdizala.
En: He watched as it rose.

Sr: Automobil je nestao u daljini.
En: The car disappeared into the distance.

Sr: Miloš je stajao na bedemu.
En: Miloš stood on the wall.

Sr: Sunce je zalazilo.
En: The sun was setting.

Sr: Bio je zadovoljan.
En: He was satisfied.

Sr: Video je nešto što drugi nisu.
En: He had seen something others hadn't.

Sr: Kalemegdan je ostao miran, ali Miloš je znao.
En: Kalemegdan remained peaceful, but Miloš knew.

Sr: Tajne tehnologije su bile među starim zidinama.
En: Secret technologies were among the old walls.

Sr: Osmehnuo se i krenuo kući.
En: He smiled and headed home.

Sr: Priča se završila, ali Miloš je imao uspomenu za ceo život.
En: The story ended, but Miloš had a memory for a lifetime.