First-Time Fumbles at the Seaside Café

In this episode, we'll dive into the jittery jolts of a coffee newbie making waves with a hilariously misunderstood menu item.

Hr: Nije bio običan dan u malom gradu na moru.
En: It wasn't an ordinary day in the small seaside town.

Hr: Sunce se igralo na površini valova, a miris soli pomiješao se sa slatkim aromama iz malog kafića na rivi.
En: The sun was playing on the surface of the waves, and the scent of salt mixed with the sweet aromas from the little café on the waterfront.

Hr: Ivan odlazi prvi put u taj kafić.
En: Ivan is going to the café for the first time.

Hr: Ivan se sjesta za stol i uzbuđen je.
En: Ivan sits at a table, feeling excited.

Hr: Nikad prije nije bio ovdje.
En: He has never been here before.

Hr: Oči su mu prelazile po jelovniku, ali Ivan je teško razumio što piše.
En: His eyes scan the menu, but Ivan finds it hard to understand what it says.

Hr: Kafić je bio pun slika kave, ali riječi pored njih bile su zbunjujuće.
En: The café is filled with pictures of coffee, but the words next to them are confusing.

Hr: Luka, njegov prijatelj, dolazi ubrzo i sjeda za stol.
En: Soon, his friend Luka arrives and sits at the table.

Hr: Primećuje Ivana s jelovnikom u rukama.
En: He notices Ivan with the menu in his hands.

Hr: Ivan, što tražiš?
En: Ivan, what are you looking for?

Hr: Želim naručiti kavu, ali ne razumijem ovaj jelovnik.
En: I want to order coffee, but I don't understand this menu,

Hr: Ivan izgleda zbunjeno.
En: Ivan looks confused.

Hr: Luka uzima jelovnik i počinje čitati.
En: Luka takes the menu and starts reading.

Hr: Ana, Lukina sestra koja radi u kafiću, dolazi do stola.
En: Ana, Luka's sister who works in the café, comes to the table.

Hr: Što želite naručiti?
En: What would you like to order?

Hr: Ivan zacrveni i pokazuje na jelovnik,
En: Ivan blushes and points to the menu,

Hr: Može ovaj 'Crni biser'.
En: Can I have this 'Black Pearl'.

Hr: Ana se nasmiješi i odlazi do šanka.
En: Ana smiles and goes to the counter.

Hr: Luka i Ivan čekaju u neizvjesnosti.
En: Luka and Ivan wait in suspense.

Hr: Kada Ana donosi kavu, stavlja pred Ivana šalicu crne tekućine s čokoladnim prahom posipanim po vrhu.
En: When Ana brings the coffee, she places in front of Ivan a cup of black liquid with chocolate powder sprinkled on top.

Hr: Ivanovo lice se iznenadi.
En: Ivan's face lights up in surprise.

Hr: Ovo je 'Crni biser'? Mislio sam da naručujem nešto s biserima!
En: This is the 'Black Pearl'? I thought I was ordering something with pearls!

Hr: Samo naziv, Ivan, samo naziv,
En: Just the name, Ivan, just the name,

Hr: smije se Ana.
En: Ana laughs.

Hr: Svi se smiju Ivanoj zabuni.
En: Everyone laughs at Ivan's confusion.

Hr: Ivan kuša kavu i njegov izraz lica se promijeni od iznenađenja do zadovoljstva.
En: Ivan tastes the coffee and his expression changes from surprise to delight.

Hr: Ovo je najbolja kava koju sam ikad pio!
En: This is the best coffee I've ever had!

Hr: uzvikuje Ivan.
En: Ivan exclaims.

Hr: Na kraju, Ivan, Luka i Ana provode sate pričajući i smijući se Ivanoj prvoj avanturi s jelovnikom.
En: In the end, Ivan, Luka, and Ana spend hours talking and laughing about Ivan's first menu adventure.

Hr: Kafić na rivi postao je njihovo omiljeno mjesto za druženje, a 'Crni biser' Ivanov najdraži napitak koji je sada razumio i volio naručivati, bez straha od iznenađenja.
En: The café on the waterfront becomes their favorite place to hang out, and the 'Black Pearl' becomes Ivan's favorite drink, which he now understands and loves to order, without fear of surprises.