Finding Luka: Discovering Passion in Triglav National Park

In this episode, we'll explore how Luka steps out from his sister's shadow, embracing his own path through the natural beauty of Triglav and uncovering a hidden talent for leadership.

Sl: Luka je stal na robu velikega travnika.
En: Luka stood at the edge of a large meadow.

Sl: Triglavski narodni park se je pred njim raztezal v svojem čudovitem sijaju.
En: The Triglav National Park stretched out before him in its splendid glory.

Sl: Poletje je bilo v polnem razcvetu.
En: Summer was in full bloom.

Sl: Sonce je sijalo z modrega neba in vse je bilo mirno.
En: The sun shone from the blue sky, and everything was calm.

Sl: Luka je bil nervozen.
En: Luka was nervous.

Sl: Prvič je bil v srednji šoli.
En: It was his first time in high school.

Sl: Mama ga je vozila z avtom in celega poletja je poslušal o uspehih svoje starejše sestre Nine.
En: His mother drove him there, and all summer long, he listened to stories of his older sister Nina's successes.

Sl: Nina je bila nadarjena, priljubljena in vsi so jo poznali.
En: Nina was talented, popular, and everyone knew her.

Sl: Luka pa si je želel biti drugačen.
En: Luka, however, wanted to be different.

Sl: Želel si je svojo pot.
En: He desired his own path.

Sl: Prvi dan pouka je začel brez velikih pričakovanj.
En: The first day of school began without great expectations.

Sl: Šola je bila velika in hodniki polni novih obrazov.
En: The school was large, and the hallways were full of new faces.

Sl: Luka je tiho sledil toku učencev in se ustavil ob vratih učilnice.
En: Luka quietly followed the stream of students and stopped at the classroom door.

Sl: Na steni je visel plakat o naravovarstvenem klubu.
En: On the wall hung a poster about the nature conservation club.

Sl: Sijaj parka ga je pomiril.
En: The park's splendor calmed him.

Sl: Odločil se je, da se bo pridružil klubu.
En: He decided to join the club.

Sl: V klubu so govorili o izletu v Triglavski narodni park.
En: In the club, they talked about a trip to Triglav National Park.

Sl: Luka ni mogel skriti navdušenja.
En: Luka couldn't hide his excitement.

Sl: Poznal je vsako pot, vsako drevo.
En: He knew every path, every tree.

Sl: Bil je njegov drugi dom.
En: It was his second home.

Sl: Na izletu v parku je učiteljica vprašala, kdo bi želel voditi skupino na gozdnem pohodu.
En: During the park trip, the teacher asked who would like to lead the group on a forest hike.

Sl: Luka je začutil cmok v grlu, a dvignil je roko.
En: Luka felt a lump in his throat, but he raised his hand.

Sl: "Jaz bom," je rekel, malo preglasno.
En: "I will," he said, a bit too loudly.

Sl: Vsi so pogledali proti njemu, presenečeni.
En: Everyone looked at him, surprised.

Sl: Luka je dobil priložnost pripovedovati o svoji ljubezni do narave.
En: Luka got the chance to talk about his love for nature.

Sl: Vodil je skupino po gozdnih poteh, razlagal o živalih in rastlinah.
En: He led the group along forest trails, explaining about animals and plants.

Sl: Njegova samozavest je iz minute v minuto rasla.
En: His confidence grew with every minute.

Sl: Na koncu dneva je Luka stopil k Nini.
En: At the end of the day, Luka approached Nina.

Sl: "Bravo," je rekla in ga objela.
En: "Bravo," she said and hugged him.

Sl: "Nisem vedela, da imaš takšen talent.
En: "I didn't know you had such a talent."

Sl: "Luka je pogledal sestro in se nasmehnil.
En: Luka looked at his sister and smiled.

Sl: Spoznal je, da je vsak človek poseben na svoj način.
En: He realized that everyone is special in their own way.

Sl: Nič več ga ni bilo strah, da ga bodo primerjali z njo.
En: He was no longer afraid of being compared to her.

Sl: Bil je Luka, s svojimi lastnimi željami in sposobnostmi.
En: He was Luka, with his own desires and abilities.

Sl: Na poti domov je čutil olajšanje.
En: On the way home, he felt relief.

Sl: Njegova prva ura v novem okolju je prinesla uspeh.
En: His first hour in a new environment brought success.

Sl: Luka se je končno počutil, kot da pripada in kot da je našel svojo strast.
En: Luka finally felt as if he belonged and had found his passion.

Sl: V temi poletnega večera so Triglavske gore tiho pričale o začetku njegovega novega poglavja.
En: In the darkness of the summer evening, the Triglav mountains quietly witnessed the beginning of his new chapter.