Finding Clarity in Montserrat: A Retreat to Inner Peace

In this episode, we'll join Marc and Laia on a transformative journey through the fog-covered mountains of Montserrat, where they rediscover their inner peace and creative spark amid the tranquility of nature.

Ca: La boira cobria les muntanyes de Montserrat.
En: The fog covered the mountains of Montserrat.

Ca: Era bella, misteriosa.
En: It was beautiful, mysterious.

Ca: Entre les fulles caigudes dels arbres, el so suau del vent creava una melodia tranquil·la.
En: Among the fallen leaves of the trees, the gentle sound of the wind created a tranquil melody.

Ca: Marc i Laia van arribar junts al retir espiritual, cercant pau enmig de la natura.
En: Marc and Laia arrived together at the spiritual retreat, seeking peace amidst nature.

Ca: Marc era un advocat corporatiu estressat.
En: Marc was a stressed corporate lawyer.

Ca: La feina el consumia, i volia trobar pau i propòsit més enllà dels documents legals.
En: Work consumed him, and he wanted to find peace and purpose beyond legal documents.

Ca: Laia, una professora d’art reflexiva, sentia que havia perdut la seva inspiració creativa.
En: Laia, a thoughtful art teacher, felt she had lost her creative inspiration.

Ca: Els dos es coneixien del grup de meditació a Barcelona.
En: They both knew each other from the meditation group in Barcelona.

Ca: Els dies al retir eren senzills.
En: The days at the retreat were simple.

Ca: Al matí, meditacions silencioses.
En: In the morning, silent meditations.

Ca: A la tarda, passejades per la muntanya.
En: In the afternoon, walks in the mountains.

Ca: Al vespre, reflexions sota les estrelles.
En: In the evening, reflections under the stars.

Ca: Al principi, Marc tenia dificultat per desconnectar.
En: At first, Marc had trouble disconnecting.

Ca: Constantment pensava en el mòbil que havia deixat a l’habitació.
En: He constantly thought about the phone he had left in the room.

Ca: Laia, amb el seu quadern de dibuix, es preocupava que la seva creativitat no tornés.
En: Laia, with her sketchbook, worried that her creativity would not return.

Ca: Una matinada, es va organitzar una caminada de meditació.
En: One early morning, a meditation walk was organized.

Ca: Mentres caminaven, el sol començava a sortir, pintant el cel de taronja i rosa.
En: As they walked, the sun began to rise, painting the sky orange and pink.

Ca: Marc va mirar les muntanyes, deixant anar un sospir profund.
En: Marc looked at the mountains, letting out a deep sigh.

Ca: Va sentir una lleugeresa que no havia experimentat des de feia temps.
En: He felt a lightness he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Ca: En aquell moment, va comprendre el valor de ser al present, sense pensar en el futur ni en el passat.
En: In that moment, he understood the value of being present, without thinking of the future or the past.

Ca: Laia, al seu costat, sentia una emoció similar.
En: Laia, by his side, felt a similar emotion.

Ca: Va veure les ombres i els colors del paisatge, inspirant-la com feia anys que no ho feia.
En: She saw the shadows and colors of the landscape, inspiring her like it hadn't in years.

Ca: Va treure el quadern i va dibuixar un traç senzill però potent que capturava aquella escena única.
En: She took out her sketchbook and drew a simple yet powerful line that captured that unique scene.

Ca: La seva inspiració havia tornat.
En: Her inspiration had returned.

Ca: Després de la caminada, els dos es van seure i van conversar en silenci, compartint la claredat que els havia transportat aquell matí.
En: After the walk, the two sat and conversed in silence, sharing the clarity that had transported them that morning.

Ca: Marc va prometre no deixar que la seva feina definís la seva felicitat.
En: Marc promised not to let his job define his happiness.

Ca: Laia va decidir obrir-se més a noves experiències per alimentar el seu art.
En: Laia decided to open herself up more to new experiences to nurture her art.

Ca: En el darrer dia del retir, Marc i Laia van marxar de Montserrat amb cors renovats i ments més assossegades.
En: On the last day of the retreat, Marc and Laia left Montserrat with renewed hearts and calmer minds.

Ca: Van prometre ajudar-se mútuament a mantenir l’equilibri trobat.
En: They promised to help each other maintain the balance they had found.

Ca: Mentre la boira es dissipava darrere seu, sabien que la veritable força era dins d’ells, esperant ser desvetllada.
En: As the fog dissipated behind them, they knew the true strength was within them, waiting to be unveiled.