Family’s Historical Journey at Borobudur: A Day of Discovery

In this episode, we'll follow a family's enchanting journey to Borobudur Temple, uncovering their ancestral ties and creating unforgettable memories through a deeply historical adventure.

Id: Matahari pagi terbit indah di ufuk timur.
En: The morning sun rose beautifully in the eastern horizon.

Id: Arif, Rina, dan Dewi sedang bersiap-siap untuk perjalanan spesial.
En: Arif, Rina, and Dewi were getting ready for a special trip.

Id: Mereka akan mengunjungi Candi Borobudur.
En: They were going to visit Borobudur Temple.

Id: Hari ini adalah hari libur sekolah, waktu yang sempurna untuk tempat bersejarah ini.
En: Today was a school holiday, the perfect time for a historical site visit.

Id: Mereka naik mobil bersama-sama.
En: They traveled together by car.

Id: Rina dan Dewi adalah saudara.
En: Rina and Dewi are siblings.

Id: Arif adalah ayah mereka.
En: Arif is their father.

Id: Semua sangat bersemangat.
En: Everyone was very excited.

Id: Perjalanan memakan waktu beberapa jam.
En: The journey took several hours.

Id: Jalan menuju Candi Borobudur penuh pemandangan sawah dan gunung yang hijau.
En: The road to Borobudur Temple was filled with views of green rice fields and mountains.

Id: Setelah sampai, mereka kagum melihat kemegahan candi.
En: Upon arrival, they were amazed by the grandeur of the temple.

Id: Arif bercerita, "Candi Borobudur dibangun oleh Dinasti Syailendra pada abad ke-9.
En: Arif explained, "Borobudur Temple was built by the Syailendra Dynasty in the 9th century."

Id: " Dewi dan Rina mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
En: Dewi and Rina listened attentively.

Id: Mereka mulai menaiki tangga candi.
En: They began climbing the temple steps.

Id: Setiap langkah terasa seperti petualangan besar.
En: Every step felt like a great adventure.

Id: Setibanya di puncak, Arif mengajak mereka beristirahat sejenak.
En: Once at the top, Arif suggested they take a break.

Id: "Dahulu," kata Arif, "kakek buyut kita adalah pengrajin di sini.
En: "In the past," Arif said, "our great-grandfather was a craftsman here.

Id: Dia membantu membangun candi ini.
En: He helped build this temple."

Id: " Rina dan Dewi terkejut.
En: Rina and Dewi were surprised.

Id: Mereka tidak tahu cerita ini.
En: They didn’t know this story.

Id: "Tunggu sebentar, Ayah," kata Rina sambil membuka tasnya.
En: "Wait a moment, Dad," said Rina while opening her bag.

Id: Dia mengeluarkan sebuah buku tua.
En: She took out an old book.

Id: "Ini buku catatan kakek buyut kita.
En: "This is our great-grandfather's notebook.

Id: Ada cerita tentang pekerjaannya di candi.
En: It has stories about his work at the temple."

Id: "Mereka duduk di bawah pohon besar dan mulai membaca buku bersama.
En: They sat under a big tree and started reading the book together.

Id: Di dalamnya ada banyak gambar dan catatan.
En: Inside were many pictures and notes.

Id: Satu gambar menunjukkan kakek buyut mereka sedang ukir patung Buddha.
En: One picture showed their great-grandfather carving a Buddha statue.

Id: Tulisan kecil di sebelah gambar menceritakan betapa bangganya dia bisa bekerja di sana.
En: A small note beside the picture told of how proud he was to work there.

Id: "Buku ini luar biasa," kata Dewi antusias.
En: "This book is amazing," said Dewi excitedly.

Id: "Kita harus menceritakan ini ke seluruh keluarga.
En: "We must share this with the whole family."

Id: "Arif tersenyum.
En: Arif smiled.

Id: Dia merasa senang melihat anak-anaknya mencintai sejarah keluarga mereka.
En: He was happy to see his children loving their family history.

Id: "Ini adalah warisan kita," katanya.
En: "This is our heritage," he said.

Id: "Kita harus menjaga cerita ini agar tidak hilang.
En: "We must preserve these stories so they won’t be lost."

Id: "Mereka menghabiskan sisa hari di candi, mengagumi setiap ukiran dan patung.
En: They spent the rest of the day at the temple, admiring every carving and statue.

Id: Ketika matahari mulai terbenam, mereka memandang candi dengan rasa kagum yang baru.
En: As the sun began to set, they looked at the temple with a renewed sense of awe.

Id: Mereka mengerti bahwa mereka adalah bagian dari sesuatu yang besar dan penuh sejarah.
En: They understood that they were part of something grand and historical.

Id: Dalam perjalanan pulang, Rina dan Dewi terus berbicara tentang kakek buyut mereka.
En: On the way home, Rina and Dewi continued talking about their great-grandfather.

Id: Perjalanan ke Candi Borobudur menjadi lebih berarti daripada sekadar liburan.
En: The trip to Borobudur Temple became more meaningful than just a holiday.

Id: Ini menjadi momen keluarga yang penuh kenangan dan pembelajaran.
En: It became a family moment filled with memories and learning.

Id: Malam itu, sebelum tidur, Arif melihat kedua anaknya tertidur lelap dengan senyum di wajah mereka.
En: That night, before going to bed, Arif saw his two children fast asleep with smiles on their faces.

Id: Mereka telah menemukan lebih dari sekadar candi hari ini.
En: They had found more than just a temple today.

Id: Mereka menemukan bagian penting dari jati diri mereka.
En: They had found an important part of their identity.

Id: Dan dengan itu, mereka tidur nyenyak, bermimpi tentang masa lalu yang kini menjadi bagian erat dari masa depan mereka.
En: And with that, they slept soundly, dreaming of a past that now became an integral part of their future.