In this episode, we'll join Miloš on a heartwarming journey through the historic Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad, discovering the stories that bridge the past and present.
Sr: Miloš voleo šetnje.
En: Miloš loved walks.
Sr: Jednog sunčanog dana odlučio je da poseti Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu u Novom Sadu.
En: One sunny day, he decided to visit the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad.
Sr: Uzeo je ranac i krenuo iz kuće.
En: He took his backpack and left the house.
Sr: Voleo je istoriju i želeo je da sazna više o ovom starom mestu.
En: He loved history and wanted to learn more about this ancient place.
Sr: Kada je stigao, tvrđava je izgledala impozantno.
En: When he arrived, the fortress looked imposing.
Sr: Visoke zidine i stare kule privlačile su njegovu pažnju.
En: The tall walls and old towers caught his attention.
Sr: Miloš je krenuo stazom koja je vodila kroz ulaz.
En: Miloš took the path that led through the entrance.
Sr: Tamo je video mnogo turista.
En: There, he saw many tourists.
Sr: Neki su fotografisali, neki su istraživali prolaze, a neki su jednostavno uživali u pogledu sa visine.
En: Some were taking photographs, others were exploring the passages, and some were simply enjoying the view from above.
Sr: Miloš je odlučio da se popne na najvišu tačku tvrđave.
En: Miloš decided to climb to the highest point of the fortress.
Sr: Penjao se stepenicama i mermernim stazama.
En: He climbed the stairs and marble paths.
Sr: Disao je duboko i osećao se srećno.
En: He breathed deeply and felt happy.
Sr: Sa vrha Petrovaradina, pogled je bio prelep.
En: From the top of Petrovaradin, the view was beautiful.
Sr: Dunav je sjajno sijao na suncu, a Novi Sad se prostirao kao na dlanu.
En: The Danube shone brilliantly in the sun, and Novi Sad spread out like on the palm of a hand.
Sr: Dok je stajao na visini, razmišljao je o tome koliko je tvrđava stara.
En: As he stood at the height, he thought about how old the fortress was.
Sr: Setio se da je izgrađena u 17. veku.
En: He remembered that it was built in the 17th century.
Sr: U mislima se vratio u prošlost i zamislio kako je izgledalo tada.
En: In his mind, he went back in time and imagined what it looked like then.
Sr: Vitezovi su jurili preko zidine, topovi su grmeli, a stražari su budno pazili.
En: Knights were charging across the walls, cannons were booming, and guards were keeping watch.
Sr: Miloš je nastavio šetnju po tvrđavi.
En: Miloš continued his walk through the fortress.
Sr: Naišao je na mali muzej.
En: He came across a small museum.
Sr: U muzeju su bile izložene stare karte, oružje i uniforme.
En: In the museum, there were old maps, weapons, and uniforms on display.
Sr: Svaka stvar imala je svoju priču.
En: Each item had its own story.
Sr: Miloš je sa velikim interesovanjem čitao sve tekstove.
En: Miloš read all the texts with great interest.
Sr: Osećao je kao da je deo te istorije.
En: He felt like he was part of that history.
Sr: Posle posete muzeju, seo je na klupu pored stare topovske kule.
En: After visiting the museum, he sat on a bench next to the old cannon tower.
Sr: Uzeo je flašicu vode iz ranca i osvežio se.
En: He took a bottle of water from his backpack and refreshed himself.
Sr: Dok je tu sedeo, prišao mu je stariji gospodin.
En: While he was sitting there, an older gentleman approached him.
Sr: Gospodin se zvao Aleksandar i bio je vodič po tvrđavi.
En: The gentleman's name was Aleksandar, and he was a guide for the fortress.
Sr: Počeli su razgovor o istoriji mesta.
En: They began a conversation about the place's history.
Sr: Aleksandar je ispričao mnogo zanimljivih priča.
En: Aleksandar told many interesting stories.
Sr: Miloš je bio oduševljen.
En: Miloš was delighted.
Sr: Priče o herojima, borbama i svakodnevnom životu u tvrđavi bile su fascinantne.
En: The stories about heroes, battles, and daily life in the fortress were fascinating.
Sr: Naučio je mnogo novih stvari tog dana.
En: He learned many new things that day.
Sr: Kako se sunce počelo spuštati, Miloš je znao da je vreme da se vrati kući.
En: As the sun began to set, Miloš knew it was time to return home.
Sr: Zahvalio se Aleksandru na pričama i još jednom se osvrnuo na predivan pogled.
En: He thanked Aleksandar for the stories and once again looked back at the beautiful view.
Sr: Bio je srećan što je posetio Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu.
En: He was happy he had visited the Petrovaradin Fortress.
Sr: Dok je silazio niz stepenice, obećao je sebi da će se vratiti.
En: As he descended the steps, he promised himself he would return.
Sr: Želeo je da istraži još više i da sazna još više.
En: He wanted to explore more and learn even more.
Sr: Današnji dan mu je pokazao koliko je važno čuvati istoriju i učiti iz nje.
En: Today's visit showed him how important it is to preserve history and learn from it.
Sr: Miloš se vratio kući ispunjen.
En: Miloš returned home feeling fulfilled.
Sr: Osmehivao se dok je prelazio most preko Dunava.
En: He smiled as he crossed the bridge over the Danube.
Sr: Bio je siguran da će posetiti tvrđavu opet, i opet, i da će deliti priče sa svima koje voli.
En: He was sure he would visit the fortress again and again, and share the stories with everyone he loved.