Exploring Kalemegdan: A Journey Through History and Friendship

In this episode, we'll join Nikola, Jelena, and Marko on an unforgettable exploration of Kalemegdan Castle, discovering ancient secrets and treasuring the golden memories of a sunny afternoon.

Sr: Za sunčanog popodneva, Nikola, Jelena i Marko su se okupili ispred starog zamka.
En: On a sunny afternoon, Nikola, Jelena, and Marko gathered in front of the old castle.

Sr: Kalemegdan je bio veliki, sa visokim zidovima i lepim pogledom na reku.
En: Kalemegdan was large, with high walls and a beautiful view of the river.

Sr: "Idemo unutra!
En: "Let's go inside!"

Sr: " povikala je Jelena veselo.
En: Jelena shouted cheerfully.

Sr: Nikola i Marko su se složili i pratili je.
En: Nikola and Marko agreed and followed her.

Sr: Kalemegdan je imao mnogo staza, drveća i kamenih stepenica.
En: Kalemegdan had many paths, trees, and stone steps.

Sr: Deca su bila uzbuđena.
En: The children were excited.

Sr: Učitelj im je pričao o istoriji zamka.
En: The teacher told them about the history of the castle.

Sr: "Ovo mesto ima mnogo priča," rekao je učitelj.
En: "This place has many stories," the teacher said.

Sr: "Sagrađen je da brani Beograd.
En: "It was built to defend Belgrade."

Sr: "Dok su šetali, Nikola je video stari top.
En: As they walked around, Nikola saw an old cannon.

Sr: "Gledajte ovo!
En: "Look at this!

Sr: Da li je ovo koristilo u borbi?
En: Was this used in battle?"

Sr: " upitao je.
En: he asked.

Sr: Učitelj je klimnuo glavom i objasnio.
En: The teacher nodded and explained.

Sr: "Da, koristili su ga pre mnogo godina.
En: "Yes, it was used many years ago."

Sr: "Jelena je pronašla staru kulu.
En: Jelena found an old tower.

Sr: "Hajde da se popnemo!
En: "Let's climb up!"

Sr: " predložila je.
En: she suggested.

Sr: Marko i Nikola su bili uzbuđeni.
En: Marko and Nikola were excited.

Sr: Penjali su se pažljivo.
En: They climbed carefully.

Sr: Kad su stigli do vrha, pogled je bio predivan.
En: When they reached the top, the view was magnificent.

Sr: Videli su reku i ceo grad.
En: They could see the river and the entire city.

Sr: "Kako je bilo ovde živeti?
En: "What was it like to live here?"

Sr: " pitala je Jelena.
En: Jelena asked.

Sr: Učitelj je ponovo pričao.
En: The teacher spoke again.

Sr: "Ljudi su često imali teške živote.
En: "People often had hard lives.

Sr: Branili su se od neprijatelja, ali su i slavili pobede.
En: They defended themselves from enemies, but they also celebrated victories."

Sr: " Deca su zamišljala kako je nekada bilo.
En: The children imagined what it was like in the past.

Sr: Proveli su nekoliko sati istražujući.
En: They spent several hours exploring.

Sr: Učili su o bitkama, herojima i starim vremenima.
En: They learned about battles, heroes, and ancient times.

Sr: Svi su bili impresionirani.
En: Everyone was impressed.

Sr: "Ovo je najbolji izlet ikada!
En: "This is the best trip ever!"

Sr: " rekao je Marko dok su se vraćali.
En: Marko said as they headed back.

Sr: Na kraju dana, sunce je počelo da zalazi.
En: At the end of the day, the sun began to set.

Sr: Kalemegdan je bio osvetljen zlatnom svetlošću.
En: Kalemegdan was bathed in golden light.

Sr: Nikola, Jelena i Marko su se smeškali i razgovarali o svojim otkrićima.
En: Nikola, Jelena, and Marko smiled and talked about their discoveries.

Sr: Sa novim saznanjima i prijateljstvom, deca su otišla kući, noseći priče o prošlosti.
En: With newfound knowledge and friendship, the children went home, carrying stories of the past.

Sr: Svi su znali da će dugo pamtiti ovaj poseban dan na Kalemegdanu.
En: Everyone knew they would remember this special day at Kalemegdan for a long time.