In this episode, we'll join Miloš and Jelena on a memorable journey through the historic Kalemegdan Fortress, capturing breathtaking views, ancient artifacts, and unforgettable moments along the way.
Sr: Sunce je sijalo toplo tog leta na Beograd.
En: The sun shone warmly that summer in Belgrade.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena su šetali Kalemegdanom.
En: Miloš and Jelena were walking through Kalemegdan.
Sr: Kalemegdan je velika tvrđava sa bogatom istorijom.
En: Kalemegdan is a large fortress with a rich history.
Sr: Tog dana, odlučili su da istraže znamenitosti i lepote tvrđave.
En: On that day, they decided to explore the landmarks and beauties of the fortress.
Sr: Prvo su otišli do Sahat kule.
En: First, they went to the Clock Tower.
Sr: Kula je visoka i odatle je pogled predivan.
En: The tower is tall, and the view from there is magnificent.
Sr: Miloš je uzeo aparat i slikao.
En: Miloš took out his camera and took pictures.
Sr: „Jelena, pogledaj, prelepo je,“ rekao je.
En: “Jelena, look, it's beautiful,” he said.
Sr: Jelena se nasmešila i pogledala.
En: Jelena smiled and looked.
Sr: Nakon toga, krenuli su ka Velikoj kuli.
En: After that, they headed to the Great Tower.
Sr: Uzbuđeni, prelazili su kamenje i staru stazu.
En: Excitedly, they crossed over stones and the old path.
Sr: Tamo su našli stari top.
En: There, they found an old cannon.
Sr: Miloš je opet izvadio aparat.
En: Miloš took out his camera again.
Sr: „Moramo ovo slikati,“ rekao je.
En: “We have to take a picture of this,” he said.
Sr: Jelena je stala pored topa i smejala se.
En: Jelena stood next to the cannon, laughing.
Sr: Dok su istraživali, upoznali su starog vodiča.
En: While exploring, they met an old guide.
Sr: „Da li znate priču o ovoj tvrđavi?“ upita vodič.
En: “Do you know the story of this fortress?” asked the guide.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena klimaju glavom.
En: Miloš and Jelena nodded.
Sr: Vodič počne da priča.
En: The guide began to tell the story.
Sr: „Ova tvrđava je štitila grad mnogo vekova.
En: “This fortress has protected the city for many centuries.
Sr: Ovde su se vodile važne bitke.
En: Important battles were fought here.”
Sr: Njih dvoje su slušali sa pažnjom.
En: The two listened attentively.
Sr: Na svako mesto koje su prošli, Miloš je pravio slike.
En: At every place they passed, Miloš took pictures.
Sr: "Pogledaj ovaj Zid plača," rekao je Miloš.
En: "Look at this Weeping Wall," Miloš said.
Sr: "Zid je star hiljade godina."
En: "The wall is thousands of years old."
Sr: Jelena se nasmejala i stala je pored zida.
En: Jelena laughed and stood next to the wall.
Sr: Miloš je slikao svaki trenutak.
En: Miloš captured every moment.
Sr: Vreme je prolazilo brzo.
En: Time passed quickly.
Sr: Sunce je počelo da zalazi kada su stigli do pogleda na Savu i Dunav.
En: The sun began to set when they reached the view of the Sava and Danube rivers.
Sr: „Pogledaj Jelena, ovo je najlepši pogled,“ rekao je Miloš.
En: "Look, Jelena, this is the most beautiful view," said Miloš.
Sr: Jelena je stajala zadivljena.
En: Jelena stood there, amazed.
Sr: Boje neba su bile kao san.
En: The colors of the sky were like a dream.
Sr: Dok su se vraćali, Miloš je rekao: „Ovaj dan je bio fantastičan.
En: As they walked back, Miloš said: “This day was fantastic.
Sr: Imam toliko mnogo slika.“
En: I have so many pictures.”
Sr: Jelena se nasmejala: „Sviđa mi se kako smo podelili ovu avanturu.“
En: Jelena laughed: “I love how we shared this adventure.”
Sr: Dok su izlazili iz tvrđave, nebo je bilo tamno, a svetla Kalemegdana su sijala.
En: As they left the fortress, the sky was dark, and the lights of Kalemegdan were shining.
Sr: Miloš i Jelena su znali da će se vratiti.
En: Miloš and Jelena knew they would return.
Sr: Tvrđava je sada bila deo njihovih uspomena.
En: The fortress was now part of their memories.
Sr: Pri povratku kući, Miloš je rekao: „Naš dan na Kalemegdanu je bio savršen.“
En: On the way home, Miloš said: “Our day at Kalemegdan was perfect.”
Sr: Jelena se složila i stavila ruku na Miloševu.
En: Jelena agreed and put her hand on Miloš's.
Sr: „Da, imali smo predivan dan.“
En: “Yes, we had a wonderful day.”
Sr: Njihovo prijateljstvo je postalo još jače tog dana.
En: Their friendship grew even stronger that day.
Sr: Kalemegdan je za njih bio ne samo istorijski spomenik, već i mesto gde su stvorili nove uspomene.
En: For them, Kalemegdan was not just a historical monument but also a place where they created new memories.