Enchanting Journeys: A Day Exploring Lake Bled with Mateja

In this episode, we'll join Mateja, a passionate tour guide, as she leads a group of excited tourists on a captivating journey around the breathtaking Lake Bled, unveiling its history, beauty, and magic.

Sl: Mateja je zjutraj vstala rano.
En: Mateja got up early in the morning.

Sl: Bledsko jezero je bilo mirno.
En: Lake Bled was calm.

Sl: Sončni žarki so se odbijali od gladine.
En: The sun's rays reflected off the surface.

Sl: Mateja je bila turistična vodnica.
En: Mateja was a tour guide.

Sl: Danes je imel poseben pomen.
En: Today had a special meaning.

Sl: Skupina iz tujine je prišla na ogled.
En: A group from abroad had come for a visit.

Sl: Na jezeru je bil majhen čoln.
En: On the lake, there was a small boat.

Sl: Mateja je pristopila k skupini.
En: Mateja approached the group.

Sl: "Pozdravljeni," je rekla.
En: "Hello," she said.

Sl: Turisti so jo pozdravili nazaj.
En: The tourists greeted her back.

Sl: Bili so navdušeni.
En: They were excited.

Sl: Bledsko jezero je bilo znano po svoji lepoti.
En: Lake Bled was known for its beauty.

Sl: Skupina je začela s hojo okoli jezera.
En: The group began walking around the lake.

Sl: Mateja je razlagala zgodovino.
En: Mateja explained the history.

Sl: "Jezero je nastalo iz ledenice," je rekla.
En: "The lake was formed from a glacier," she said.

Sl: Vsi so poslušali.
En: Everyone listened.

Sl: Potem so prišli do blejskega otoka.
En: Then they reached Bled Island.

Sl: "To je edini otok v Sloveniji," je še povedala.
En: "This is the only island in Slovenia," she added.

Sl: Turisti so stopili v čoln.
En: The tourists stepped into the boat.

Sl: Mateja jih je spremljala.
En: Mateja accompanied them.

Sl: Veslač je počasi veslal.
En: The rower rowed slowly.

Sl: Mateja je govorila o cerkvi na otoku.
En: Mateja talked about the church on the island.

Sl: "Cerkev je zelo stara," je povedala.
En: "The church is very old," she said.

Sl: "Tukaj se ljudje poročajo.
En: "People get married here."

Sl: " Vsi so pogledali proti cerkvi.
En: Everyone looked towards the church.

Sl: Bila je lepa, stara stavba.
En: It was a beautiful, old building.

Sl: Na otoku so turisti šli do zvona želja.
En: On the island, the tourists went to the wishing bell.

Sl: "Potegnete zvon in si nekaj zaželite," je rekla Mateja.
En: "You pull the bell and make a wish," Mateja said.

Sl: Vsi so potegnili zvon.
En: Everyone pulled the bell.

Sl: Slišal se je glas zvona.
En: The sound of the bell was heard.

Sl: Ljudje so se nasmehnili.
En: People smiled.

Sl: Bilo je čarobno.
En: It was magical.

Sl: Ko so se vrnili na obalo, so si ogledali grad.
En: When they returned to the shore, they visited the castle.

Sl: Bledski grad je stal visoko na skali.
En: Bled Castle stood high on a cliff.

Sl: "Od tukaj je čudovit razgled," je rekla Mateja.
En: "There is a wonderful view from here," Mateja said.

Sl: In res je bil.
En: And indeed, it was.

Sl: Vsi so občudovali jezero z višine.
En: Everyone admired the lake from above.

Sl: Dan se je počasi končeval.
En: The day was slowly coming to an end.

Sl: Mateja je bila utrujena, a zadovoljna.
En: Mateja was tired but pleased.

Sl: Turisti so bili veseli in polni vtisov.
En: The tourists were happy and full of impressions.

Sl: Nekateri so jo celo pohvalili.
En: Some even complimented her.

Sl: "Odlično ste nas vodili," so rekli.
En: "You guided us excellently," they said.

Sl: Mateja se je nasmehnila.
En: Mateja smiled.

Sl: Vedela je, da je storila dober posel.
En: She knew she had done a good job.

Sl: Ko so vsi odšli, je Mateja sedla na klop ob jezeru.
En: When everyone had left, Mateja sat on a bench by the lake.

Sl: Gledala je vodo in premišljevala.
En: She looked at the water and reflected.

Sl: Bila je srečna.
En: She was happy.

Sl: Njeno delo je bilo težko, a ljubezen do kraja je bilo moč čutiti v vsakem njenem koraku in besedi.
En: Her work was hard, but the love for the place could be felt in every step and word.

Sl: Tako se je zaključil še en dan ob Bledskem jezeru.
En: Thus ended another day by Lake Bled.

Sl: Matija je vedela, da bo še mnogokrat tukaj vodila turiste.
En: Mateja knew she would guide tourists here many more times.

Sl: In vsak dan bo poseben.
En: And each day would be special.