Enchanting Escapade: A Day of Love and Adventure at Lake Bled

In this episode, we'll join Matej and Nina on a mesmerizing journey through the serene beauty of Lake Bled, as they discover hidden treasures, ring the bell of good fortune, and create unforgettable memories in a picturesque paradise.

Sl: Sonce je sijalo svetlo in nebo je bilo brez oblačka.
En: The sun was shining brightly and the sky was cloudless.

Sl: Matej in Nina sta stala na obali Blejskega jezera.
En: Matej and Nina stood on the shore of Lake Bled.

Sl: Bled je bil čudovit.
En: Bled was beautiful.

Sl: Hribi, zeleni gozdovi in mirna voda.
En: The hills, green forests, and calm water.

Sl: Matej je rekel: "Poglej, Nina!
En: Matej said, "Look, Nina!

Sl: Pletna čaka.
En: The Pletna is waiting.

Sl: Pojdiva na otok!
En: Let's go to the island!"

Sl: "Nina je z nasmehom prikimala.
En: Nina nodded with a smile.

Sl: Stopila sta na leseno pletno, tradicionalni čoln, ki ju je odpeljal proti Blejskemu otoku.
En: They stepped onto the wooden Pletna, a traditional boat, which took them towards Bled Island.

Sl: Mirno sta sedela in občudovala lepoto okoli sebe.
En: They sat quietly, admiring the beauty around them.

Sl: Voda je bila bistro modra.
En: The water was crystal blue.

Sl: Ribi so se igrale blizu površja.
En: Fish were playing near the surface.

Sl: "Zelo lepo je tukaj," je dejala Nina in si popravila klobuk.
En: "It is so beautiful here," said Nina, adjusting her hat.

Sl: "Želim si, da bi lahko ostala dlje.
En: "I wish we could stay longer."

Sl: ""Seveda, bo še veliko priložnosti," ji je odgovoril Matej.
En: "Of course, there will be many more opportunities," replied Matej.

Sl: "Zdaj pa uživajmo v vožnji.
En: "For now, let's enjoy the ride."

Sl: "Pletna je počasi plula do otoka.
En: The Pletna slowly sailed to the island.

Sl: Na otoku je stala majhna cerkvica in nekaj starodavnih stavb.
En: On the island stood a small church and some ancient buildings.

Sl: Ko sta prispela, sta izstopila iz pletne in se odpravila po kamnitih stopnicah na vrh otoka.
En: When they arrived, they got off the Pletna and walked up the stone steps to the top of the island.

Sl: Stopnice so bile strme, a razgled je bil čudovit.
En: The steps were steep, but the view was magnificent.

Sl: Ko sta prispela do cerkve, je Matej iz nahrbtnika izvlekel majhen kosilni komplet.
En: When they reached the church, Matej pulled a small picnic set out of his backpack.

Sl: "Piknik," je rekel s smehom.
En: "A picnic," he said with a laugh.

Sl: "Za naju.
En: "For us."

Sl: "Nina je bila navdušena.
En: Nina was thrilled.

Sl: Udobno sta se usedla pod veliko staro drevo in začela jesti.
En: They sat comfortably under a large old tree and began to eat.

Sl: Med jedjo sta se pogovarjala o različnih stvareh.
En: During the meal, they talked about various things.

Sl: Smela in se zabavala.
En: They laughed and had fun.

Sl: Nič ju ni motilo.
En: Nothing disturbed them.

Sl: Po obedu sta se odločila, da bosta raziskala otok.
En: After the meal, they decided to explore the island.

Sl: Sprehodila sta se po vseh možnih stezah in odkrila skrite kotičke.
En: They walked along all possible paths and discovered hidden corners.

Sl: Ko sta prišla do zvonika, je Matej predlagal: "Pocukajva za zvonce.
En: When they reached the bell tower, Matej suggested, "Let's ring the bell.

Sl: Pravijo, da prinaša srečo.
En: They say it brings good luck."

Sl: "Nina je prikimala in skupaj sta potegnila za debelo vrv.
En: Nina nodded, and together they pulled the thick rope.

Sl: Zvon je zadonel nad celim jezerom.
En: The bell rang out over the whole lake.

Sl: Odmevalo je daleč naokoli.
En: Its echo carried far.

Sl: Nasmehnila sta se.
En: They smiled.

Sl: Po dolgem dnevu na otoku sta se vrnila na pletno in se odpravila nazaj proti obali.
En: After a long day on the island, they returned to the Pletna and headed back to the shore.

Sl: Voznik pletne ju je pozdravil z nasmehom in vprašal: "Sta uživala?
En: The Pletna's driver greeted them with a smile and asked, "Did you enjoy it?"

Sl: ""Tako zelo," je odgovoril Matej.
En: "Very much," Matej replied.

Sl: Nina je pokimala.
En: Nina nodded.

Sl: Ko sta se vrnila na kopno, je bilo nebo že rdeče od zahajajočega sonca.
En: When they returned to land, the sky was already red from the setting sun.

Sl: Matej je dejal: "Bled je res magičen.
En: Matej said, "Bled is really magical.

Sl: In tvoj nasmeh ga naredi še lepšega.
En: And your smile makes it even more beautiful."

Sl: "Nina se je smehljala in prijela Mateja za roko.
En: Nina smiled and took Matej's hand.

Sl: Skupaj sta se odpravila nazaj proti hotelu, vedoč, da se bosta še vrnila k Blejskemu jezeru.
En: Together, they walked back towards the hotel, knowing they would return to Lake Bled again.

Sl: Dan se je končal, a spomini so ostali.
En: The day had ended, but the memories remained.

Sl: Matej in Nina sta bila srečna, da sta lahko skupaj delila tako čudovit dan.
En: Matej and Nina were happy to have shared such a beautiful day together.

Sl: Bled bo vedno imel posebno mesto v njunih srcih.
En: Bled would always have a special place in their hearts.