Discovering the Enchanted Market: Time-Travel Adventures Await

In this episode, we'll join Ivan and Mia as they uncover a hidden market in Split, leading to thrilling adventures through different eras and unforgettable discoveries.

Hr: U srcu Splita, stara kaldrma vodi do skrivenog trga.
En: In the heart of Split, an old cobblestone path leads to a hidden square.

Hr: Na tom trgu postoji čudesna tržnica.
En: In that square, there is a magical market.

Hr: Ivan i Mia bili su najbolji prijatelji.
En: Ivan and Mia were best friends.

Hr: Jednog dana, odlučili su istražiti tu tržnicu.
En: One day, they decided to explore this market.

Hr: Kad su stigli na trg, Ivan i Mia vidjeli su štandove ispunjene nevjerojatnim stvarima.
En: When they arrived at the square, Ivan and Mia saw stalls filled with incredible things.

Hr: "Pogledaj ovo!
En: "Look at this!"

Hr: " rekla je Mia.
En: Mia said.

Hr: "Ovo je rimski mač!
En: "This is a Roman sword!"

Hr: " Ivan nije mogao vjerovati svojim očima.
En: Ivan could not believe his eyes.

Hr: "A ovo je vaza iz antičke Grčke!
En: "And this is a vase from ancient Greece!"

Hr: " uzviknuo je.
En: he exclaimed.

Hr: Prolazeći pored svakog štanda, Ivan i Mia osjećali su se kao da putuju kroz vrijeme.
En: Passing by each stall, Ivan and Mia felt as if they were traveling through time.

Hr: Tu je bio štand sa srednjovjekovnim oklopima, zatim štand s renesansnim slikama.
En: There was a stall with medieval armor, then a stall with Renaissance paintings.

Hr: Svaki prodavač bio je obučen u odjeću iz svojeg vremena.
En: Every vendor was dressed in clothing from their respective era.

Hr: "Izvolite, mladi gospodine, želite li kušati renesansne kolače?
En: "Would you like to try some Renaissance cakes, young sir?"

Hr: " pitao je jedan prodavač sa šeširom širokog oboda.
En: asked one vendor with a wide-brimmed hat.

Hr: Ivan je znao da mora probati kolače.
En: Ivan knew he had to try the cakes.

Hr: "Da, molim!
En: "Yes, please!"

Hr: " rekao je sa širokim osmijehom.
En: he said with a broad smile.

Hr: Mia je kupila staru knjigu.
En: Mia bought an old book.

Hr: Prodavač joj je rekao: "Ova knjiga ima moć.
En: The vendor told her, "This book has power.

Hr: Vodit će vas u avanture.
En: It will lead you on adventures."

Hr: "Ivan i Mia nastavili su dalje.
En: Ivan and Mia continued further.

Hr: "Pogledaj onaj štand," rekla je Mia.
En: "Look at that stall," Mia said.

Hr: Bilo je to mjesto s futurističkim gadgetima.
En: It was a place with futuristic gadgets.

Hr: Prodavač im je rekao da dolazi iz budućnosti.
En: The vendor told them he came from the future.

Hr: "Ovo je uređaj za putovanje kroz vrijeme," rekao je.
En: "This is a time travel device," he said.

Hr: Ivan i Mia su bili fascinirani.
En: Ivan and Mia were fascinated.

Hr: "Mogu li ga isprobati?
En: "Can I try it?"

Hr: " upitala je Mia.
En: Mia asked.

Hr: Prodavač je kimnuo glavom.
En: The vendor nodded.

Hr: "Samo pritisnite ovaj gumb.
En: "Just press this button."

Hr: "Iznenada, Ivan i Mia su se našli u kamenom dobu.
En: Suddenly, Ivan and Mia found themselves in the Stone Age.

Hr: "Ovo je nevjerojatno!
En: "This is incredible!"

Hr: " rekao je Ivan.
En: Ivan said.

Hr: "Moramo se vratiti kući," dodala je Mia.
En: "We need to go home," Mia added.

Hr: Brzo su pritisnuli gumb i vratili se na tržnicu.
En: They quickly pressed the button and returned to the market.

Hr: Prodavač se nasmiješio i rekao: "Uvijek ste dobrodošli nazad.
En: The vendor smiled and said, "You are always welcome back."

Hr: "S osmijehom na licima, Ivan i Mia napustili su tržnicu.
En: With smiles on their faces, Ivan and Mia left the market.

Hr: Znali su da će se uvijek sjećati tog dana.
En: They knew they would always remember that day.

Hr: Bio je to dan kada su putovali kroz vrijeme i doživjeli povijest na poseban način.
En: It was the day they traveled through time and experienced history in a unique way.

Hr: Splitski trg ostao je često posjećivan, ali tajna čudesne tržnice znali su samo oni koji su jednom kročili njome.
En: The Split square remained frequently visited, but the secret of the magical market was known only to those who once walked through it.

Hr: Ivan i Mia čuvali su svoju tajnu, spremni za nove avanture kroz vrijeme.
En: Ivan and Mia kept their secret, ready for new adventures through time.