Choosing Love: A Lavender Journey at Ljubljana’s Garden

In this episode, we'll explore a heartwarming journey of choice, love, and the timeless symbolism found in the simple gift of lavender.

Sl: Ljubljanski botanični vrt je bil v sijaju poletnega dne.
En: The Ljubljana Botanical Garden was in the splendor of a summer day.

Sl: V parku je bilo polno raznobarvnih cvetlic, in vonj po svežem zelenju je napolnil zrak.
En: The park was full of colorful flowers, and the scent of fresh greenery filled the air.

Sl: Maja in Žiga sta se sprehajala med lepimi rastlinami, njuna naloga je bila izbrati popolno rožo za Majino mamo.
En: Maja and Žiga were strolling among the beautiful plants, tasked with choosing the perfect flower for Maja's mother.

Sl: Maja je bila zamišljena.
En: Maja was deep in thought.

Sl: Težko se je odločila, saj je želela izbrati rastlino, ki bo za mamo nekaj posebnega, pa hkrati ne preveč zahtevnega za nego.
En: It was hard for her to decide because she wanted to choose a plant that would be special for her mother, yet not too demanding to care for.

Sl: "Poglej, Žiga, ta lepa orhideja!
En: "Look, Žiga, this beautiful orchid!"

Sl: " je vzkliknila Maja.
En: Maja exclaimed.

Sl: Žiga je pogledal orhidejo in rekel: "Je čudovita, ampak ali si prepričana, da bo to zdržalo mamine roke?
En: Žiga glanced at the orchid and said, "It's stunning, but are you sure it will survive your mother's care?

Sl: Zanjo je težka rastlina.
En: It's a challenging plant for her."

Sl: " Njegova praktična narava je vedno našla pot do resnice.
En: His practical nature always led to the truth.

Sl: Poleg razmišljajoče Maje je stala Anja, uslužbenka v botaničnem vrtu.
En: Standing next to the contemplative Maja was Anja, an employee at the botanical garden.

Sl: Z nasmehom na obrazu in srečo v očeh je pozdravila Majo in Žigo.
En: With a smile on her face and happiness in her eyes, she greeted Maja and Žiga.

Sl: Njena ljubezen do rastlin je bila očitna.
En: Her love for plants was evident.

Sl: "Lepo orhidejo ste si ogledali.
En: "You've picked out a lovely orchid.

Sl: Ampak, če iščete nekaj s simboliko, vam lahko pomagam.
En: But if you're looking for something with symbolism, I can help."

Sl: "Anja je pokazala proti skromni lončnici z vijolično lavando.
En: Anja pointed to a humble pot of purple lavender.

Sl: "Lavanda simbolizira mir in predanost," je razložila.
En: "Lavender symbolizes peace and devotion," she explained.

Sl: "Je tudi enostavna za nego in vonj je izjemen.
En: "It's also easy to care for, and the scent is amazing."

Sl: "Maja je pomislila na mamo.
En: Maja thought of her mother.

Sl: Spomnila se je, kako zelo ima rada vonj lavande.
En: She remembered how much her mother loved the scent of lavender.

Sl: Njena mama je vedno govorila, kako vonj lavande pomiri njene misli.
En: Her mother always said that the smell of lavender calmed her mind.

Sl: A v njenih mislih je še vedo odmeval Žigov nasvet o orhideji.
En: Yet, in her thoughts, Žiga's advice about the orchid still echoed.

Sl: "Kaj misliš, Žiga?
En: "What do you think, Žiga?"

Sl: "Žiga je skomignil z rameni in rekel: "Lahko je sentimentalno, pa še praktično.
En: Žiga shrugged and said, "It can be sentimental and practical.

Sl: Vsaj veš, da mami ne bo povzročilo preveč težav.
En: At least you know it won't cause her too much trouble."

Sl: "Maja je bila še vedno v dvomih, a je čutila, da lavanda najbolje opisuje ljubezen do mame.
En: Maja was still unsure, but she felt that lavender best described her love for her mother.

Sl: "Odločila sem se," je rekla s tihim glasom, ki je nosil novo odločnost.
En: "I've decided," she said in a quiet voice that carried newfound determination.

Sl: "Lavanda bo pravšnja.
En: "Lavender is the right choice.

Sl: Moje srce pravi, da je to to.
En: My heart tells me it's perfect."

Sl: "Anja ji je pomagala pri pakiranju rastline in ji dodala še nasvet, kako najbolje skrbeti zanjo.
En: Anja helped her pack the plant and gave her some tips on how to care for it.

Sl: Ko sta Maja in Žiga zapustila botanični vrt, je Maja začutila nov val samozavesti.
En: As Maja and Žiga left the botanical garden, Maja felt a new wave of confidence.

Sl: Ni se trudila za popolnost, temveč za ljubezen in namen.
En: She wasn’t striving for perfection but for love and intention.

Sl: Poletje je še naprej sijalo nad Ljubljano, in tako je sijala tudi Majina sreča, ko je hodila proti domu, v naročju pa je držala vonj miru in spominov — skromno, a pomembno lavando.
En: Summer continued to shine over Ljubljana, and so did Maja's happiness as she walked home, holding the scent of peace and memories in her arms—a humble but significant lavender.