In this episode, we'll toast to life's unexpected twists with three friends in a Serbian tavern as they transform a flaming mishap into a heartwarming memory.
Sr: U maloj, ali toploj kafani u srcu Srbije, sedeli su Miloš, Ana i Dragan.
En: In a small but cozy tavern in the heart of Serbia, Miloš, Ana, and Dragan were sitting.
Sr: Prijatelji su to bili dugo godina i voleli su da se okupe u ovom mestu.
En: They had been friends for many years and loved to gather in this place.
Sr: Zidovi kafane bili su ukrašeni starim fotografijama i ručno tkanim ćilimima, a iz zvučnika je dopirala tiha melodija starih srpskih pesama.
En: The tavern walls were adorned with old photographs and hand-woven carpets, while soft melodies of old Serbian songs could be heard from the speakers.
Sr: Veče je bilo posebno.
En: The evening was special.
Sr: Bilo je to veče kada su odlučili da podignu čašu i nazdrave za uspehe koje su nedavno postigli.
En: It was the night they decided to raise their glasses and toast to the recent successes they had achieved.
Sr: Miloš je dobio unapređenje na poslu, Ana je diplomirala, a Dragan se verio.
En: Miloš had been promoted at work, Ana had graduated, and Dragan got engaged.
Sr: Smejali su se, pričali stare priče i uživali u ukusima domaćih jela.
En: They laughed, shared old stories, and enjoyed the flavors of homemade dishes.
Sr: Kada je vreme bilo za tost, Miloš se uspravio i zatražio pažnju.
En: When it was time for a toast, Miloš stood up and asked for attention.
Sr: "Za naše snove!
En: "To our dreams!"
Sr: " uzviknuo je Miloš, podižući čašu rakije visoko u vazduh.
En: Miloš exclaimed, raising his glass of rakija high in the air.
Sr: Ali, dok je snažno mahao rukom, čaša mu je izletela iz ruke i razlivši se rakija je zacaprila na njegovu košulju.
En: But as he waved his arm vigorously, the glass slipped from his hand and spilled rakija on his shirt.
Sr: Kao da je sve stalo, Ana i Dragan su zanemeli, gledajući kapljice rakije koje su se slivale niz Miloševu košulju.
En: Everything seemed to freeze as Ana and Dragan fell silent, watching the drops of rakija trickle down Miloš's shirt.
Sr: U trenutku, od malene iskre sa svećnjaka na stolu, plamen je brzo zahvatio mokru košulju.
En: In an instant, a tiny spark from the candle on the table quickly caught onto the wet shirt.
Sr: Miloš je skočio na noge, a svi u kafani su posmatrali sa užasom.
En: Miloš jumped to his feet, and everyone in the tavern watched in horror.
Sr: Bez razmišljanja, Dragan je brže-bolje uhvatio krpu sa stola i počeo da maše oko Miloša, pokušavajući ugušiti plamen.
En: Without hesitation, Dragan hastily grabbed a cloth from the table and began waving it around Miloš, trying to smother the flames.
Sr: Ana je potrčala do bara i donela čašu vode da polije preostale varnice.
En: Ana ran to the bar and brought a glass of water to douse the remaining sparks.
Sr: Iako je vatra bila mala i brzo ugašena, uzbuđenje je preplavilo celu kafanu.
En: Although the fire was small and quickly extinguished, excitement filled the entire tavern.
Sr: Miloš se nerado nasmejao, još uvek drhtav od šoka, dok su njegovi prijatelji i ljudi iz kafane počeli da tapšu i smeju se, olakšani da je opasnost prošla.
En: Miloš reluctantly smiled, still trembling from the shock, while his friends and the tavern patrons began to applaud and laugh, relieved that the danger had passed.
Sr: "Barem će to biti još jedna priča za pamtiti," rekao je Miloš, skidajući svoju pristalu i sad crnu košulju.
En: "At least it will be another story to remember," said Miloš, taking off his scorched and now black shirt.
Sr: Kroz smeh i anegdote, nastavili su veče, sada sa još jednom pričom koja će krasiti istoriju njihovih susreta u omiljenoj kafani.
En: Amid laughter and anecdotes, they continued the evening, now with one more story that would adorn the history of their gatherings in their favorite tavern.
Sr: U bratskom duhu, takozvanom "Srpskom meraku", još jednom su podigli čaše, ovoga puta pažljivije.
En: In the spirit of "Srpski merak", they raised their glasses once again, more carefully this time.
Sr: "Živeli," rekli su u glas, zahvalni što su zajedno, i što je u tim trenucima, njihova veza postala još jača i bogatija.
En: "Cheers," they said in unison, grateful to be together, and that in those moments, their bond had become even stronger and richer.
Sr: I tako su, uz smeh i toplinu, njihove anegdote i doživljaji dodati na listu bezvremenskih trenutaka koji su tkanje priče o prijateljstvu, po kojem se poznaju stari zidovi te kafane.
En: And so, with laughter and warmth, their anecdotes and experiences were added to the list of timeless moments that weave the story of friendship by which the old walls of that tavern are known.