Chasing Legends: An Enchanted Night at Lake Bled

In this episode, we'll embark on a whimsical Halloween adventure with Zala, Matej, and Boris as they attempt to uncover the truth behind the legendary Bled dragon, discovering laughter and friendship along the way!

Sl: Dogodek se je začel nekega hladnega jesenskega večera ob Blejskem jezeru.
En: The event began on a chilly autumn evening by Blejsko jezero (Lake Bled).

Sl: Zala je pogledala čez krog dreves, ki so zlatose lesketali v jesenskem listju, in začutila veter, ki ji je pihal skozi lase.
En: Zala looked across the circle of trees, shimmering golden in the autumn foliage, and felt the wind blowing through her hair.

Sl: Bila je odločena.
En: She was determined.

Sl: Tokrat bo zagotovo ujela dokaze o blejskem zmaju.
En: This time, she would surely capture evidence of the Bled dragon.

Sl: "Ljubica, je to res potrebno?
En: "Honey, is this really necessary?"

Sl: " je vprašal Matej, ki je gledal svojo punco z mešanico začudenja in občudovanja.
En: asked Matej, looking at his girlfriend with a mixture of wonder and admiration.

Sl: "Seveda, Matej.
En: "Of course, Matej.

Sl: To je priložnost.
En: This is an opportunity.

Sl: Noč čarovnic je posebej magična," mu je odgovorila Zala z iskrivimi očmi.
En: Halloween is especially magical," replied Zala with sparkling eyes.

Sl: Poleg njiju je stal Boris, njihov prijatelj z bujno domišljijo.
En: Beside them stood Boris, their friend with an imaginative flair.

Sl: Nosil je velik plašč, poln žepkov, polnih nenavadnih pripomočkov.
En: He wore a large coat, full of pockets stuffed with unusual gadgets.

Sl: Iz enega je izvlekel nekaj, kar je izgledalo kot rog.
En: From one, he pulled out something that looked like a horn.

Sl: "To je zmajev klic," je rekel Boris s širokim nasmehom.
En: "This is the dragon's call," said Boris with a wide smile.

Sl: "Prepričan sem, da bo deloval.
En: "I'm sure it will work."

Sl: "Matej je zavzdihnil, vendar ni rekel nič.
En: Matej sighed but said nothing.

Sl: Vedel je, da je ta večer pomemben za Zalo.
En: He knew this evening was important for Zala.

Sl: Čeprav ni verjel v zmaja, ji ni hotel pokvariti upanja.
En: Although he didn't believe in the dragon, he didn't want to spoil her hope.

Sl: Skupaj so se odpravili na izlet proti jezeru.
En: Together, they set out on a trip toward the lake.

Sl: Megla je ležala tiho kot tančica nad serenosjo vodo, otok s cerkvico pa se je zdel skorajda nadnaraven.
En: The fog lay quietly like a veil over the serene water; the island with the church seemed almost supernatural.

Sl: Zala si je predstavljala, kako se bo njen obraz pojavil na naslovnicah časopisov, ko bo dokazala obstoj zmaja.
En: Zala imagined her face appearing on newspaper covers when she would prove the dragon's existence.

Sl: Ko so prispeli do roba jezera, je Boris začel s svojim posebnim ritualom.
En: When they reached the edge of the lake, Boris started his special ritual.

Sl: Oblekel je smešen papirnat kostum zmaja in hrumel, kot da je dejansko zmajev glas.
En: He donned a funny paper dragon costume and roared as if he were truly a dragon's voice.

Sl: Turisti na bližnji poti so se obrnili in ga radovedno opazovali, nekateri pa celo odhajali, prestrašeni nad njegovim početjem.
En: Tourists on the nearby path turned and watched him curiously, some even leaving, frightened by his antics.

Sl: Zala se je komaj zadrževala, da ni bruhnila v smeh, vendar je ostala osredotočena.
En: Zala could barely hold back her laughter but remained focused.

Sl: "Hitro, Matej, pripravi kamero!
En: "Quick, Matej, get the camera ready!"

Sl: " je rekla.
En: she said.

Sl: Ravno v tistem trenutku se je nekaj zasvetlikalo na vodni površini pod svetlobo polne lune.
En: Just at that moment, something glimmered on the water's surface under the full moon's light.

Sl: Zali je srce poskočilo.
En: Zala's heart leaped.

Sl: "Zmaj!
En: "Dragon!"

Sl: " je kriknila in pokazala na valove.
En: she shouted, pointing at the waves.

Sl: Matej je poskusil ujeti trenutek, a ko je pohitel, se je spotaknil ob Borisov papirnat rep in kamerica je zgrmela v vodo, čof!
En: Matej tried to capture the moment, but as he hurried, he tripped over Boris's paper tail, and the camera tumbled into the water, splash!

Sl: Vsi so za trenutek brez besed strmeli v mesto, kjer je kamera izginila.
En: For a moment, they all stared speechlessly at the spot where the camera had vanished.

Sl: Nato je Boris, še vedno v kostumu, dvignil glavo iz vode in se smejal.
En: Then Boris, still in costume, lifted his head from the water and laughed.

Sl: "Mislim, da me je zmaj prevaral," je rekel in se začel smejati.
En: "I think the dragon tricked me," he said, starting to laugh.

Sl: Zala, Matej in Boris so se pričeli smejati.
En: Zala, Matej, and Boris began to laugh.

Sl: Kamera je bila izgubljena, vendar so ugotovili, da je prava dogodivščina v iskanju zmaja in ne samo v dokazu njegovega obstoja.
En: The camera was lost, but they realized that the true adventure was in the search for the dragon and not just in proving its existence.

Sl: Ko so se vračali proti domu, je Zala začutila, da je nekaj našla – ne zmajev dokaz, ampak neprecenljiv spomin na prijateljstvo in smeh.
En: As they returned home, Zala felt that she had found something—not dragon evidence, but priceless memories of friendship and laughter.

Sl: Njeno srce je bilo polno in vedela je, da so bili skupaj del legende tudi brez fotografij.
En: Her heart was full, and she knew they were part of the legend even without photographs.

Sl: Blejsko jezero je znova umirjeno valovalo pod meglenim plaščem, pripravljeno na naslednjo pustolovščino, ki bi jo morda kdo zaznal med njegovimi skrivnostnimi globinami.
En: Blejsko jezero once again calmly rippled under the foggy veil, ready for the next adventure that someone might perceive in its mysterious depths.