Chase the Squirrel: A Belgrade Mischief

In this episode, we'll follow a whimsical mishap as a girl chases what she believes to be a squirrel through the historical heart of Belgrade, only to stumble into a blooming friendship.

Sr: Bio jednom jedno sunčano jutro na Beogradskoj tvrđavi, Kalemegdanu.
En: One sunny morning, Milica, a cheerful girl with long blond hair, walked among the old walls at Belgrade Fortress, Kalemegdan.

Sr: Milica, vesela devojka sa dugom plavom kosom, šetala je među starim zidinama, uživajući u pogledu na ušće Save u Dunav.
En: She was enjoying the view of the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers.

Sr: U ruci je držala mali smeđi ranac i fotoaparat, jer je volela da beleži lepote koje je okružuju.
En: In her hand, she held a small brown backpack and a camera, as she loved to capture the beauty surrounding her.

Sr: Dok je tražila savršeno mesto za fotografiju, nešto veliko i brzo potrčalo je kraj nje.
En: As she searched for the perfect spot for a photo, something big and fast ran past her.

Sr: Pip, pip, pip, zvuci malih koraka privukli su njenu pažnju.
En: Pip, pip, pip, the sounds of little footsteps caught her attention.

Sr: Pomislila je da je to nestašna veverica, jer su se slične znale igrati među drvećem u tvrđavi.
En: She thought it was a mischievous squirrel, as similar ones often played among the trees in the fortress.

Sr: Mašala se svoje torbe i krenula u poteru, ne znajući da to nije veverica, već Nikola, brat njenog najboljeg prijatelja, koji je trčao da potraži frizbi kojim su se igrali.
En: Adjusting her bag, she set off in pursuit, not realizing that it wasn't a squirrel, but Nikola, the brother of her best friend, who was running to retrieve the frisbee they were playing with.

Sr: Nikola, kratke smeđe kose i u teksas jakni, nije imao pojma da ga Milica sada juri misleći da je on jedna nestašna veverica.
En: Nikola, with short brown hair and a denim jacket, had no idea that Milica was now chasing him, thinking he was a mischievous squirrel.

Sr: Zavlačeći se između zidova i toranj, samo je žurio po frizbi koji mu je odleteo iz ruku.
En: Dodging between walls and towers, he was solely focused on retrieving the frisbee that had slipped from his grasp.

Sr: Milica je trčala za njim, iznenadjena koliko je ta "veverica" brza i spretna.
En: Milica chased after him, surprised by how fast and agile this "squirrel" was.

Sr: Oni koji su šetali tvrđavom počeli su da se smeju ovoj zabavnoj poteri, neki su čak vikali savete Milici koje strane da potrči.
En: Those strolling through the fortress began to laugh at this entertaining chase, some even shouting advice to Milica on which way to run.

Sr: Igra mačke i miša nastavila se dok Nikola nije skoknuo na jedan od zidova i okrenuo se da vidi ko je ta uporna „lovac“.
En: The cat-and-mouse game continued until Nikola leaped onto one of the walls and turned to see who the persistent "hunter" was.

Sr: Kada je Milica napokon stigla do Nikole, zadihana i zbunjena, prepoznala je njegovo lice i oboje su se glasno nasmejali.
En: When Milica finally caught up to Nikola, out of breath and confused, she recognized his face, and they both burst into laughter.

Sr: "Mislio sam da si veverica!
En: "I thought you were a squirrel!"

Sr: " priznala je Milica, dok je pokušavala da dođe do daha.
En: admitted Milica as she tried to catch her breath.

Sr: Nikola je smešeći se podelio svoju priču o izgubljenom frizbiju, i kako nije ni slutio da će postati glavni lik u nečijoj poteri za vevericom.
En: Smiling, Nikola shared his story of the lost frisbee and how he had never imagined he would become the main character in someone's squirrel chase.

Sr: Posle tog događaja, odlučili su zajedno da potraže frizbi, razgovarajući i smejući se.
En: After that event, they decided to search for the frisbee together, chatting and laughing.

Sr: Na kraju su pronašli igračku zaglavljenu među grana drveta, a sa pričom o nestašnoj "veverici" koju će pamtiti, Milica i Nikola su postali dobri prijatelji.
En: In the end, they found the toy stuck among the tree branches, and with the story of the mischievous "squirrel" to remember, Milica and Nikola became good friends.

Sr: Kraj tog dana, uz zalazak sunca, Malica je napravila fotografiju spomenika Pobedniku sa svojim novim prijateljem pored sebe, odlučivši da taj dan zabeleži ne samo kroz slike, već i kroz osmeh koji je delila sa Nikolom.
En: By the end of that day, as the sun set, Milica took a photograph of the Victor monument with her new friend beside her, deciding to commemorate not only that day through pictures but also through the shared laughter with Nikola.