Charming Blunder at Dusk’s Fortress

In this episode, we'll explore the whimsical mishaps that bring laughter and memories among friends, as we follow Jovan's enchanting encounter with a silent duke and the ensuing jovial banter under the stars of Belgrade.

Sr: Jovan je tog sunčanog dana šetao Kalemegdanom.
En: Jovan was walking through Kalemegdan on that sunny day.

Sr: Grad mu je uvek delovao kao magično mesto, ali park je bio posebno čaroban.
En: The city always seemed like a magical place to him, but the park was especially enchanting.

Sr: Kao dečak, sanjao je da bude istraživač i Kalemegdan mu je bio kao džungla puna tajni i skrivenih kutaka.
En: As a boy, he dreamt of being an explorer, and Kalemegdan was like a jungle full of secrets and hidden corners to him.

Sr: Dok je prolazio pored starih spomenika i tvrđava, njegovo maštanje ga je odnelo daleko.
En: As he passed by old monuments and fortresses, his daydreaming took him far away.

Sr: Jovan nije ni primetio kako se približava statui vojvode, misleći da je prava osoba, i počeo je da razgovara s njom.
En: Jovan didn't even notice he was approaching the statue of the duke, thinking it was a real person, and he started talking to it.

Sr: "Zdravo, gospodine.
En: "Hello, sir.

Sr: Kako vam je danas?
En: How are you today?"

Sr: " pozdravio je statuu nasmejano.
En: he greeted the statue with a smile.

Sr: Nije ni sanjao da mu udaljeni smeh zapravo dolazi od Ane i Milice, koje su sedele na klupi blizu njega.
En: Little did he dream that the distant laughter was actually coming from Ana and Milica, who were sitting on a bench nearby.

Sr: One su naime videli celu scenu i nisu mogle da zaustave svoj smeh.
En: They had seen the whole scene and couldn't stop laughing.

Sr: "Jovane, pričaš sa kamenom!
En: "Jovan, you're talking to a stone!"

Sr: " doviknula je Ana, brišući suze smeha s obraza.
En: Ana shouted, wiping tears of laughter from her face.

Sr: Milica je dodala: "Izgleda da vojvoda danas nije baš pričljiv, ha?
En: Milica added, "Looks like the duke isn't very talkative today, eh?"

Sr: "Jovan, malo zbunjen ali sa osmehom, okrenuo se i ugledao devojke kako se smeju.
En: A bit flustered but still smiling, Jovan turned and saw the girls laughing.

Sr: Njegovo lice se zarumenelo, ali je i on počeo da se smeje.
En: His face turned red, but he also started laughing.

Sr: Shvatio je kako scena mora da je bila smešna.
En: He realized how funny the scene must have been.

Sr: "Taman sam hteo da mu predložim šetnju do zoološkog vrta," odgovorio je Jovan uz šaljivi ton.
En: "I was just about to suggest a walk to the zoo with him," Jovan replied in a playful tone.

Sr: Smejući se svojoj nezgodi, Jovan je prišao banci gde su sedele Ana i Milica.
En: Laughing at his mishap, Jovan approached the bench where Ana and Milica were sitting.

Sr: Razgovarali su o svakodnevnim sitnicama i zanimljivostima koje krije Kalemegdan.
En: They chatted about everyday things and the interesting features hidden in Kalemegdan.

Sr: Sunce se polako spuštalo na horizont, a svetlost je bojila kule i zidine tvrđave zlatnom bojom.
En: The sun slowly descended on the horizon, and its light dyed the towers and walls of the fortress golden.

Sr: Ana je predložila da prošetaju do vidikovca gde mogu da uživaju u pogledu na ušće Save u Dunav.
En: Ana suggested they take a walk to the viewpoint where they could enjoy the view of the confluence of the Sava and the Danube.

Sr: Troje prijatelja su nastavili šetnju, ispreplićući šalu s pričama o svom gradu i njegovoj istoriji.
En: The three friends continued their stroll, weaving jokes with stories about their city and its history.

Sr: Na kraju su se složili da je avantura s "vojvodom" samo još jedna lepa uspomena koju će pridodati svom bukvaru priča o Kalemgdanu i Beogradu.
En: In the end, they agreed that the adventure with the "duke" was just another beautiful memory to add to their collection of stories about Kalemegdan and Belgrade.

Sr: Jovan više nije bio zbunjen, osmehivao se na svoju grešku znajući da je upravo to, nepredvidive sitnice, ono što život čini zanimljivim.
En: Jovan was no longer embarrassed, smiling at his mistake, knowing that it was precisely these unexpected little things that made life interesting.

Sr: Sunce je zaronilo iza horizonta, a zvezde su počele da se pojavljuju na nebu, osvetljavajući put kući troje prijatelja.
En: The sun dipped below the horizon, and the stars began to appear in the sky, lighting the way home for the three friends.

Sr: I dok je noć osvajala park, Jovan, Ana i Milica su odlazili bogatiji za još jednu priču koju će kasnije rado prepričavati.
En: As the night claimed the park, Jovan, Ana, and Milica departed richer with yet another story they would happily recount later.