The Windmill’s Blessing
Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch The Windmill’s Blessing Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een mooie dag in Rotterdam. En: It was a beautiful day in Rotterdam. Nl: De zon scheen, de lucht diepblauw en de vogels zongen. En: The sun was shining, the sky a deep blue, and the birds were singing. Nl: Emie en…
Read MoreDancing into Dutch Culture
Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Dancing into Dutch Culture Story Transcript: Nl: Nynke en Joep hadden de verhalen hun hele leven gehoord. En: Nynke and Joep had heard the stories all their lives. Nl: Verhalen over een cultuur die traditionele dans en muziek vierde in een kleine stad in Nederland. En: Tales of a culture…
Read MoreThe Flower Market’s Magical Lessons
Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch The Flower Market’s Magical Lessons Story Transcript: Nl: Siena en Pim voelden zich avonturiers toen ze door de bruisende bloemenmarkt in Den Haag slenterden. En: Siena and Pim felt like adventurers as they strolled through the bustling flower market in The Hague. Nl: Overal waar ze keken, vulden levendige kleuren…
Read MoreUncovering Van de Velde: A Legacy
Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Uncovering Van de Velde: A Legacy Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een zonnige ochtend toen de broers Fedde en Britt in Drenthe uit de trein stapten. En: It was a sunny morning when brothers Fedde and Britt stepped off the train in Drenthe, a countryside region of the Netherlands. Nl:…
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Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Delft’s Magical Journey Story Transcript: Nl: Olaf en Pien droomden al maanden van hun reis naar Delft. En: Olaf and Pien had been dreaming of their trip to Delft for months. Nl: Nu waren ze eindelijk in de beroemde stad, klaar om de plaatsen te verkennen waarover ze hadden gelezen…
Read MoreThe Fishcake Rivals of Lavik
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian The Fishcake Rivals of Lavik Story Transcript: Nb: Lukten av nystekte fiskekaker hang alltid i luften på den lille kafeen i Lavik. En: The smell of freshly baked fishcakes always hung in the air at the small cafe in Lavik. Nb: Det var kilden til mange heftige debatter mellom Sven…
Read MoreSkiing to Love: Kai & Magnus
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Skiing to Love: Kai & Magnus Story Transcript: Nb: Kai og Magnus hadde vært sammen gjennom sommeren, men de hadde aldri opplevd vinteren sammen. En: Kai and Magnus had been together through the summer, but they had never experienced the winter together. Nb: Da snøen begynte å samle seg i…
Read MoreLifetime of Love: Sigrid & Elias
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Lifetime of Love: Sigrid & Elias Story Transcript: Nb: Sigrid hadde drømt om dette øyeblikket i et år. En: Sigrid had been dreaming of this moment for a year. Nb: Sammen med ektemannen Elias hadde hun endelig tatt turen til Lygna for å feire deres 10-årsjubileum – og for å…
Read MoreUncovering Abel’s Tragic Brilliance
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Uncovering Abel’s Tragic Brilliance Story Transcript: Nb: Ingvild og Morten hadde alltid vært fascinert av fortidens historier. En: Ingvild and Morten had always been fascinated by the stories of the past. Nb: Ingvild og Morten hadde alltid vært fascinert av fortidens historier. En: Ingvild and Morten had always been fascinated…
Read MoreKodlak Connection: Mina & Torbjørn
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Kodlak Connection: Mina & Torbjørn Story Transcript: Nb: Mina og Torbjørn var et usannsynlig par. En: Mina and Torbjørn were an unlikely pair. Nb: De hadde vokst opp på hver sin side av Tromsø og hadde aldri møtt hverandre før, men her sto de, side ved side i fiskeutstyret, klare…
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