Finding Harmony: A Family’s Adventure in Triglav

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V meglicah hladnega jesenskega jutra so Anja, Luka in Rok opazovali veličasten Triglavski narodni park. En: In the mists of a chilly autumn morning, Anja, Luka, and Rok observed the magnificent Triglav National Park. Sl: Sončni žarki so se prebijali skozi raznobarvno listje. En: Sunbeams filtered through…

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Unveiling Ljubljana: Legends and Architecture Under the Mist

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Marjeta in Borut sta stala pred Ljubljanskim gradom. En: Marjeta and Borut stood in front of Ljubljana Castle. Sl: Jesenski veter ju je rahlo hladil, a jima ni mogel preprečiti veselja. En: The autumn wind was gently cooling them, but it couldn’t dampen their spirits. Sl: Grad…

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Reviving a Father’s Legacy: The Heart of a Coffee Roastery

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V zlatem jesenskem soncu, ki se je počasi spuščalo skozi majhno okno na podstrešju, sta Mateja in Luka počasi premikala stare škatle. En: In the golden autumn sun, slowly descending through the small attic window, Mateja and Luka moved the old boxes. Sl: Vonj po praženih kavnih…

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Finding Strength at Bled: Matej’s Life-Changing Retreat

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Pod blejskim gradom, kamor se ovija topla svetloba poznega poletja, je Matej stopal po utrjenih tleh. En: Under Bled Castle, where the warm light of late summer wrapped around everything, Matej walked on the reinforced ground. Sl: Zavzel je dih in opazoval mirno Blejsko jezero, ki se…

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Patience on the Path: A Recovery Journey at Lake Bled

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Matej je sedel na klopci ob Blejskem jezeru. En: Matej sat on a bench by Lake Bled. Sl: Jesenski listi so padali z dreves, okoli njega so bila rdeča in oranžna. En: Autumn leaves were falling from the trees, red and orange surrounding him. Sl: Voda v…

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Rebuilding Bridges by Lake Bled: A Sibling’s Healing Journey

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Miha stoji ob obali jezera Bled. En: Miha stands by the shore of Lake Bled. Sl: Voda se mirno blešči pod svetlobo poznega poletnega sonca. En: The water glistens peacefully under the late summer sun. Sl: V daljavi, na sredini jezera, se dviga otok s starodavno cerkvico.…

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Autumn Whispers and Farewells by Lake Bled

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Jesen je nežno počasi prihajala v kraj. En: Autumn was gently arriving in the area. Sl: Okoli Blejskega jezera so listi dreves začeli dobivati toplo paleto rumenih, rdečih in oranžnih odtenkov. En: Around Lake Bled, the leaves on the trees began to take on a warm palette…

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Summer Reconciliation: A Tale of Sibling Bonds in Piran

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Vlažno poletno jutro je ovijalo Piran v topel objem. En: A moist summer morning enveloped Piran in a warm embrace. Sl: Mesto je bilo polno energije, z vonjem po soli in morju, ki je bil prisoten povsod. En: The town was full of energy, with the scent…

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Balance First: Mateja’s Journey to Wellness and Perseverance

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi velika okna Ljubljanske centralne bolnišnice. En: The sun shone through the large windows of the Ljubljana Central Hospital. Sl: Poletni žarki so osvetljevali čakalnico in risali svetle proge na sivih sedežih. En: The summer rays illuminated the waiting room, drawing bright lines on…

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Finding Luka: Discovering Passion in Triglav National Park

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Luka je stal na robu velikega travnika. En: Luka stood at the edge of a large meadow. Sl: Triglavski narodni park se je pred njim raztezal v svojem čudovitem sijaju. En: The Triglav National Park stretched out before him in its splendid glory. Sl: Poletje je bilo…

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