From Shore to New Horizons: Matej’s Leap into the Unknown
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Matej je stal za točilnim pultom v kavarni ob plaži. En: Matej stood behind the counter in the café by the beach. Sl: Zvončki na vratih so zazvonili, ko je nova stranka vstopila. En: The doorbells chimed as a new customer entered. Sl: Jesenski veter je prinesel…
Read MoreA Family’s Unplanned Journey to Togetherness
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V megli zgodnjega jesenskega jutra, ko so prvi hladni vetrovi začeli barvati listje v odtenke oranžne in rdeče, je družina Mateja, Jure in njuna hči Neža prispela v Bled. En: In the calm of an early autumn morning, as the first chilly winds began to paint the…
Read MoreHarvest, Harmony, and Heritage: An Autumn in Karst
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Na hladno jutro, obsijano z jesenskim soncem, je veter nežno plapolal po vinogradih okoli kmetije na Krasu. En: On a cold morning bathed in the autumn sun, the wind gently fluttered through the vineyards surrounding the farm in the Karst region. Sl: Matej je stal na dvorišču…
Read MoreArt & Adaptation: Weathering the Storm in Tivoli Park
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V Tivoli parku je bil pozni poletni dan. En: It was a late summer day in Tivoli Park. Sl: Maja je stala ob vhodu v umetniški paviljon. En: Maja stood at the entrance of the art pavilion. Sl: Pogledala je oblake na nebu. En: She looked up…
Read MoreRevealing Secrets: A Friendship Tested at Lake Bled
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Jesen je ovila Blejsko jezero v čudovite barve. En: Autumn had wrapped Lake Bled in beautiful colors. Sl: Drevesa so se lesketala v rdeči, oranžni in zlati barvi. En: The trees shimmered in shades of red, orange, and gold. Sl: Jezero je bilo mirno. En: The lake…
Read MoreAn Autumn Tale: Friendship Blossoms in Ljubljana’s Orphanage
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V okrožju polnem zlatih barv listja, kjer se jesen igrivo razprostira, stoji sirotišnica v Ljubljani. En: In a district filled with the golden hues of leaves, where autumn playfully unfolds, there stands an orphanage in Ljubljana. Sl: Otroci hitijo po hodnikih, v zraku pa je čutiti mešanico…
Read MoreBeneath the Autumn Leaves: A Tale of Trust and New Beginnings
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Pod jesenskim nebom, kjer so listi plesali v vetru, se je Ljubljanski grad pripravljal sprejeti novo zgodbo. En: Under the autumn sky, where the leaves danced in the wind, the Ljubljana Castle was preparing to host a new story. Sl: Anja je sedela na robu kamnite klopi…
Read MoreLuka’s Leap: Winning Investors Without Slides
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Luka je stal v sobi, polni ljudi, v Ljubljanskem podjetniškem inkubatorju. En: Luka stood in a room full of people at the Ljubljana entrepreneurial incubator. Sl: Srce mu je bilo kot noro. En: His heart was beating wildly. Sl: Okrog njega so bile rdeče opečne stene in…
Read MoreA Migraine at Bled Castle: A Tale of Support and Strength
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Matej in Anja sta slišala zgodbe o Blejskem gradu že od malih nog. En: Matej and Anja had heard stories about Bled Castle since they were little. Sl: Zdaj sta tam, jesensko sonce sijo na zlatem listju okoli. En: Now they were there, with the autumn sun…
Read MoreFinding Clarity: A Life’s Turning Point Amidst Alpine Splendor
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Mateja in Jure sta stala na začetku pohodniške poti v Triglavskem narodnem parku. En: Mateja and Jure stood at the start of a hiking trail in Triglav National Park. Sl: Jesen je razsipala svoje čarobne barve po gozdovih Julijskih Alp. En: Autumn had spread its magical colors…
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