Embracing Memory: A Stormy Trek Through Tatry’s Autumn

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: V Tatrách je jeseň nádherná. En: In the Tatry, autumn is beautiful. Sk: Farebné listy padajú na zem a zlaté svetlo preniká cez vetvy stromov. En: Colorful leaves fall to the ground, and golden light filters through the branches of the trees. Sk: Marek a Jana kráčajú…

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Unveiling Secrets: The Mystery of the 1980s Yearbook

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: V Martine na Strednej škole viedol málo kto k štúdiu s takým nadšením ako Marek. En: In Martin, at the high school, few led their studies with as much enthusiasm as Marek. Sk: Marek miloval históriu, záhady a knihy. En: Marek loved history, mysteries, and books. Sk:…

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Finding Harmony in Bratislava’s Bustling Markets

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Na trhoch Bratislavy je vždy rušno. En: The markets of Bratislava are always bustling. Sk: Jeseň farbí mesto do teplých odtieňov oranžovej a červenej. En: Autumn paints the city in warm shades of orange and red. Sk: Všade je cítiť vôňu pečených gaštanov a varenej škoricovej cider.…

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Silent Awakening: Marek’s Journey to Rediscover Art

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Marek stál pred veľkými dverami Slovenskej národnej galérie. En: Marek stood in front of the large doors of the Slovenská národná galéria (Slovak National Gallery). Sk: Jeseň obalila Bratislavu do teplých oranžových a žltých tónov, ktoré mu zahriali dušu. En: Autumn had enveloped Bratislava in warm orange…

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Finding Her Voice: A Daughter’s First Vote Amid Family Traditions

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Začiatkom októbra svieži vzduch naplnil park pred komunitným centrom. En: At the beginning of October, fresh air filled the park in front of the community center. Sk: Stromy sa pomaly zbavovali svojich farebných listov, ktoré ticho padali na chodník. En: The trees were slowly shedding their colorful…

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Whispers and Wins: The Poker Mystery at Pod Dubom

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: V jesennej Bratislave sa pub “Pod Dubom” stával útočiskom mnohých ľudí. En: In autumnal Bratislava, the pub “Pod Dubom” became a refuge for many people. Sk: Vonku šuchotalo lístie a v diaľke bolo počuť dunivý zvuk padajúceho dažďa. En: Outside, the leaves rustled and in the distance,…

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Marek’s Autumn Symphony: Crafting Nature’s Canvas

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vzduchu bolo cítiť jemný chlad jesene, keď Marek kráčal cez záhrady komunity v Tatrách. En: There was a gentle chill of autumn in the air as Marek walked through the community gardens in the Tatras. Sk: Stromy tu, v objatí hôr, tvorili čarovnú scénu všetkými farbami…

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From Delays to Triumph: Marek’s Parisian Business Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Marek sedel na tvrdej lavičke v letisku Bratislava. En: Marek sat on the hard bench in letisko Bratislava. Sk: Bol jeseň, vietor vonku fúkal listy okolo a obloha bola sivá. En: It was autumn, the wind outside blew leaves around, and the sky was gray. Sk: Marekovi…

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Llama Journey: Embracing the Unexpected at Machu Picchu

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vzduchu sa vznášala jemná vôňa jari. En: The air was filled with a gentle scent of spring. Sk: Machu Picchu stálo hrdé a tajomné medzi oblakmi na vrchole Ánd. En: Machu Picchu stood proud and mysterious among the clouds atop the Andes. Sk: Marek a Lucia,…

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The Hidden Heirlooms of Bratislavský Hrad

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Na jeseň, keď lístie pokrývalo zem farbami oranžovej a červenej, Bratislavský hrad majestátne trónil na kopci. En: In the autumn, when the leaves covered the ground with shades of orange and red, Bratislavský hrad majestically sat on the hill. Sk: Dunaj tiekol pokojne pod ním a vytváral…

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