A Chance Rescue at Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Bilo je to jednog prolećnog dana u Beogradu, kada je sunce blistalo nad veličanstvenim Kalemegdanom, parkom koji priča priče drevnih vremena. En: It was a spring day in Belgrade, when the sun was shining over the magnificent Kalemegdan, a park that tells stories of ancient times. Sr:…

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Cinnamon Mix-Up: A Tale of Spice and Surprise

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Jednog toplog prolećnog popodneva, u srcu starog grada, nalazila se jedna mirisna, stara kafana. En: On a warm spring afternoon, in the heart of the old town, there was a fragrant, old tavern. Sr: U njoj se okupljale duše željne odmora i ukusne hrane. En: It was…

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Accidental Tour Guide’s Fortress Fable

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Jovan je šetao kroz Kalemegdan, uživajući u mirisu proleća. En: Jovan strolled through Kalemegdan, enjoying the scent of spring. Sr: Bio je to lep dan u Beogradu, sunce se smeškalo, a ptice su pevale. En: It was a beautiful day in Belgrade, the sun was smiling, and…

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Rakia’s Carousel: Jovan’s Tavern Tales

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Касно је поподне, сунце полако заставља своје зраке да грле одмарање, а дуг, врлински дан записује свој епилог. En: It is late afternoon, the sun slowly withdrawing its rays to embrace rest, while a long, virtuous day writes its epilogue. Sr: Јован, мушкарац у већим годинама, озарен…

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Melodies & Mishaps: A Kalemegdan Reunion

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Bilo je to toplo prolećno popodne kada se Jovan odlučio prošetati Kalemegdanom. En: It was a warm spring afternoon when Jovan decided to take a walk in Kalemegdan. Sr: Šetajući pored visokih zidina, sa pogledom na ušće Save u Dunav, njegov pogled pade na uličnog muzičara. En:…

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History Meets Humor in Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Ana je hodala savršenim stazama Kalemegdana, gledajući kroz zelenilo parka kome je proleće udahnulo novi život. En: Ana walked along the perfect paths of Kalemegdan, looking through the greenery of the park where spring had breathed new life. Sr: Dani su postajali sve topliji, a ona je…

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Mistaken for Stone: A Love Story

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Bio jednom jedan mladić po imenu Jovan koji je živeo u srcu Beograda, u blizini čuvene Kalemgadanske tvrđave. En: Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jovan who lived in the heart of Belgrade, near the famous Kalemegdan Fortress. Sr: Svako veče, Jovan je…

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Slippers at the Gala: A Tale of Style

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Bilo je jednog običnog prolećnog dana kada je sunce milovalo kamenje tvrđave Kalemegdan. En: It was an ordinary spring day when the sun caressed the stones of the Kalemegdan Fortress. Sr: Milan, Ana i Jovan su bili najbolji prijatelji i uvek su tražili avanture u srcu Beograda.…

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Karaoke Chronicles: A Family’s Unexpected Harmony

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Ана је тревала по свом секретару, скривајући позивницу за породично окупљање. En: Ana was plotting with her secretary, hiding the invitation for a family gathering. Sr: На њено изненађење, Марко је већ био ту, гледајући преко њеног рамена. En: To her surprise, Marko was already there, looking…

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Timeless Encounter: Laughter at Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Bila je sunčana jesenja popodne u Beogradu kada je Milica odlučila da poseti Kalemegdansku tvrđavu. En: It was a sunny autumn afternoon in Belgrade when Milica decided to visit the Kalemegdan Fortress. Sr: Listovi su šuštali pod njenim nogama dok se penjala uz kaldrmisane staze, uživajući u…

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