Unveiling Lisbon’s History: A Journey Through Jerónimos Monastery

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-pt Story Transcript: Pt: Guiomar ajustou os óculos e sorriu para o grupo de turistas. En: Guiomar adjusted her glasses and smiled at the group of tourists. Pt: O dia estava ensolarado em Lisboa, e o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos brilhava sob a luz dourada. En: It was a sunny day…

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The Enigma of Shadows: A Treasure Hunt at the Book Fair

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-br Story Transcript: Pt: O sol brilhava intensamente na feira do livro. En: The sun was shining brightly at the book fair. Pt: Entre as tendas coloridas e o cheiro de páginas novas, Tomás estava sentado em uma mesa com uma pilha de livros à sua frente. En: Among the…

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Uncovering Ancestral Secrets: A Snowy Quest for Hidden Treasures

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-pt Story Transcript: Pt: Guilherme amava a neve. En: Guilherme loved the snow. Pt: Desde criança, adorava passear na Serra da Estrela. En: Since he was a child, he adored strolling in Serra da Estrela. Pt: Naquele inverno, convidou Inês e Cristina para uma aventura. En: That winter, he invited…

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Old Flames Reignite: A Festival Reunion Sparks New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-br Story Transcript: Pt: Era uma tarde ensolarada e o som da música enchia o ar. En: It was a sunny afternoon and the sound of music filled the air. Pt: O festival de música ao ar livre estava no seu auge, com gente dançando e cantando por todos os…

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Exploring Lisbon’s Hidden Mysteries: A Journey Beyond the Sights

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-pt Story Transcript: Pt: Matilde e Olavo chegaram a Lisboa numa tarde ensolarada. En: Matilde and Olavo arrived in Lisbon on a sunny afternoon. Pt: O céu estava azul, e o rio Tejo brilhava ao longe. En: The sky was blue, and the Tagus River glistened in the distance. Pt:…

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Unlocking Hidden Treasures: An Adventure in Chapada Diamantina

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-br Story Transcript: Pt: Era um dia ensolarado no Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina. En: It was a sunny day in Chapada Diamantina National Park. Pt: As montanhas, vales e cachoeiras brilhavam com a luz do sol. En: The mountains, valleys, and waterfalls glistened in the sunlight. Pt: Aparecida estava…

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Sintra’s Enchanted Palace: Unearthing Hidden Treasures

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-pt Story Transcript: Pt: O sol brilhava sobre o Palácio da Pena em Sintra. En: The sun was shining over the Pena Palace in Sintra. Pt: Era uma manhã linda, o céu estava claro e as cores vibrantes do palácio destacavam-se. En: It was a beautiful morning, the sky was…

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The Jungle’s Test: A Thrilling Tale of Survival and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-br Story Transcript: Pt: Nas profundezas da floresta tropical, havia sons de pássaros exóticos. En: In the depths of the rainforest, there were sounds of exotic birds. Pt: O ar era úmido e cheio de vida. En: The air was humid and full of life. Pt: Gustavo, Fabiana e Renato…

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Family Secrets: Fábio’s Lost Brother in Lisbon

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-pt Story Transcript: Pt: Nas ruas estreitas e charmosas de Alfama, Fábio subia os degraus da velha casa da sua avó. En: In the narrow and charming streets of Alfama, Fábio climbed the steps of his grandmother’s old house. Pt: O cheiro de pão fresco e sardinhas assadas enchia o…

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Where Sunsets and Serendipity Converge: A Lookout Point Tale

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-br Story Transcript: Pt: Há um lugar especial na cidade, onde o céu encontra o mar. En: There is a special place in the city where the sky meets the sea. Pt: Esse lugar é o mirante. En: This place is the lookout point. Pt: No mirante, o tempo parece…

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