Dancing Under the Midsummer Sun: The Tale of Three Friends in Bergen

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: I Bergen bor det tre gode venner. En: In Bergen lives three good friends. Nb: De heter Lars, Ingrid og Jørgen. En: Their names are Lars, Ingrid, and Jørgen. Nb: De bor i tre fine, røde hus ved en stor, grønn park. En: They live in three…

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Unbrella-less in Bergen: A Baker’s Wet Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Åpningen:En grå dag i Bergen, våknet Lars tidlig. En: The Opening: On a gray day in Bergen, Lars woke up early. Nb: Det var-alt-for tidlig. En: It was way too early. Nb: Skrik fra en nærme segende måke vekket ham. En: The scream of a seagull approaching…

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The Tale of Ingrid and the Green Umbrella

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: “I Bergen, der fjellene kysser skyene, bodde det en liten dame ved navn Ingrid. En: “In Bergen, where the mountains kiss the clouds, there lived a little lady named Ingrid.” Nb: ” Slik startet en Veldig Enkel Novelle. En: This is how a Very Simple Story began.…

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Chasing Thrills: A First Skiing Adventure in Wintry Oslo

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid og Lars var i Oslo. En: Ingrid and Lars were in Oslo. Nb: De hadde kommet fra en by ved kysten. En: They had come from a town by the coast. Nb: I Oslo skulle de prøve noe nytt. En: In Oslo, they were going to…

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Northern Humor: Tales of Laughter in Oslo

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid går i Oslos gater i glitrende sollys. En: Ingrid walks in the streets of Oslo in the sparkling sunlight. Nb: Ved siden av henne går Lars og Astrid. En: Lars and Astrid walk beside her. Nb: Ingrid er en Osloborger. En: Ingrid is an Oslo citizen.…

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Unlocking the Essence of ‘Hygge’ in the Heart of Oslo

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Lars og Ingrid bor i Oslo. En: Lars and Ingrid live in Oslo. Nb: Oslo er stort. En: Oslo is big. Nb: Det er by i Norge. En: It is a city in Norway. Nb: Mange folk bor i Oslo. En: Many people live in Oslo. Nb:…

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Sunlit Bonds: A Tale of Friendship in Bergen

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Historien starter i en tidlig morgen i Bergen. En: The story starts on an early morning in Bergen. Nb: Solen skinner over de høye fjordene. En: The sun is shining over the high fjords. Nb: Vakre bygninger strekker seg langs havnen. En: Beautiful buildings line the harbor.…

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Lost in Translation: Learning the Heart of Bergen

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: En dag, var Lars og Ingrid i Bergen. En: One day, Lars and Ingrid were in Bergen. Nb: Solen skinte på er blot fjellene i horisonten. En: The sun shone on the bare mountains in the horizon. Nb: Byen var vakker og de var glade. En: The…

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The Bunad Dress Party: A Celebration of Culture in Bergen

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Det var fest i Bergen. En: There was a party in Bergen. Nb: Byen var full av glede og samhold. En: The city was full of joy and unity. Nb: Alle hadde dratt til bunadskjolefesten. En: Everyone had gathered for the bunad dress party. Nb: Blant gjestene…

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