Navigating Friendship: An Adventure in Self-Driving Boats
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: I Bergen er havet overalt. En: In Bergen, the sea is everywhere. Nb: Det er ingen biler. Bare selvkjørende båter. En: There are no cars—just self-driving boats. Nb: Alle reiser med båt, uansett vær. En: Everyone travels by boat, regardless of the weather. Nb: Hver dag er…
Read MoreSnapshots and Sun Salutations: A Day at Frogner Park
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Eirik og Ingrid hadde en idé. En: Eirik and Ingrid had an idea. Nb: De skulle ta bilder av Vigeland-statuene i Frogner Park. En: They would take pictures of the Vigeland statues in Frogner Park. Nb: Det var sol, og alle var glade. En: It was sunny,…
Read MoreDancing in the Rain: A Sibling Adventure at the Bergen Festival
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Det sildret regn i Bergen, men det stoppet ikke folkemengden. En: It was drizzling in Bergen, but that didn’t stop the crowd. Nb: Festivalen var i gang! En: The festival was on! Nb: Ingrid, Marius og lillesøsteren deres, Lillemor, gikk nedover Bryggen. En: Ingrid, Marius, and their…
Read MoreMagical Midsummer: Friendship and Festivities in Bergen’s Glow
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Solen skinte klart over Bergen. En: The sun shone brightly over Bergen. Nb: Gater og torg var fulle av folk som gledet seg til midtsommerfesten. En: Streets and squares were full of people looking forward to the Midsummer festival. Nb: Ingrid gledet seg også. En: Ingrid was…
Read MoreAfter the Deluge: A Family Stands United in Bergen’s Storm
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Sofie våknet med et rykk. En: Sofie woke with a start. Nb: Regnet trommet hardt mot vinduet. En: The rain drummed hard against the window. Nb: Utenfor var Bergen mørkt og vått. En: Outside, Bergen was dark and wet. Nb: Hun gikk ned til kjøkkenet. En: She…
Read MoreExploring the Geirangerfjord: A Class Trip to Nature’s Wonders
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Solen skinte lyst over Geirangerfjorden. En: The sun shone brightly over the Geirangerfjord. Nb: Fjorden lå som en blå perle mellom de bratte fjellene. En: The fjord lay like a blue pearl between the steep mountains. Nb: Åse, Lars og Sigrid var begeistret. En: Åse, Lars, and…
Read MoreMornings at Bryggen: A Day in the Life at Bergen’s Fish Market
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Vinden blåser kaldt på Bryggen i Bergen. En: The wind blows cold at Bryggen in Bergen. Nb: Maja og Sondre står i fiskehallen. En: Maja and Sondre stand in the fish market. Nb: Klokka er seks om morgenen. En: It is six o’clock in the morning. Nb:…
Read MoreRescue on Mount Fløyen: Jacob’s Unforgettable Hiking Adventure
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Jakob våknet tidlig på morgenen. En: Jacob woke up early in the morning. Nb: Solen skinte gjennom vinduet. En: The sun was shining through the window. Nb: Han var spent. En: He was excited. Nb: I dag skulle han til Mount Fløyen i Bergen. En: Today he…
Read MoreFirst Day in Bergen: A Friendship Begins
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: På en solrik morgen i Bergen, våknet Ingrid med sommerfugler i magen. En: On a sunny morning in Bergen, Ingrid woke up with butterflies in her stomach. Nb: Hun skulle starte på en ny skole. En: She was about to start at a new school. Nb: Hennes…
Read MoreRediscovering Bryggen: A Journey Through Time and Taste
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Sofie og Lars sitter på toget. En: Sofie and Lars are sitting on the train. Nb: Toget er på vei til Bergen. En: The train is on its way to Bergen. Nb: Det regner litt ute, men humøret deres er høyt. En: It’s raining a little outside,…
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