Castle Lock-In: Trio’s Secret Adventure

In this episode, we'll uncover the thrilling tale of three friends trapped in the spirals of history, charting a secret path to freedom.

Cy: Pan oedd yr awel yn chwythu'n gryf a'r tonnau'n taro'r harbwr, roedd Gwen, Rhys ac Eleri yn cerdded tuag at Gastell Caernarfon.
En: When the wind was blowing strongly and the waves were hitting the harbor, Gwen, Rhys, and Eleri were walking towards Caernarfon Castle.

Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod heulog a'r awyr yn glas fel lapis lazuli.
En: It was a sunny day and the sky was blue like lapis lazuli.

Cy: Roedd y tri ffrind yn gyffrous iawn.
En: The three friends were very excited.

Cy: Gwen, gyda'i gwallt coch byr a'i llygaid gwyrdd, oedd yr anturiaethwr yn y grŵp.
En: Gwen, with her short red hair and green eyes, was the adventurer in the group.

Cy: Rhys, yn dal ac yn gall, oedd y meddylfryd, a Eleri, gyda'i gwên lydan a'i phen llawn syniadau, oedd yr artist.
En: Rhys, steady and clever, was the thinker, and Eleri, with her broad smile and head full of ideas, was the artist.

Cy: Wedi cerdded trwy'r porthdy, roeddwn ni'n sefyll yng nghanol y castell hanesyddol.
En: After walking through the gateway, we stood in the middle of the historic castle.

Cy: Gwen, bob amser yn chwilio am antur, aeth ar ei phen ei hun i archwilio un o'r tyrau.
En: Gwen, always seeking adventure, went off on her own to explore one of the towers.

Cy: Roedd y grisiau'n troelli'n serth uchel i fyny, ond Gwen oedd yn ddewr ac yn ddi-ofn.
En: The stairs twisted steeply upwards, but Gwen was brave and unafraid.

Cy: Rhys a Eleri aeth i edrych ar y cestyll a'r gweddillion pethau arall.
En: Rhys and Eleri went to look at the castles and the remains of other things.

Cy: Ar ôl dringo am sbel, daeth Gwen i ystafell fach gyda ffenest sy'n edrych allan dros y môr.
En: After climbing for a while, Gwen came to a small room with a window overlooking the sea.

Cy: Ac yno, yn sydyn, gwrandai'r drws.
En: And there, suddenly, she heard the door.

Cy: Roedd Gwen yn y tu ol i'r drws caeedig, a'r cwsmeriaid eraill yn gadael ar ôl diwrnod o hwyliogedd.
En: Gwen was behind the locked door, and the other customers were leaving after a day of fun.

Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod bod angen dod o hyd i ffordd i ddianc heb i neb sylwi ar ei absenoldeb.
En: She knew she needed to find a way to escape without anyone noticing her absence.

Cy: Teimlodd Gwen wrth y waliau carreg am ryw fath o gyfrinach.
En: Gwen felt the stone walls for some kind of secret.

Cy: A dyna pryd y gwelodd hi, ychydig uwchben y ffenestr - cloch bach, rhyfedd wedi'i guddio gan y mwsogl.
En: And that's when she saw, a little above the window - a small key, strangely hidden by the moss.

Cy: Rhys a Eleri, wedi sylweddoli nad oedd Gwen gyda nhw, dechreuodd chwilio.
En: Rhys and Eleri, realizing that Gwen wasn't with them, began searching.

Cy: Clywsant y gloch yn canu.
En: They heard the key singing.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn cydnabod hyn fel arwydd gan Gwen.
En: Rhys recognized this as a sign from Gwen.

Cy: Dull Gwen o ddweud wrthynt ei bod hi mewn trafferth heb siarad.
En: Gwen's way of telling them that she was in trouble without speaking.

Cy: Darganfyddodd Rhys a Eleri'r drws wedi'i gloi.
En: Rhys and Eleri discovered the locked door.

Cy: Gyda chydweithrediad a syniad cyflym gan Eleri i ddefnyddio haiarn bariau fel ysgol i ddringo i'r ffenestr uwchben, llwyddodd Rhys i dorri i mewn i'r ystafell ac agor y drws i Gwen.
En: With cooperation and a quick idea from Eleri to use iron bars as a ladder to climb to the window, Rhys managed to break into the room and open the door to Gwen.

Cy: Gwen, Rhys, ac Eleri roedd yn benderfynol o gadw'r stori fel eu dirgelwch bach eu hunain.
En: Gwen, Rhys, and Eleri were determined to keep the story as their little secret.

Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw adael Castell Caernarfon fel grŵp unwaith eto, doedd neb y tu allan i'r grŵp yn gwybod am yr antur fach a gafodd yn y tyrau uchel.
En: As they left Caernarfon Castle as a group once again, no one outside the group knew about the little adventure they had in the high towers.

Cy: Ac felly, mae anturiaethau'r tri ffrind yn parhau, gan aros am y diwrnod nesaf a'r penderfyniad nesaf i ddod.
En: And so, the adventures of the three friends continue, awaiting the next day and the next decision to come.