Belgrade’s Treasures: Strolling Knez Mihailova’s Hidden Gems

In this episode, we'll join Miloš and Jelena on a heartwarming journey through Belgrade's Knez Mihailova Street, discovering traditional handmade crafts and the timeless charm of Serbian culture.

Sr: Sunce je sijalo iznad Kneza Mihailove ulice, poznato mesto u Beogradu.
En: The sun was shining over Knez Mihailova Street, a famous spot in Belgrade.

Sr: To je bio savršen dan za šetnju.
En: It was a perfect day for a walk.

Sr: Miloš i Jelena su uživali šetajući među starim zgradama i tezgama sa raznim ručnim radovima.
En: Miloš and Jelena enjoyed strolling among the old buildings and stalls with various handmade crafts.

Sr: „Jelena, pogledaj ovu narukvicu,“ reče Miloš, pokazujući na šarenu, ručno izrađenu narukvicu.
En: “Jelena, look at this bracelet,” Miloš said, pointing to a colorful, handmade bracelet.

Sr: „Prelepa je,“ odgovori ona.
En: “It’s beautiful,” she replied.

Sr: „Divno bi išla uz moju novu haljinu.“
En: “It would go wonderfully with my new dress.”

Sr: Ubrzo su došli do tezgice sa tradicionalnim srpskim handcrafts.
En: Soon, they arrived at a stall selling traditional Serbian handcrafts.

Sr: Stariji čovek sa bradom stajao je iza tezgice i ljubazno ih je pozdravio.
En: An older man with a beard stood behind the stall and greeted them kindly.

Sr: „Dobar dan! Dobrodošli! Sve je ručni rad,“ rekao je.
En: “Good day! Welcome! Everything is handmade,” he said.

Sr: Miloš je uzeo narukvicu i detaljno je proučio.
En: Miloš picked up the bracelet and examined it closely.

Sr: „Koliko košta?“ upitao je.
En: “How much does it cost?” he asked.

Sr: „Ova narukvica je 1000 dinara,“ odgovorio je prodavac.
En: “This bracelet is 1,000 dinars,” the seller replied.

Sr: Jelena je stavila narukvicu na ruku.
En: Jelena put the bracelet on her wrist.

Sr: „Izgleda prelepo, Miloše,“ rekla je s osmehom.
En: “It looks beautiful, Miloš,” she said with a smile.

Sr: Miloš se saglasio i odlučio da je kupi za Jelenu.
En: Miloš agreed and decided to buy it for Jelena.

Sr: Platili su prodavcu i nastavili da se šetaju.
En: They paid the seller and continued their walk.

Sr: „Pogledaj ove lutke,“ rekla je Jelena kada su stali kod sledeće tezge.
En: “Look at these dolls,” Jelena said when they stopped at the next stall.

Sr: Bile su to male, ručno izrađene lutke u tradicionalnoj srpskoj nošnji.
En: They were small, handmade dolls in traditional Serbian costumes.

Sr: „Mama bi ih volela,“ rekao je Miloš.
En: “Mom would love these,” Miloš said.

Sr: „Hajde da uzmemo jednu za nju.“
En: “Let’s get one for her.”

Sr: Prodavačica iza tezge je ljubazno objasnila kako su lutke napravljene i koju simboliku imaju.
En: The seller behind the stall kindly explained how the dolls were made and what they symbolized.

Sr: Miloš i Jelena su izabrali lutku i dodali je u svoju kupovinu.
En: Miloš and Jelena chose a doll and added it to their purchases.

Sr: Kako su nastavili šetnju, Miloš je primetio dugačak šal sa šarama koje su podsećale na etno motive.
En: As they continued walking, Miloš noticed a long scarf with patterns that reminded him of ethnic motifs.

Sr: „To bi bio pravi poklon za mog oca!“ uzviknuo je.
En: “That would be the perfect gift for my father!” he exclaimed.

Sr: Kad su završili kupovinu, osvrnuli su se oko sebe.
En: When they finished shopping, they looked around.

Sr: Bili su okruženi osmehom prodavaca i zadovoljnim posetiocima.
En: They were surrounded by the smiles of sellers and satisfied visitors.

Sr: „Ovaj dan je bio tako divan,“ rekla je Jelena.
En: “This day has been so wonderful,” Jelena said.

Sr: Miloš se složio i znali su da će se uvek vraćati na Knez Mihailovu, gde su tradicija i ljubaznost uvek prisutni.
En: Miloš agreed, knowing they would always return to Knez Mihailova, where tradition and kindness are ever-present.

Sr: Dok su napuštali ulicu sa svojim novim blagom, osmehnuli su se jedno drugome.
En: As they left the street with their new treasures, they smiled at each other.

Sr: To je bio dan koji će zauvek pamtiti.
En: It was a day they would remember forever.