Beach Buddies: Fun Times Together!

In this episode, we'll join Lars, Sofie, and Mads as they learn about teamwork and the power of laughter at the beach.

Da: Lars og Sofie gik til stranden.
En: Lars and Sofie went to the beach.

Da: De havde deres spande og skovle med sig, og de var klar til at bygge et stort sandslot.
En: They had their buckets and shovels with them and they were ready to build a big sandcastle.

Da: Da de var færdige, begyndte de at lege og hygge sig.
En: When they were done, they started playing and enjoying themselves.

Da: Men så kom Mads, og han ville spille beachvolley.
En: But then Mads came and he wanted to play beach volleyball.

Da: Han spurgte, om han måtte spille ved siden af dem.
En: He asked if he could play next to them.

Da: De sagde ja, og Mads begyndte at smashe bolden.
En: They said yes, and Mads started smashing the ball.

Da: Lars og Sofie blev ved med at lege og bygge sandslotte, mens Mads fortsatte med at spille.
En: Lars and Sofie continued to play and build sand castles, while Mads continued to play.

Da: Pludselig smadrer Mads bolden ind i sandslottet og får det hele til at vælte.
En: Suddenly, Mads smashes the ball into the sandcastle and causes the whole thing to topple over.

Da: Lars og Sofie blev skuffede, men Mads grinede og undskyldte.
En: Lars and Sofie were disappointed, but Mads laughed and apologized.

Da: De begyndte at tage slottet ned og samle sandet op, og Mads hjalp med at bygge det igen.
En: They started taking the castle down and picking up the sand, and Mads helped build it again.

Da: Nu var sandslottet endnu større og flottere end før.
En: Now the sandcastle was even bigger and more beautiful than before.

Da: De besluttede sig for at spille beachvolley sammen, og det var sjovt.
En: They decided to play beach volleyball together and it was fun.

Da: De lavede masser af fejl og tabte, men de grinede bare og havde det sjovt.
En: They made lots of mistakes and lost, but they just laughed and had fun.

Da: Da solen begyndte at gå ned, og det blev for koldt at være på stranden, gik de hjem sammen.
En: When the sun began to set and it became too cold to be on the beach, they walked home together.

Da: De var trætte, men glade og havde haft en dejlig dag sammen.
En: They were tired but happy and had had a lovely day together.