In this episode, we'll uncover how Maarja triumphs over her newfound allergy, rekindling her love for roses with the power of resilience and knowledge.
Et: Kadrioru pargis, suvise päikese all, jalutasid Maarja ja Kalle.
En: In Kadriorg Park, under the summer sun, Maarja and Kalle were strolling.
Et: Maarja, noor botaanik, imetles lillede ilu.
En: Maarja, a young botanist, admired the beauty of the flowers.
Et: Eriti roosid olid tema lemmikud.
En: Roses were especially her favorites.
Et: Roosiaed lõhnas imeliselt ja oli täis erksaid roosiõisi.
En: The rose garden smelled wonderful and was full of bright rose blooms.
Et: Kalle, tema kolleeg ja hea sõber, oli Maarjaga koos, sest neil oli vaba päev.
En: Kalle, her colleague and good friend, was with Maarja because they both had a day off.
Et: Maarjal oli viimasel ajal olnud mure.
En: Maarja had been worried lately.
Et: Ta kartis, et on tekkinud allergia.
En: She feared she might have developed an allergy.
Et: Kui nad sisenesid aeda, tundis Maarja taas tuttavat kurgukõdi.
En: As they entered the garden, Maarja felt that familiar tickle in her throat again.
Et: Ta hakkas aevastama ja silmad läksid vesiseks.
En: She began to sneeze and her eyes became watery.
Et: "Oi, ei," pomises ta endamisi, kurbusest ohates.
En: "Oh no," she muttered to herself, sighing with sadness.
Et: Maarja armastas oma tööd ja kartis, et allergia võib selle ohustada.
En: Maarja loved her job and was afraid that the allergy might jeopardize it.
Et: Kalle märkas Maarja muret.
En: Kalle noticed Maarja's concern.
Et: "Maarja, kas kõik on korras?"
En: "Maarja, is everything alright?"
Et: küsis ta murelikult.
En: he asked worriedly.
Et: Maarja noogutas, püüdes naeratada.
En: Maarja nodded, trying to smile.
Et: Kuid tema sisemuses kasvas hirm.
En: But deep inside, fear was growing.
Et: Ta teadis, et Kallel oli meditsiini taust.
En: She knew Kalle had a background in medicine.
Et: "Ma arvan, et mul võib olla allergia," tunnistas Maarja lõpuks.
En: "I think I might have an allergy," Maarja finally admitted.
Et: Kalle uuris tema sümptomeid.
En: Kalle examined her symptoms.
Et: "Äkki teeme pausi ja vaatame, kas need sümptomid mööduvad," pakkus Kalle.
En: "Maybe we should take a break and see if these symptoms pass," Kalle suggested.
Et: Maarja nõustus, kuid tema süda oli raske.
En: Maarja agreed, but her heart was heavy.
Et: Ta otsustas siiski pargis viibida, lootes, et see oli ainult ajutine reaktsioon.
En: However, she decided to stay in the park, hoping it was just a temporary reaction.
Et: Kümme minutit hiljem läks asi hullemaks.
En: Ten minutes later, things got worse.
Et: Maarja tundis, kuidas hingamine raskeneb.
En: Maarja felt her breathing becoming labored.
Et: "Kalle, ma ei suuda nii jätkata," ütles Maarja, köhatades.
En: "Kalle, I can't continue like this," said Maarja, coughing.
Et: Kalle aitas Maarjal pargist lahkuda ja nad suundusid arsti juurde.
En: Kalle helped Maarja leave the park, and they headed to the doctor.
Et: Pärast lühikest visiiti kinnitas arst, et Maarjal on õrn õietolmuallergia.
En: After a short visit, the doctor confirmed that Maarja had a mild pollen allergy.
Et: "Aga ära muretse," ütles arst rahustavalt.
En: "But don't worry," the doctor said reassuringly.
Et: "Sa saad seda ravimitega kontrollida."
En: "You can control it with medication."
Et: Maarja tundis kergendust.
En: Maarja felt relieved.
Et: Mõni päev hiljem naasis ta parki, seekord ettevalmistatult.
En: A few days later, she returned to the park, this time prepared.
Et: Ta kandis ravimeid kaasas ja teadis, kuidas sümptomeid ennetada.
En: She carried her medications and knew how to prevent the symptoms.
Et: Maarja naeratas, kui tundis taas rooside lõhna, ohust vaba.
En: Maarja smiled as she smelled the roses again, feeling free from threat.
Et: Ta teadis nüüd, et ükski allergia ei suuda tema armastust taimede vastu kustutada.
En: She now knew that no allergy could extinguish her love for plants.
Et: Maarja oli õppinud, et tema kirg ei pea kannatama ja et teadmised võivad hirmu leevendada.
En: Maarja had learned that her passion did not have to suffer and that knowledge could alleviate fear.
Et: Ta oli kindel, et miski ei takista teda nautimast oma armastust lillede vastu, isegi kui väike allergia püüdis tema teele tulla.
En: She was confident that nothing would stop her from enjoying her love for flowers, even if a small allergy tried to get in her way.