Balancing Love and Ambition: Andrija’s Zagreb Story

In this episode, we'll explore how Andrija navigates the challenges of a long-distance relationship while excelling in his studies, proving that love and ambition can harmoniously coexist.

Hr: U srcu Zagreba, u starom internet kafiću, Andrija sjedi za računalom.
En: In the heart of Zagreb, in an old internet café, Andrija sits at a computer.

Hr: Kafić je mračan, ali topao.
En: The café is dark but warm.

Hr: Svjetlo ljetnoga dana probija se kroz male prozore.
En: The light of the summer day penetrates through the small windows.

Hr: Zvuk tipkanja se čuje posvuda.
En: The sound of typing is heard all around.

Hr: Andrija pohađa svoje online ljetne kolegije.
En: Andrija is attending his online summer courses.

Hr: Petra studira u drugome gradu.
En: Petra studies in another city.

Hr: Ona je daleko, ali svaki dan misli na Andriju.
En: She is far away, but every day she thinks of Andrija.

Hr: Ona mu mnogo nedostaje.
En: She misses him a lot.

Hr: Andrija je vrijedan i posvećen učenju.
En: Andrija is hardworking and dedicated to his studies.

Hr: Ali, osjeća pritisak zbog školskog rada i udaljenost od Petre.
En: However, he feels pressured by his schoolwork and the distance from Petra.

Hr: Voli je jako i ne želi je razočarati.
En: He loves her very much and does not want to disappoint her.

Hr: Petra je neovisna, voli svoje studije.
En: Petra is independent; she loves her studies.

Hr: Ali, često se osjeća usamljeno bez Andrije.
En: But she often feels lonely without Andrija.

Hr: Oni razgovaraju putem interneta.
En: They talk over the internet.

Hr: Ali, nije isto kao biti zajedno.
En: But it’s not the same as being together.

Hr: Andrija želi zadržati svoju vezu s Petrom.
En: Andrija wants to maintain his relationship with Petra.

Hr: Želi da njihova veza uspije.
En: He wants their relationship to succeed.

Hr: Jednoga dana, Andrija odluči nešto promijeniti.
En: One day, Andrija decides to make a change.

Hr: Odluči žrtvovati malo svog vremena za učenje.
En: He decides to sacrifice a little of his study time.

Hr: Planira virtualne sastanke s Petrom.
En: He plans virtual meetings with Petra.

Hr: Pošalje joj lijepe poruke.
En: He sends her beautiful messages.

Hr: Želi smanjiti emocionalnu udaljenost.
En: He wants to reduce the emotional distance.

Hr: Tjedan je posebno stresan.
En: The week is particularly stressful.

Hr: Andrija ima mnogo ispitivanja.
En: Andrija has many exams.

Hr: No, organizira iznenađenje za Petru.
En: But he organizes a surprise for Petra.

Hr: Dogovori se za virtualni sastanak.
En: He arranges for a virtual meeting.

Hr: Petru iznenadi.
En: He surprises Petra.

Hr: Razgovaraju dugo.
En: They talk for a long time.

Hr: Dijele svoje strahove i nade.
En: They share their fears and hopes.

Hr: Razgovor ih zbližava.
En: The conversation brings them closer together.

Hr: Osjećaju se bliže nego ikad.
En: They feel closer than ever.

Hr: Na kraju, iako su daleko, osjećaju se emocionalno bližima.
En: In the end, although they are far apart, they feel emotionally closer.

Hr: Dogovore da će redovito razgovarati.
En: They agree to talk regularly.

Hr: Uravnotežit će studije i svoju vezu.
En: They will balance their studies and their relationship.

Hr: Andrija nauči važnost emocionalne dostupnosti i upravljanja vremenom.
En: Andrija learns the importance of emotional availability and time management.

Hr: Shvati da ljubav zahtijeva trud i posvećenost.
En: He realizes that love requires effort and dedication.

Hr: Kafić i dalje bruji.
En: The café still buzzes.

Hr: Andrija se smiješi.
En: Andrija smiles.

Hr: Osjeća se bolje.
En: He feels better.

Hr: Zna da je Petra sretna.
En: He knows Petra is happy.

Hr: Nastavlja s učenjem, ali sada zna da balansiranjem može imati oboje – uspjeh u školovanju i sretnu vezu s Petrom.
En: He continues studying, but now he knows balancing can give him both—success in school and a happy relationship with Petra.