Bag Swap at Britain’s Longest Named Station

explore an unexpected bag swap at the train station with the longest name, where two strangers find laughter, adventure, and a touch of romance

Cy: O'r gwawr i'r hwyr, roedd gorsaf trenau Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch yn lle fythol ryfeddol.
En: From dawn until late, the train station in Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch was a truly remarkable place.

Cy: Yn y lle hwnnw, lle mae'r enw mor hir â thraethawd, cwrddodd Gwyneth â Dylan ar fore braf o haf.
En: In this place, with a name as long as a thesis, Gwyneth met Dylan on a beautiful summer morning.

Cy: Gwyneth oedd yn ferch ifanc siriol gyda gwallt melyn fel y haul.
En: Gwyneth was a cheerful young girl with hair as yellow as the sun.

Cy: Roedd yn mynd ar wyliau i Llundain am y tro cyntaf.
En: She was going on vacation to London for the first time.

Cy: Dylan, ar y llaw arall, oedd teithiwr cyson, yn crwydro o le i le gyda'i gês lwmp o ddillad.
En: On the other hand, Dylan was a constant traveler, wandering from place to place with a knapsack full of clothes.

Cy: Dyma hwy yn sefyll ar y platfform, pob un yn syfrdanu at harddwch yr orsaf a'r enw hirfaith.
En: Here they were standing on the platform, each one marveling at the beauty of the station and its incredibly long name.

Cy: Yn anffodus, roedd pob un mewn brys ofnadwy.
En: Unfortunately, they were both in a terrible hurry.

Cy: Ar ôl cyfarchiad cyflym a chwerthin am ryfeddod yr enw, rhaid oedd rhuthro i ddal eu trenau.
En: After a quick greeting and a laugh about the wonder of the name, they had to rush to catch their trains.

Cy: "Hyfryd cwrdd â ti, Dylan," meddai Gwyneth.
En: "Lovely to meet you, Dylan," said Gwyneth.

Cy: "Ditto, Gwyneth!
En: "Ditto, Gwyneth!"

Cy: " atebodd Dylan gyda gwên.
En: Dylan replied with a smile.

Cy: Wrth i'r trenau gyrraedd a'r ddau anghofio am amser, fe wnaethant frysio i'r cerbydau priodol.
En: As the trains arrived and they both forgot about time, they hurried to the appropriate carriages.

Cy: Ond yn eu hystlum, fe wnaethant gymryd y bagiau anghywir.
En: But in their haste, they took the wrong bags.

Cy: Cyrhaeddodd Gwyneth ei sedd a sylwi yna'n sydyn - roedd hi gyda bag Dylan!
En: Gwyneth reached her seat and quickly noticed she had Dylan's bag!

Cy: Pan agorodd Dylan ei fag yn ei westy yn Llundain, chwarddodd wrth ddod o hyd i ddillad Gwyneth.
En: When Dylan opened his bag at his London hotel, he was surprised to find Gwyneth's clothes.

Cy: Roedd ganddi ffrogiau lliwgar a hetiau heulog, dim tebyg i'w grysau-twf a'i siorts.
En: She had colorful dresses and sunny hats, quite different from his shirts and shorts.

Cy: Yn ôl yn Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, roedd Gwyneth yn syllu ar grysau chwys a throusers Dylan.
En: Back in Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, Gwyneth was staring at Dylan's sturdy shirts and trousers.

Cy: Does dim dewis, meddyliai.
En: There's no choice, she thought.

Cy: Fe rhaid wisgo'r dillad.
En: She had to wear the clothes.

Cy: Fe wnaeth y dewis anodd i wisgo crys Dylan gyda'i jîns tywyll.
En: It was difficult for her to choose to wear Dylan's shirt with her dark jeans.

Cy: Dylan, yn ei westy, gwisgodd ffrog Gwyneth - ffrog las â blodau melyn - ac aeth allan am dro yn Llundain.
En: In his hotel, Dylan put on Gwyneth's dress - a blue dress with yellow flowers - and went out for a walk in London.

Cy: Roedd pobl yn sylwi a gwenu, ond roedd Dylan yn mwynhau'r antur.
En: People noticed and smiled, but Dylan enjoyed the adventure.

Cy: Ar ôl sefyllfa ddoniol, penderfynodd Dylan ysgrifennu llythyr i Gwyneth.
En: After a funny situation, Dylan decided to write a letter to Gwyneth.

Cy: Fe anfonodd y llythyr oddi ar yr orsaf lle cwrddasant, gan roi cyfarwyddiadau sut i anfon y bagiau'n ôl.
En: He sent the letter from the station where they met, giving directions on how to return the bags.

Cy: Gwyneth, syrprisiedig ond yn foddlon, ysgrifennodd ateb, gan ddiolch iddo am ei synnwyr hiwmor a'i caredigrwydd.
En: Gwyneth, surprised but content, wrote a reply, thanking him for his humor and kindness.

Cy: Yn y pendraw, fe dderbyniodd Gwyneth ei bagiau'n ôl gan Dylan gyda llythyr cyflym:"Diolch i ti, Gwyneth, am yr antur.
En: In the end, Gwyneth received her bags back from Dylan with a quick note:

"Thank you, Gwyneth, for the adventure.

Cy: Mae'n well gen i fy nillad fy hun, ond mae cael profiad newydd bob amser yn gyfoethog.
En: I prefer my own clothes, but having a new experience is always enriching."

Cy: "Gwyneth chwerthinodd wrth iddi ailwisgo ei ffrogiau a gweld llun o Dylan yn ei ffrog las.
En: Gwyneth laughed as she put on her clothes and saw a picture of Dylan in his blue dress.

Cy: Roedd y ddau'n gwerthfawrogi'r digwyddiad fel antur bersonol, ac yn aros mewn cyswllt, wedi eu huno gan wallt gwallgo a gwallt haul, a gorsaf gyda'r enw hiraf ym Mhrydain.
En: Both appreciated the event as a personal adventure, and remained in touch, united by messy and sunny hair, and a station with the longest name in Britain.