Ascending Love: A Proposal atop Triglav’s Peak

In this episode, we'll hike to the peak of Triglav with Miha and Alenka as they navigate love, career changes, and the promise of a future together amidst Slovenia's breathtaking scenery.

Sl: V poletni vročini je bilo nebo nad Triglavskim narodnim parkom jasno in modro.
En: In the summer heat, the sky above Triglav National Park was clear and blue.

Sl: Ptice so pele.
En: Birds were singing.

Sl: Miha in Alenka sta se povzpela po kamniti poti, obdana z zelenjem in cvetjem.
En: Miha and Alenka were climbing the rocky path, surrounded by greenery and flowers.

Sl: Triglav, najvišji slovenski vrh, je bil njun cilj.
En: Triglav, the highest peak in Slovenia, was their goal.

Sl: "Alenka, si v redu?" je vprašal Miha.
En: "Alenka, are you okay?" Miha asked.

Sl: Vedel je, da je Alenka utrujena od naporne službe.
En: He knew that Alenka was tired from her demanding job.

Sl: "Ja, Miha. Samo malce sem zaskrbljena," je priznala. Pogledala je gor proti vrhu.
En: "Yes, Miha. I'm just a bit worried," she admitted, looking up towards the peak.

Sl: "In razmišljam."
En: "And I'm thinking."

Sl: Hodila sta naprej v tišini.
En: They continued walking in silence.

Sl: Zrak je bil svež.
En: The air was fresh.

Sl: Alenka se je ustavila pod drevesom in sedla.
En: Alenka stopped under a tree and sat down.

Sl: "Miha, misliš, da je ta izlet dobra ideja?"
En: "Miha, do you think this trip is a good idea?"

Sl: Miha je sedel poleg nje.
En: Miha sat beside her.

Sl: "Alenka, mislim, da je ravno pravšen trenutek."
En: "Alenka, I think this is exactly the right moment."

Sl: Srce mu je bilo hitro.
En: His heart was beating fast.

Sl: Zdaj je bil čas.
En: Now was the time.

Sl: "Alenka, želim te nekaj vprašati."
En: "Alenka, I want to ask you something."

Sl: Alenka je pogledala Miho v oči.
En: Alenka looked Miha in the eye.

Sl: Bil je resen.
En: He was serious.

Sl: "Kaj je, Miha?"
En: "What is it, Miha?"

Sl: Miha je vzel sapo.
En: Miha took a deep breath.

Sl: "Alenka, želim, da razmisliva o najini prihodnosti.
En: "Alenka, I want us to think about our future.

Sl: Želim, da se zaveževa drug drugemu.
En: I want us to commit to each other.

Sl: Da živiva skupaj.
En: To live together.

Sl: Alenka je bila presenečena.
En: Alenka was surprised.

Sl: Umaknila je pogled proti goram.
En: She looked away towards the mountains.

Sl: "Miha, jaz... ne vem.
En: "Miha, I... I don't know.

Sl: Moje delo me izčrpa.
En: My job exhausts me.

Sl: Razmišljam o zamenjavi kariere.
En: I'm considering a career change.

Sl: Ne vem, ali sem pripravljena."
En: I don't know if I'm ready."

Sl: "Alenka, razumem.
En: "Alenka, I understand.

Sl: A jaz te ljubim."
En: But I love you."

Sl: Miha ji je stisnil roko.
En: Miha squeezed her hand.

Sl: "Želim ti stati ob strani, ne glede na tvoje odločitve."
En: "I want to stand by you, no matter what decisions you make."

Sl: Alenka je globoko vdihnila.
En: Alenka took a deep breath.

Sl: Danes je bil praznik Marijinega vnebovzetja.
En: Today was the Feast of the Assumption.

Sl: Morda je to znak, je pomislila.
En: Maybe it's a sign, she thought.

Sl: "Miha, tudi jaz te ljubim.
En: "Miha, I love you too.

Sl: Ampak si pripravljena na to, da oba doseževa ravnovesje?
En: But are you prepared for us to find balance?

Sl: Da podpiram tvoje cilje in ti moje?"
En: To support your goals and you mine?"

Sl: Miha je prikimal.
En: Miha nodded.

Sl: "Seveda, Alenka.
En: "Of course, Alenka.

Sl: Točno to želim."
En: That's exactly what I want."

Sl: Nadaljevala sta pot proti vrhu v tišini.
En: They continued their journey towards the summit in silence.

Sl: Ta tišina ni bila moteča, ampak pomirjujoča.
En: This silence was not unsettling but soothing.

Sl: Gledala sta naravo okoli njiju in uživala v trenutku.
En: They watched the nature around them and enjoyed the moment.

Sl: Na vrhu sta stala ob robu pečine.
En: At the top, they stood at the edge of a cliff.

Sl: Pogled je bil dih jemajoč.
En: The view was breathtaking.

Sl: Miha je segel v žep in izvlekel majhno škatlico.
En: Miha reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

Sl: "Alenka, poroči se z mano," je rekel z nežnim glasom in odprl škatlico, ki je razkrila prstan.
En: "Alenka, marry me," he said gently, opening the box to reveal a ring.

Sl: Alenka je začutila toplino in srečo.
En: Alenka felt warmth and happiness.

Sl: "Miha, ja, poročila se bom s tabo.
En: "Miha, yes, I will marry you.

Sl: Ampak želim, da podpirava drug drugega v vsem."
En: But I want us to support each other in everything."

Sl: Miha jo je objel.
En: Miha hugged her.

Sl: "To obljubljam, Alenka.
En: "I promise, Alenka.

Sl: Skupaj bova našla ravnovesje in srečo."
En: Together, we will find balance and happiness."

Sl: Vrnila sta se proti dolini, roki v roki.
En: They returned to the valley, hand in hand.

Sl: Začela sta novo poglavje svojega življenja, kjer sta bila oba pripravljena rasti skupaj, podpirati se in najti skladje med osebno srečo in skupnimi cilji.
En: They began a new chapter of their lives, where they were both ready to grow together, support each other, and find harmony between personal happiness and shared goals.